Low GDD Ultrafast Mirrors for 970 nm - 1150 nm

  • Ideal for Fundamental Harmonic of Nd:YAG Lasers
  • High Reflectance Over 970 - 1150 nm
  • Group Delay Dispersion < 30 fs2





Application Idea

UM10-45B Low GDD Mirror
in a POLARIS-K1 Mirror Mount

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Item # UM05-45B UM10-45B
Design Wavelength Range 970 - 1150 nm
Diameter 1/2" (12.7 mm) 1" (25.4 mm)
Diameter Tolerance +0.00 / -0.10 mm
Thickness 6.4 mm (0.25") 9.5 mm (0.37")
Thickness Tolerance ±0.20 mm
Clear Aperture >80% of Diameter
Reflectance Rs > 99% (970 - 1150 nm)
Rp > 99% (1020 - 1080 nm)
Angle of Incidence 45°
Group Delay Dispersion |GDDs| < 30 fs² (970 - 1150 nm)
|GDDp| < 30 fs² (1020 - 1080 nm)
Laser Induced
Damage Thresholda
0.40 J/cm2 (1030 nm, 309 fs FWHM, S-Pol, 1000 Pulses)
Substrate Fused Silica
Front Surface Flatness λ/4 at 632.8 nm
Over Clear Aperture
λ/6 at 632.8 nm
Over Clear Aperture
Front Surface Quality 15-5 Scratch-Dig
Parallelism ≤3 arcmin
Back Surface Polished
  • For ultrafast optics, the laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) is defined as the fluence (per pulse) that produces visible damage after a given number of pulses. LIDT values are not guaranteed in the ultrashort pulse regime. As such, they are provided as a service to customers.


  • Low Group Delay Dispersion: |GDD| < 30 fs2
  • Ideal for Pulses Shorter than 250 fs
  • Reflectance Greater than 99%
  • Ø1/2" and Ø1" Mirrors Available

Thorlabs' Low Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) Mirrors feature a coating designed for high reflectance in the 970 nm - 1150 nm range. The wavelength range is optimized for Ytterbium (Yb) and Neodymium (Nd) lasers. These mirrors are ideal for applications where pulse broadening is a concern and are designed for a 45° angle of incidence. The dielectric coating is applied with an ion-beam-sputtering (IBS) technique, providing a highly controlled and durable dielectric thin film coating.

These mirrors offer an ideal combination of greater than 99% reflectance and less than 30 fs2 GDD. For details, please see the Graphs tab.

Our low GDD mirrors are available with either a 1/2" or 1" diameter. The edge of each optic is engraved with the item number and an arrowhead pointing to the coated surface. The back surface of these mirrors is polished so that the small percentage of light that leaks through the reflective coating may be used for applications such as power monitoring.

In addition to the low GDD mirrors here, Thorlabs also offers Low GDD Mirrors for various other wavelength ranges. For mirrors designed for the second harmonic of Nd:YAG lasers, see our Low GDD Ultrafast Mirrors for 460 - 590 nm. For our full selection of optics for ultrafast applications, please see the Ultrafast Optics tab.

The graphs below are theoretical results of the reflectance and the group delay dispersion and represent the designed coating performance. Both plots are shown for an AOI of 45°. 

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The shaded region represents the specified wavelength range where RS>99%.
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The shaded region represents the specified wavelength range where S-Polarization GDD<|30 fs2|. The GDD values fluctuate rapidly outside of the GDD design wavelength range, which is shaded in the plot.

Thorlabs offers a wide selection of optics optimized for use with Nd:YAG lasers. Please see below for more information.

Nd:YAG Optics Selection
Dielectric Mirrors Ultrafast Mirrors
Laser Line Mirrors, 1064 nm, 532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm Right-Angle Prism Mirrors, Nd:YAG Laser Lines Cage Cube-Mounted Turning Prism Mirrors Nd:Yag Ultrafast Mirrors
Laser Line Mirrors,
1064 nm, 532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm
Right-Angle Prism Mirrors,
1064 nm, 532 nm
Cage Cube-Mounted Prism Mirrors,
1064 nm, 532 nm
Low GDD Ultrafast Mirrors,
1064 nm or 532 nm
Beamsplitters Objectives
Harmonic Beamsplitters, 1064 nm, 532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm High-Power Polarizing Beamsplitter Cubes, 1064 nm, 532 nm High Power Focusing Objectives, 1064 nm, 532 nm
Harmonic Beamsplitters,
1064 nm, 532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm
High-Power Polarizing Beamsplitter Cubes, 1064 nm, 532 nm: Unmounted or Mounted Non-Polarizing Plate Beamsplitters, 1064 nm, 532 nm High Power Focusing Objectives,
1064 nm, 532 nm
Lenses Filters
UVFS Plano-Convex Lenses, 1064 nm, 532 nm Air-Spaced Doublets, 1064 nm, 532 nm Laser Line Filters, 1064 nm Laser Line Filters, 532 nm
UVFS Plano-Convex Lenses:
532 nm/1064 nm: Unmounted or Mounted
532 nm: Unmounted
1064 nm: Unmounted
Air-Spaced Doublets,
1064 nm, 532 nm
Laser Line Filters, 1064 nm:
Standard or Premium
Laser Line Filters, 532 nm:
Standard or Premium

Posted Comments:
slm9  (posted 2014-08-22 11:24:18.123)
Dear Thorlabs-Team Do you have some specs for this coating if this mirror will be used under AOI 0°? I would like to know the spectral shift and the low GDD behavior @AOI 0°. Thanks and with best regards Markus
besembeson  (posted 2014-08-25 06:25:53.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: We have theoretical plots for the reflectivity and GDD when used at 0 deg in comparison to 45 deg. Our European office will followup with you by email regarding this.
strotherj  (posted 2014-03-26 15:43:56.47)
It would be nice to have mirror that would do 850nm to 1050nm, these are the wavelengths used for imaging fluorescent proteins. At present we use protected silver mirrors, and just accept that we lose most of our light in the mirrors.
besembeson  (posted 2014-03-27 04:51:45.0)
Response from Bweh E at Thorlabs: Thanks for contacting Thorlabs. We would look into your suggestion of having a low GDD mirror that will cover the 850nm to 1050nm range.

Thorlabs offers a wide selection of optics optimized for use with femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses. Please see below for more information.