Si Free-Space Amplified Photodetectors

  • Wavelength Ranges from 200 nm to 1100 nm
  • Maximum Bandwidths up to 1.5 GHz
  • Sensitivities Down to Femtowatt Powers
  • Fixed and Switchable Gain Versions




Switchable Gain
12 MHz Max Bandwidth


Application Idea

PDA Series Detector with Ø1" Lens Tube Attached to a 30 mm Cage System


Fixed Gain
150 MHz Max Bandwidth


Fixed Gain
600 MHz Max Bandwidth

Related Items

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Item # Wavelength Range Bandwidth NEP
Fixed Gain
PDA10A2 200 - 1100 nm DC - 150 MHz 29.2 pW/Hz1/2
PDA8A2 320 - 1000 nm DC - 50 MHz 7.8 pW/Hz1/2
PDF10A2 320 - 1100 nm DC - 20 Hz 3.0 x 10-3 pW/Hz1/2
PDA015A(/M) 400 - 1000 nm DC - 380 MHz 36 pW/Hz1/2
FPD510-FS-VIS 400 - 1000 nm DC - 250 MHz 6.0 pW/Hz1/2
FPD610-FS-VIS 400 - 1000 nm DC - 600 MHz 11.2 pW/Hz1/2
Switchable Gain
PDA100A2a 320 - 1100 nm DC - 11 MHz 2.67 - 71.7 pW/Hz1/2
PDA36A2a 350 - 1100 nm DC - 12 MHz 3.25 - 75.7 pW/Hz1/2
FPD310-FS-VISb 400 - 1000 nm 1 - 1500 MHz 24.0 pW/Hz1/2
  • Switchable with 8 x 10 dB steps.
  • Switchable with 2 steps, 0 and 20 dB.


  • Wavelength Ranges within 200 to 1100 nm
  • Low-Noise Amplification with Fixed or Switchable Gain
  • Load Impedances 50 Ω and Higher for ≥3 kHz Bandwidth Versions
  • Free-Space Optical Coupling

We offer a selection of Silicon (Si) Free-Space Amplified Photodetectors that are sensitive to light in the UV to the NIR wavelength range. Thorlabs' amplified photodetectors feature a built-in low-noise transimpedance amplifier (TIA) or a low-noise TIA followed by a voltage amplifier. Menlo Systems' FPD series amplified photodetectors have a built-in radio frequency (RF) or transimpedance amplifier. We offer fixed-gain versions that possess a fixed maximum bandwidth and total transimpedance gain, as well as switchable-gain versions with two or eight gain settings.

Thorlabs' photodetectors are designed to meet a range of requirements, with offerings that include the 380 MHz PDA015A fixed-gain detector with an impulse response of 1 ns, the high-sensitivity PDF10A2 detector with a minimum noise equivalent power (NEP) of 3.0 fW/Hz1/2, and the switchable-gain PDA100A2 device with eight switchable maximum gain (bandwidth) combinations from 1.51 kV/A (11 MHz) to 4.75 MV/A (3 kHz). The PDF10A2 with femtowatt sensitivity is a low-frequency device that should only be terminated into high impedance (Hi-Z) loads, while all other of our silicon amplified photodetectors are capable of driving loads from 50 Ω to Hi-Z.

photo detector power supply
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The PDA10A2 with the Included ±12 V Power Supply. Replacement power supplies are sold below.

Every detector has internal SM05 (0.535"-40) threading and external SM1 (1.035"-40) threading. Except for some select detectors, each unit's housing features 8-32 tapped holes (M4 for -EC and /M models). The PDA10A2, PDA8A2, PDA36A2, PDA100A2, and PDF10A2 detectors feature a new housing with universal taps that accept both 8-32 and M4. For more information about the location of these mounting points and mounting these units, please see the Housing Features and Mounting Options tabs.

Menlo Systems' FPD series detectors are easy-to-use photodiode packages with an integrated high-gain, low-noise RF (FPD310-FS-VIS) or transimpedance (FPD510-FS-VIS and FPD610-FS-VIS) amplifier. The FPD310-FS-VIS detector is ideal for experiments requiring high bandwidths and extremely short rise times (<1 ns). This detector has a switchable gain with two steps, 0 and 20 dB. The FPD510-FS-VIS and FPD610-FS-VIS fixed-gain detectors are optimized for the highest signal-to-noise ratio when detecting low-level optical beat signals at frequencies up to 250 MHz and 600 MHz, respectively. The FPD510-FS-VIS detector has a rise time of 2 ns, while the FPD610-FS-VIS device has a 1 ns rise time. The 3 dB bandwidth of these DC-coupled devices is 200 MHz for the FPD510-FS-VIS and 500 MHz for the FPD610-FS-VIS. The compact design of the FPD detectors allows for easy OEM integration. The housing of each Menlo detector features one M4 tapped hole for post mounting. For more information about the housing, please see the Housing Features tab. For versions of these detectors with FC/PC inputs, see Si Fiber-Coupled Amplified Detectors.

menlo photo detectors power supply
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Menlo Systems’ Detectors Include a Location-Specific ±12 V Power Supply

Power Supply
A ±12 V linear power supply that supports input voltages of 100, 120, and 230 VAC is included with each amplified photodetector. Replacement power supplies are available separately below. Before connecting the power supply to mains voltage, ensure that the mains voltage switch on the power supply module is set to the proper voltage range. The power supplies should always be powered up using the power switch on the power supply itself. Hot plugging the unit is not recommended.

Menlo's FPD510-FS-VIS, FPD610-FS-VIS, and FPD310-FS-VIS detectors include a low-noise power supply.

Performance Specifications

Item # Wavelength Bandwidth Rise Time Peak Responsivity Noise Equivalent Power
Active Area Operating
Fixed Gain
PDA10A2b 200 - 1100 nmc DC - 150 MHz 2.3 ns 0.44 A/W @ 730 nm 29.2 pW/Hz1/2 0.8 mm(Ø1 mm) 10 to 50 °C
PDA8A2 320 - 1000 nm DC - 50 MHz 7 ns 0.56 A/W @ 820 nm 7.8 pW/Hz1/2 0.5 mm(Ø0.8 mm) 10 to 50 °C
PDF10A2 320 - 1100 nm DC - 20 Hz 22 ms 0.6 A/W @ 960 nm 3.0 x10-3 pW/Hz1/2 1.2 mm(1.1 mm x 1.1 mm) 10 to 50 °C
PDA015Ab 400 - 1000 nm DC - 380 MHz 1.0 ns 0.47 A/W @ 740 nm 36 pW/Hz1/2 0.018 mm(Ø150 µm) 10 to 40 °C
FPD510-FS-VIS 400 - 1000 nm DC - 250 MHz 2 ns - 6.0 pW/Hz1/2 0.13 mm(Ø0.4 mm) 10 to 40 °C
FPD610-FS-VIS 400 - 1000 nm DC - 600 MHz 1 ns - 11.2 pW/Hz1/2 0.13 mm2 (Ø0.4 mm) 10 to 40 °C
Switchable Gain
PDA100A2b 320 - 1100 nm DC - 11 MHzd N/Ae 0.72 A/W @ 960 nm 2.67 - 71.7 pW/Hz1/2 75.4 mm(Ø9.8 mm) 10 to 40 °C
PDA36A2b 350 - 1100 nm DC - 12 MHzd N/Ae 0.65 A/W @ 970 nm 3.25 - 75.7 pW/Hz1/2 13 mm(3.6 mm x 3.6 mm) 10 to 40 °C
FPD310-FS-VIS 400 - 1000 nm 1 - 1500 MHz 0.5 ns - 24.0 pW/Hz1/2 0.13 mm2 (Ø0.4 mm) 10 to 40 °C
  • NEP is specified at the peak responsivity wavelength. As NEP changes with the gain setting for the switchable-gain versions, an NEP range is given for these.
  • This detector has a 50 Ω terminator resistor that is in series with the amplifier output. This forms a voltage divider with any load impedance (e.g. 50 Ω load divides signal in half).
  • When long-term UV light is applied, the product specifications may degrade. For example, the product’s UV response may decrease and the dark current may increase. The degree to which the specifications may degrade is based upon factors such as the irradiation level, intensity, and usage time.
  • This is the maximum possible bandwidth for these amplified photodetectors. Bandwidth varies as a function of gain. For more information see the Switchable Gain table below.
  • Rise times depend on the chosen gain level and wavelength. As one increases the gain of a given optical amplifier, the bandwidth is reduced, and hence, the rise time increases. Please refer to the photodiode tutorial for information on calculating the rise time. Bandwidth specifications for each switchable photodetector may be found in the table below.

Gain Specifications

Fixed Gain Detectors

Item # Gain w/ Hi-Z Load Gain w/ 50 Ω Load Offset (±) Output Voltage
w/ Hi-Z Load
Output Voltage
w/ 50 Ω Load
PDA10A2 10 kV/A 5 kV/A 10 mV 0 - 10 V 0 - 5 V
PDA8A2 100 kV/A 50 kV/A 10 mV (Max) 0 - 3.6 V 0 - 1.8 V
PDF10A2a 1 x 109 kV/A - <75 mV 0 - 10 V -
PDA015A 50 kV/A 25 kV/A 20 mV 0 - 10 V 0 - 5 V
FPD510-FS-VIS - 1.5 x 105 Vpp/Wb
2.5 x 104 Vpp/Wc
- - 0 - 1 V
FPD610-FS-VIS - 2 x 106 Vpp/Wb
2.5 x 105 Vpp/Wc
- - 0 - 1 V
  • Due to its 20 Hz cutoff frequency, operating the PDF10A2 with less than high impedance loading is not recommended.
  • Femtosecond Pulsed Input
  • CW Input

Switchable Gain Detectors

Item # Gain Step
w/ Hi-Z Loada
w/ 50 Ω Loada
Bandwidth Noise
NEPb Offset (±) Output Voltage
w/ Hi-Z Load
Output Voltage
w/ 50 Ω Load
PDA100A2 0 1.51 kV/A 0.75 kV/A 11 MHz 268 µV 71.7 pW/Hz1/2 8 mV (12 mV Max) 0 - 10 V 0 - 5 V
10 4.75 kV/A 2.38 kV/A 1.4 MHz 195 µV 6.75 pW/Hz1/2
20 15 kV/A 7.5 kV/A 800 kHz 219 µV 3.36 pW/Hz1/2
30 47.5 kV/A 23.8 kV/A 260 kHz 222 µV 2.83 pW/Hz1/2
40 151 kV/A 75 kV/A 90 kHz 229 µV 2.67 pW/Hz1/2
50 475 kV/A 238 kV/A 28 kHz 271 µV 4.2 pW/Hz1/2
60 1.5 MV/A 750 kV/A 9 kHz 423 µV 6.24 pW/Hz1/2
70 4.75 MV/A 2.38 MV/A 3 kHz 1.22 mV 7.88 pW/Hz1/2
PDA36A2 0 1.51 kV/A 0.75 kV/A 12 MHz 258 µV 75.7 pW/Hz1/2 8 mV (12 mV Max) 0 - 10 V 0 - 5 V
10 4.75 kV/A 2.38 kV/A 1.6 MHz 192 µV 5.8 pW/Hz1/2
20 15 kV/A 7.5 kV/A 1 MHz 207 µV 3.4 pW/Hz1/2
30 47.5 kV/A 23.8 kV/A 260 kHz 211 µV 3.4 pW/Hz1/2
40 150 kV/A 75 kV/A 90 kHz 214 µV 3.25 pW/Hz1/2
50 475 kV/A 238 kV/A 28 kHz 234 µV 3.69 pW/Hz1/2
60 1.5 MV/A 750 kV/A 9 kHz 277 µV 4 pW/Hz1/2
70 4.75 MV/A 2.38 MV/A 3 kHz 388 µV 4.29 pW/Hz1/2
FPD310-FS-VIS 0 - 2 x 104 Vpp/Wc
1.3 x 103 Vpp/Wd
1 - 1500 MHz -e 24.0 pW/Hz1/2 N/A (AC Coupling) - ~1 V
20 - 2 x 103 Vpp/Wc
1.3 x 102 Vpp/Wd
  • Gain figures can also be expressed in units of Ω.
  • The Noise Equivalent Power is specified at the peak wavelength.
  • Femtosecond Pulsed Input
  • CW Input
  • The Dark State Noise Level is -100 dBm up to 5 MHz and -130 dBm from 5 to 1500 MHz.
PDA015 Top Connectors
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Top of the housing on our PDA and PDF detector housings. The Power In connector, Output BNC connector, and power indicator LED are located at the top of the housing. The PDA015A detector is shown.
Removable Internal SM1 Adapter
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The housings of Thorlabs' detectors feature internal SM05 and external SM1 threads. An SM1T1 SM1 Adapter with internal threads is included with each amplified photodetector, and an SM1RR Retaining Ring is included with the PDA015A, PDA10A2, PDA36A2, PDA100A2, and PDF10A2.

Housing Features of the Amplified Si Photodetectors

Please refer to the table below for detailed drawings of each detector.

PDA and PDF Detectors
Thorlabs' Amplified Photodiode series feature a slim design with many common elements. Each housing features internal SM05 (0.535"-40) threading and external SM1 (1.035"-40) threading, and includes a detachable SM1T1 internally SM1-threaded adapter, as shown to the right. The SM1T1 can hold up to 0.1" (2.8 mm) thick optics. An SM1RR retaining ring is included with every detector. Each detector can be mounted using a 1/2" Post, as shown in the images below. Detectors with universal taps (refer to the table below) have a new housing design that features the active area flush with the front of the housing, simplifying alignments within optomechanical systems. As a convenience, the back panels of these detectors are engraved with the responsivity curve of the photodiodes.

Lens Tube Compatibility
These detectors can be integrated into various optomechanical systems using the internal SM05 and external SM1 threads. A lens tube can be directly attached to the SM1 threads, making the detectors compatible with lens tube systems. The SM1T1 adapter can be used to mount Ø1" (Ø25.4 mm) optical components, such as optical filters and lenses.

Cage System Compatibility
The detectors are also cage system compatible, as shown in the two images below right. A CP33 cage plate can be attached directly to the SM1 threads. This attachment method does not require an adapter piece and allows the diode to be as close as possible to the cage plate, which can be important in setups where the light is divergent. Another method for integrating a detector into a cage system is using the included SM1T1 with an SM1T2 adapter. This allows more freedom in choosing the orientation of the detector. Additionally, these detectors can be used with SM1-threaded fiber adapters (sold below).

Post Mounting
Threaded holes on the housings of the detectors allow the units to be mounted in a horizontal or vertical orientation using a 1/2" Post. This gives the user the option to route the power and BNC cables from above or alongside the beam path, as shown below left. We offer detectors that have metric and imperial versions, as well as detectors that have universal mounting holes that accept 8-32 and M4 threads. Please see the table below for the specific mounting taps of each detector. 

Click to Enlarge

PDA Photodetector Mounted Horizontally

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View Imperial Product List
Item #QtyDescription
Imperial Product List
PDA36A21Si Switchable Gain Detector, 350 - 1100 nm, 12 MHz BW, 13 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
TR31Ø1/2" Optical Post, SS, 8-32 Setscrew, 1/4"-20 Tap, L = 3"
CP331SM1-Threaded 30 mm Cage Plate, 0.35" Thick, 2 Retaining Rings, 8-32 Tap
SM1L30C1SM1 Slotted Lens Tube, 3" Thread Depth, 2 Retaining Rings Included
LC1715-A1N-BK7 Plano-Concave Lens, Ø1", f = -50.0 mm, AR Coating: 350-700 nm
ER3-P41Cage Assembly Rod, 3" Long, Ø6 mm, 4 Pack
2249-C-121RG-58 BNC Coaxial Cable, BNC Male to BNC Male, 12" (304 mm)
View Metric Product List
Item #QtyDescription
Metric Product List
PDA36A21Si Switchable Gain Detector, 350 - 1100 nm, 12 MHz BW, 13 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
TR75/M1Ø12.7 mm Optical Post, SS, M4 Setscrew, M6 Tap, L = 75 mm
CP33/M1SM1-Threaded 30 mm Cage Plate, 0.35" Thick, 2 Retaining Rings, M4 Tap
SM1L30C1SM1 Slotted Lens Tube, 3" Thread Depth, 2 Retaining Rings Included
LC1715-A1N-BK7 Plano-Concave Lens, Ø1", f = -50.0 mm, AR Coating: 350-700 nm
ER3-P41Cage Assembly Rod, 3" Long, Ø6 mm, 4 Pack
2249-C-121RG-58 BNC Coaxial Cable, BNC Male to BNC Male, 12" (304 mm)
PDA Photodetector Connected to an SM1 Lens Tube in a 30 mm Cage System

Click to Enlarge

View Imperial Product List
Item #QtyDescription
Imperial Product List
PDA36A21Si Switchable Gain Detector, 350 - 1100 nm, 12 MHz BW, 13 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
TR31Ø1/2" Optical Post, SS, 8-32 Setscrew, 1/4"-20 Tap, L = 3"
CP331SM1-Threaded 30 mm Cage Plate, 0.35" Thick, 2 Retaining Rings, 8-32 Tap
ER3-P41Cage Assembly Rod, 3" Long, Ø6 mm, 4 Pack
2249-C-121RG-58 BNC Coaxial Cable, BNC Male to BNC Male, 12" (304 mm)
View Metric Product List
Item #QtyDescription
Metric Product List
PDA36A21Si Switchable Gain Detector, 350 - 1100 nm, 12 MHz BW, 13 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
TR75/M1Ø12.7 mm Optical Post, SS, M4 Setscrew, M6 Tap, L = 75 mm
CP33/M1SM1-Threaded 30 mm Cage Plate, 0.35" Thick, 2 Retaining Rings, M4 Tap
ER3-P41Cage Assembly Rod, 3" Long, Ø6 mm, 4 Pack
2249-C-121RG-58 BNC Coaxial Cable, BNC Male to BNC Male, 12" (304 mm)
PDA Photodetector Integrated into a 30 mm Cage System Using the External SM1 Threads

Click to Enlarge

View Imperial Product List
Item #QtyDescription
Imperial Product List
PDA36A21Si Switchable Gain Detector, 350 - 1100 nm, 12 MHz BW, 13 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
TR31Ø1/2" Optical Post, SS, 8-32 Setscrew, 1/4"-20 Tap, L = 3"
CP331SM1-Threaded 30 mm Cage Plate, 0.35" Thick, 2 Retaining Rings, 8-32 Tap
ER3-P41Cage Assembly Rod, 3" Long, Ø6 mm, 4 Pack
SM1T21SM1 (1.035"-40) Coupler, External Threads, 0.5" Long, Two Locking Rings
2249-C-121RG-58 BNC Coaxial Cable, BNC Male to BNC Male, 12" (304 mm)
View Metric Product List
Item #QtyDescription
Metric Product List
PDA36A21Si Switchable Gain Detector, 350 - 1100 nm, 12 MHz BW, 13 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
TR75/M1Ø12.7 mm Optical Post, SS, M4 Setscrew, M6 Tap, L = 75 mm
CP33/M1SM1-Threaded 30 mm Cage Plate, 0.35" Thick, 2 Retaining Rings, M4 Tap
ER3-P41Cage Assembly Rod, 3" Long, Ø6 mm, 4 Pack
SM1T21SM1 (1.035"-40) Coupler, External Threads, 0.5" Long, Two Locking Rings
2249-C-121RG-58 BNC Coaxial Cable, BNC Male to BNC Male, 12" (304 mm)
PDA Photodetector Integrated into a 30 mm Cage System Using the SM1T1 (included) and SM1T2 Adapter

FPD Detectors
The housing of each of Menlo Systems' FPD detectors feature one M4 tapped hole on the bottom for post mounting. The power supply connector and output SMA connector are located on the side of the housing.

Detectors Housing Drawing
(Click Icon for Details)
Mounting Taps SM Thread Compatibility Dimensions Output
PDA/PDF Fixed Gain
PDA8A2, PDA10A2, PDF10A2 Two Universal Taps for
8-32 and M4
Internal SM05 (0.535"-40)
External SM1 (1.035"-40)
1.96" x 0.89" x 2.79"
(49.8 mm x 22.5 mm x 70.9 mm)
PDA015A Two 8-32 Taps
(M4 for Metric Version)
1.89" x 0.83" x 2.76"
(48.0 mm x 21.1 mm x 70.2 mm)
PDA8A Three 8-32 Taps
(M4 for Metric Version)
1.70" x 0.83" x 2.57"
(43.2 mm x 21.1 mm x 65.3 mm)
FPD Fixed Gain
One M4 Tap N/A 2.36" x 0.79" x 1.97"
(60.0 mm x 20.0 mm x 50.0 mm)
PDA Switchable Gain 
PDA36A2, PDA100A2 Two Universal Taps for
8-32 and M4
Internal SM05 (0.535"-40)
External SM1 (1.035"-40)
2.07" x 0.89" x 2.79"
(52.5 mm x 22.5 mm x 70.9 mm)
FPD Switchable Gain
FPD310-FS-VIS One M4 Tap N/A 2.36" x 0.79" x 1.97"
(60.0 mm x 20.0 mm x 50.0 mm)

PDA and PDF Series Detectors

BNC Female Output (Photodetector)

BNC Female

PDA10A2, PDA8A2, PDF10A2, PDA015A, PDA100A2, PDA36A2: 0 - 10 V Output

Male (Power Cables)

Pinout for PDA Power Cable

Female Power IN (Photodetector)

Pinout for PDA Power Connector

FPD Series Detectors

Signal Out- SMA Female (Photodetector)

BNC Female

For connection to a suitable monitoring device, e.g. oscilloscope or RF-spectrum-analyzer, with 50 Ω impedance.

Female (Power Cables)

Pinout for FPDPower Connector

Male Power IN (Photodetector)

Pinout for FPD Power Cable

Photodiode Tutorial

Theory of Operation

A junction photodiode is an intrinsic device that behaves similarly to an ordinary signal diode, but it generates a photocurrent when light is absorbed in the depleted region of the junction semiconductor. A photodiode is a fast, highly linear device that exhibits high quantum efficiency based upon the application and may be used in a variety of different applications.

It is necessary to be able to correctly determine the level of the output current to expect and the responsivity based upon the incident light. Depicted in Figure 1 is a junction photodiode model with basic discrete components to help visualize the main characteristics and gain a better understanding of the operation of Thorlabs' photodiodes.

Equation 1
Photodiode Circuit Diagram
Figure 1: Photodiode Model

Photodiode Terminology

The responsivity of a photodiode can be defined as a ratio of generated photocurrent (IPD) to the incident light power (P) at a given wavelength:

Equation 2

Modes of Operation (Photoconductive vs. Photovoltaic)
A photodiode can be operated in one of two modes: photoconductive (reverse bias) or photovoltaic (zero-bias). Mode selection depends upon the application's speed requirements and the amount of tolerable dark current (leakage current).

In photoconductive mode, an external reverse bias is applied, which is the basis for our DET series detectors. The current measured through the circuit indicates illumination of the device; the measured output current is linearly proportional to the input optical power. Applying a reverse bias increases the width of the depletion junction producing an increased responsivity with a decrease in junction capacitance and produces a very linear response. Operating under these conditions does tend to produce a larger dark current, but this can be limited based upon the photodiode material. (Note: Our DET detectors are reverse biased and cannot be operated under a forward bias.)

In photovoltaic mode the photodiode is zero biased. The flow of current out of the device is restricted and a voltage builds up. This mode of operation exploits the photovoltaic effect, which is the basis for solar cells. The amount of dark current is kept at a minimum when operating in photovoltaic mode.

Dark Current
Dark current is leakage current that flows when a bias voltage is applied to a photodiode. When operating in a photoconductive mode, there tends to be a higher dark current that varies directly with temperature. Dark current approximately doubles for every 10 °C increase in temperature, and shunt resistance tends to double for every 6 °C rise. Of course, applying a higher bias will decrease the junction capacitance but will increase the amount of dark current present.

The dark current present is also affected by the photodiode material and the size of the active area. Silicon devices generally produce low dark current compared to germanium devices which have high dark currents. The table below lists several photodiode materials and their relative dark currents, speeds, sensitivity, and costs.

Material Dark Current Speed Spectral Range Cost
Silicon (Si) Low High Speed Visible to NIR Low
Germanium (Ge) High Low Speed NIR Low
Gallium Phosphide (GaP) Low High Speed UV to Visible Moderate
Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) Low High Speed NIR Moderate
Indium Arsenide Antimonide (InAsSb) High Low Speed NIR to MIR High
Extended Range Indium Gallium Arsenide (InGaAs) High High Speed NIR High
Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT, HgCdTe) High Low Speed NIR to MIR High

Junction Capacitance
Junction capacitance (Cj) is an important property of a photodiode as this can have a profound impact on the photodiode's bandwidth and response. It should be noted that larger diode areas encompass a greater junction volume with increased charge capacity. In a reverse bias application, the depletion width of the junction is increased, thus effectively reducing the junction capacitance and increasing the response speed.

Bandwidth and Response
A load resistor will react with the photodetector junction capacitance to limit the bandwidth. For best frequency response, a 50 Ω terminator should be used in conjunction with a 50 Ω coaxial cable. The bandwidth (fBW) and the rise time response (tr) can be approximated using the junction capacitance (Cj) and the load resistance (RLOAD):

Equation 3

Noise Equivalent Power
The noise equivalent power (NEP) is the generated RMS signal voltage generated when the signal to noise ratio is equal to one. This is useful, as the NEP determines the ability of the detector to detect low level light. In general, the NEP increases with the active area of the detector and is given by the following equation:

Photoconductor NEP

Here, S/N is the Signal to Noise Ratio, Δf is the Noise Bandwidth, and Incident Energy has units of W/cm2. For more information on NEP, please see Thorlabs' Noise Equivalent Power White Paper.

Terminating Resistance
A load resistance is used to convert the generated photocurrent into a voltage (VOUT) for viewing on an oscilloscope:

Equation 4

Depending on the type of the photodiode, load resistance can affect the response speed. For maximum bandwidth, we recommend using a 50 Ω coaxial cable with a 50 Ω terminating resistor at the opposite end of the cable. This will minimize ringing by matching the cable with its characteristic impedance. If bandwidth is not important, you may increase the amount of voltage for a given light level by increasing RLOAD. In an unmatched termination, the length of the coaxial cable can have a profound impact on the response, so it is recommended to keep the cable as short as possible.

Shunt Resistance
Shunt resistance represents the resistance of the zero-biased photodiode junction. An ideal photodiode will have an infinite shunt resistance, but actual values may range from the order of ten Ω to thousands of MΩ and is dependent on the photodiode material. For example, and InGaAs detector has a shunt resistance on the order of 10 MΩ while a Ge detector is in the kΩ range. This can significantly impact the noise current on the photodiode. For most applications, however, the high resistance produces little effect and can be ignored.

Series Resistance
Series resistance is the resistance of the semiconductor material, and this low resistance can generally be ignored. The series resistance arises from the contacts and the wire bonds of the photodiode and is used to mainly determine the linearity of the photodiode under zero bias conditions.

Common Operating Circuits

Reverse Biased DET Circuit
Figure 2: Reverse-Biased Circuit (DET Series Detectors)

The DET series detectors are modeled with the circuit depicted above. The detector is reverse biased to produce a linear response to the applied input light. The amount of photocurrent generated is based upon the incident light and wavelength and can be viewed on an oscilloscope by attaching a load resistance on the output. The function of the RC filter is to filter any high-frequency noise from the input supply that may contribute to a noisy output.

Reverse Biased DET Circuit
Figure 3: Amplified Detector Circuit

One can also use a photodetector with an amplifier for the purpose of achieving high gain. The user can choose whether to operate in Photovoltaic of Photoconductive modes. There are a few benefits of choosing this active circuit:

  • Photovoltaic mode: The circuit is held at zero volts across the photodiode, since point A is held at the same potential as point B by the operational amplifier. This eliminates the possibility of dark current.
  • Photoconductive mode: The photodiode is reversed biased, thus improving the bandwidth while lowering the junction capacitance. The gain of the detector is dependent on the feedback element (Rf). The bandwidth of the detector can be calculated using the following:

Equation 5

where GBP is the amplifier gain bandwidth product and CD is the sum of the junction capacitance and amplifier capacitance.

Effects of Chopping Frequency

The photoconductor signal will remain constant up to the time constant response limit. Many detectors, including PbS, PbSe, HgCdTe (MCT), and InAsSb, have a typical 1/f noise spectrum (i.e., the noise decreases as chopping frequency increases), which has a profound impact on the time constant at lower frequencies.

The detector will exhibit lower responsivity at lower chopping frequencies. Frequency response and detectivity are maximized for

Photoconductor Chopper Equation

The following table lists Thorlab's selection of previous and current generation PDA, PDF, and DET detectors.

Previous Generation Cross Reference of PDA and DET Detectors
Wavelength Material Biased
Current Generation Previous Generation Current Generation Previous Generation
150 - 550 nm GaP DET25K2 DET25K(/M) PDA25K2 PDA25K(-EC)
200 - 1100 nm Si DET10A2 DET10A(/M) PDA10A2 PDA10A(-EC)
320 - 1000 nm Si - - PDA8A2 PDA8A
320 - 1100 nm Si DET100A2 DET100A(/M)a PDA100A2 PDA100A(-EC)b
Si - - PDF10A2 PDF10A(/M)
350 - 1100 nm Si DET36A2 DET36A(/M) PDA36A2 PDA36A(-EC)
500 - 1700 nm InGaAs DET10N2 DET10N(/M) - -
800 - 1700 nm InGaAs DET20C2 DET20C(/M) PDA20CS2 PDA20CS(-EC)
- - PDA05CF2 PDA10CF(-EC)
- - PDA20C2 PDA20C(/M)
800 - 1800 nm Ge DET30B2 DET30B(/M) PDA30B2 PDA30B(-EC)
DET50B2 DET50B(/M) PDA50B2 PDA50B(-EC)
900 - 1700 nm InGaAs DET10C2 DET10C(/M) PDA10CS2 PDA10CS(-EC)
900 - 2600 nm InGaAs DET05D2 DET05D(/M)c PDA10D2 PDA10D(-EC)c
DET10D2 DET10D(/M)c - -
  • The DET100A(/M) wavelength range is 350 - 1100 nm.
  • The PDA100A(-EC) wavelength range is 340 - 1100 nm.
  • The DET05D(/M), PDA10D(-EC), and DET10D(/M) wavelength range is 800 - 2600 nm.

Pulsed Laser Emission: Power and Energy Calculations

Determining whether emission from a pulsed laser is compatible with a device or application can require referencing parameters that are not supplied by the laser's manufacturer. When this is the case, the necessary parameters can typically be calculated from the available information. Calculating peak pulse power, average power, pulse energy, and related parameters can be necessary to achieve desired outcomes including:

  • Protecting biological samples from harm.
  • Measuring the pulsed laser emission without damaging photodetectors and other sensors.
  • Exciting fluorescence and non-linear effects in materials.

Pulsed laser radiation parameters are illustrated in Figure 1 and described in the table. For quick reference, a list of equations are provided below. The document available for download provides this information, as well as an introduction to pulsed laser emission, an overview of relationships among the different parameters, and guidance for applying the calculations. 



Period and repetition rate are reciprocal:    and 
Pulse energy calculated from average power:       
Average power calculated from pulse energy:        
Peak pulse power estimated from pulse energy:            

Peak power and average power calculated from each other:
Peak power calculated from average power and duty cycle*:
*Duty cycle () is the fraction of time during which there is laser pulse emission.
Pulsed Laser Emission Parameters
Click to Enlarge

Figure 1: Parameters used to describe pulsed laser emission are indicated in the plot (above) and described in the table (below). Pulse energy (E) is the shaded area under the pulse curve. Pulse energy is, equivalently, the area of the diagonally hashed region. 

Parameter Symbol Units Description
Pulse Energy E Joules [J] A measure of one pulse's total emission, which is the only light emitted by the laser over the entire period. The pulse energy equals the shaded area, which is equivalent to the area covered by diagonal hash marks.
Period Δt  Seconds [s]  The amount of time between the start of one pulse and the start of the next.
Average Power Pavg Watts [W] The height on the optical power axis, if the energy emitted by the pulse were uniformly spread over the entire period.
Instantaneous Power P Watts [W] The optical power at a single, specific point in time.
Peak Power Ppeak Watts [W] The maximum instantaneous optical power output by the laser.
Pulse Width Seconds [s] A measure of the time between the beginning and end of the pulse, typically based on the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the pulse shape. Also called pulse duration.
Repetition Rate frep Hertz [Hz] The frequency with which pulses are emitted. Equal to the reciprocal of the period.

Example Calculation:

Is it safe to use a detector with a specified maximum peak optical input power of 75 mW to measure the following pulsed laser emission?

  • Average Power: 1 mW
  • Repetition Rate: 85 MHz
  • Pulse Width: 10 fs

The energy per pulse:

seems low, but the peak pulse power is:

It is not safe to use the detector to measure this pulsed laser emission, since the peak power of the pulses is >5 orders of magnitude higher than the detector's maximum peak optical input power.

Posted Comments:
Fabrice Jaques  (posted 2021-01-13 06:20:38.493)
question about electronic schematic of PDA100A2 : in the drawing of manual.pdf, the photodetector is connected either to GND or "-V". Is it selectable ? I'd like to get -12V on the anode to get higer current ... Thank's for your answer Best regards Fabrice
asundararaj  (posted 2021-01-19 11:12:13.0)
Than you for contacting Thorlabs. No, the bias on the PDA is not selectable. Most PDA’s have some bias voltage that is chosen based on the photodiode installed. There are a few that do not have bias voltages so they would be anode GND instead. The bias on the detectors is part of the design of the detector and is chosen to maximize and match the performance to the amplifier.
asundararaj  (posted 2021-01-19 11:12:13.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. No, the bias on the PDA is not selectable. Most PDA’s have some bias voltage that is chosen based on the photodiode installed. There are a few that do not have bias voltages so they would be anode GND instead. The bias on the detectors is part of the design of the detector and is chosen to maximize and match the performance to the amplifier.
Ramprakash Ananth  (posted 2020-11-12 21:09:11.02)
Hi, I have PDA36A2 and works fine. I need to know the threshold of the laser power which can be withstand by this photodetector when operated at 0 dB gain and at high impedence setting. I am planning to use a 200 mW CW laser. If you suggest a neural density filter kindly recommend a suitable filter with the damage threshold value.
asundararaj  (posted 2020-12-29 03:19:15.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We do not spec a damage threshold for our detectors. We recommend that the PDAs are not operated the beyond saturation which happens at a few mW. You can estimate the saturation power for a given wavelength and for max voltage (10 V for Hi-Z),using the following equation, Maximum Optical Input (in W) * Responsivity (in A/W) * Transimpedance Gain (in V/A) = Bias Voltage (in V). You may need to attenuate your beam using an ND filter which can be found in this link -
Yachel Ben Shalom  (posted 2020-10-01 08:15:42.267)
We use in our setup the model PDA8A2. In our setup all of the components work 24/7 even when no experiment runs. My question is if it is good for the photo-diode to be connected 24/7 or it will be better to turn it off by switch when no experiment runs?
dpossin  (posted 2020-10-02 09:37:04.0)
Dear Yachel, Thank you for your feedback. In general the PDA8A2 should be suitable for long therm operation. However to switch off the detector when not in use could extend the lifetime.
Stephen Yates  (posted 2020-08-10 22:26:39.457)
If possible, what adapters would I need to mount the PDA10A2 to a standard 0.96" or 1.25" telescope eyepiece tube?
asundararaj  (posted 2020-08-12 09:05:11.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The PDA10A2 has both an external SM1 and an internal SM05 threads, which can be used for mounting in addition to the mounting hole in the bottom. As for attaching to the telescope, you will require an adapter that will depend on the threads on the telescope. I have reached out to you via email to discuss this further.
Mitchell Bierschenk  (posted 2020-07-24 16:39:37.86)
I am trying to use the PDA10A2 to measure white to black transitions on an LCD but am unable to see any change on my oscilloscope that is terminated to 50 ohms. I can point my flashlight from my phone at the PDA10A2 and the oscilloscope will jump up to around 1V. Is the PDA10A2 not sensitive enough to measure my LCD or are there other devices or lenses that are capable of measuring lower?
YLohia  (posted 2020-09-24 03:54:47.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The PDA can reliably detect powers down to a few µW. It is quite likely that you're not able to collect a sufficient amount of power from your LCD. That being said, you can use a higher impedance termination to see a higher signal for the same power incident (higher gain) on the detector. We had reached out to you directly at the time of your original posting to discuss this further.
Steve Colavito  (posted 2020-02-13 14:25:12.413)
The PDA100A2 that I have seems to have a step response with significant overshoot and ringing. I did not expect this with such a sensor. I'm not sure if there is something wrong with my detector. Is any information available on the step response of this photodetector?
asundararaj  (posted 2020-02-21 08:29:38.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I have contacted you directly via email to troubleshoot.
Everett Ramer  (posted 2019-11-13 15:34:08.7)
My PDA10A2 gives an output voltage of -8mV with the lens cap on. Do I assume this is an offset voltage and add it to readings taken when the lens cap is removed?
YLohia  (posted 2019-11-14 12:31:12.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. That is correct, this is just a DC offset voltage that comes from the tuning of the internal electronics/amplifier. The tolerance on this spec is +/-10 mV, so you can simply add the 8 mV factor to your readings.
user  (posted 2019-11-12 19:16:32.63)
Dear Mada or Sir, I am considering a PDF10A photodetector to measure and calibrate a light source that has an average power of ~10pw, composed of 50ps pulses. The accuracy of the measurement is crucial in my application. Could you please let me know if this photo detector is available with NIST or NIST tractable calibration? Additionally, what kind of uncertainties can I expect from this photodetector? is 2 or 3% achievable? Best Regards,
MKiess  (posted 2019-11-14 08:17:45.0)
This is a response from Michael at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. The detector’s response is not NIST calibrated. If we consider the maximum conversion gain with regard to the deviation, it is 0.6 x 10^(12)V/W ±10%. If you want to resolve the ps pulses of your laser in time you should also note that the rise/fall time of the detector is 20ms and the bandwidth is DC-20Hz. We also have detectors with shorter rise/fall time and larger bandwidth. I contacted you directly to discuss your application and find the most suitable detector together with you.
Kristof Reynkens  (posted 2019-06-27 05:04:48.54)
I wondered if the FPD610-FS-VIS can be cooled and how the NEP would change with temperature.
asundararaj  (posted 2019-08-01 01:20:00.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We expect the NEP to decrease with a decrease in temperature, but unfortunately, we do not have any data for the temperature dependence of NEP for this detector. As for the cooling of the detector, these do not have a built in cooling element. The photodiode itself is not optimized to be thermally coupled to the exterior mount.
user  (posted 2019-05-17 11:46:03.53)
What are the output impedances of PDA10A2 and PDA36A2? Also, can you provide a detailed frequency response for these devices? I need to know the bandwidth if I ask for 1% response flatness.
asundararaj  (posted 2019-05-20 07:34:49.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The output impedance of PDA10A2 and PDA36A2 are 50 Ohms. I have contacted you directly about the frequency responses for the two amplified photodetectors. Due to the inherent nature of the Si-Photodiode, the frequency response would not be flat over the entire bandwidth. Also, please note that the bandwidth and the frequency response of the PDA36A2 will depend on the gain setting.
carlo.desanti  (posted 2018-12-18 15:38:26.053)
Dear Thorlabs staff, I need the responsivity data of the PDF10A outside the limits already reported in the website (i.e. above 1100nm and below 320 nm). Are you able to provide them? If not, even a guess based on data of other Si-based detectors would be helpful.
swick  (posted 2019-01-11 03:39:26.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. For PDF10A we have no data about sensitivity outside 320 - 1100 nm. Below 320 nm absorption of protection window gets significant and above 1100 nm absorption coefficient of active area decrease. I contacted you directly for further discussion.
john.w.easton  (posted 2018-12-04 11:51:56.953)
I am a little confused by the "Hi-Z" references for higher (0-10 V) output on the PDA10A2. Just how high-Z is "hi-z"? I understand the 50-ohm resistor gives a 0-5V output, but what resistance is needed for 0-10V? Does the device internally compensate for higher impedences, or is there something in a voltage divider I'm missing?
YLohia  (posted 2018-12-05 04:18:17.0)
Hello, there is no discrete point of transition between 5V max output and 10V max output. This is entirely dependent on the scale factor due to the voltage divider mentioned in the manual. For example, if the load impedance used is 150 Ohms, the scale factor then becomes 150/(150 + 50) = 0.75, which means that the voltage output range will be 0 to 7.5V. The device does not internally compensate for impedance levels.
yongqi.shi  (posted 2018-11-27 18:16:43.07)
Dear sir, I'm using a PDA36A2 photodetector to measure a beam with power around 0.4mW. When I set to 0dB gain, the output voltage is exactly P*R(780nm)*Gain=140mV. Considering there is stub-style 50 ohm terminator connected, why I didn't see any voltage distribution (this scaling factor from manual) of output?
YLohia  (posted 2018-12-27 04:04:24.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The gain factor of 0.75 kV/A you used in the calculation already accounts for the 0.5 voltage distribution factor. We are working on making this information more clear in the manual.
benjamin.franz  (posted 2018-05-07 15:37:59.407)
Dear Thorlabs-Team, We have issues opening the PDA10A2 .step file. It looks very buggy with intersecting planes and volumes. Do you have alternatives or a fixed model for us? (Also, Parasolid does not work for us) Best regards, Ben
YLohia  (posted 2018-05-09 08:03:49.0)
Hi Ben, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The .step and .sldprt files work for us using Solidworks Premium 2016 and eDrawings. I will reach out to you directly with a .igs file.
florio  (posted 2018-01-05 14:06:15.767)
Dear Thorlabs team, in some of my applications, I calculated that the detector PDA100A will be exposed to a light power (at different wavelengths) up to 300 mW. Is there a filter I can buy to make valuable measurements in this range, without damaging the detector? Thank you in advance. Best regards, Kevin
nbayconich  (posted 2018-02-21 09:58:12.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The transimpedance amplifiers of these detectors will saturate before being damaged and at the lowest gain setting when using a 50 ohm terminating resistor the amplifier of the PDA100-EC will saturate at around 21.3mW. Since you have a 300mW source I suggest using a neutral density filter that has an optical density of at least OD 1.2 or higher, something like NE513B-A can be suitable. I'll reach out to you directly to discuss the damage thresholds of our ND filters.
soshenko.v  (posted 2017-10-02 16:47:53.717)
Hello thorlabs. I want to supply PDA100A from two Pb batteries. Could you provide me with partnumber of cable plug to fit PDA power input?
tfrisch  (posted 2017-11-14 03:04:30.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. If you want to wire your own power supply, you can use PDA-C-72 which is lower down on this page.
zif3ng.wu  (posted 2017-07-04 11:54:04.23)
Hello, I am interested in buying either the PDA015A or PDA10A. My application is for optical wireless communications, thus I would like to have the flexibility of mounting different focusing lenses onto the front of the detector. Which products can you recommend for this purpose?
tfrisch  (posted 2017-08-04 10:16:18.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application, but likely a plano-convex lens just to collect light and focus it onto the detector would improve signal strength.
tanmaybhwmk3  (posted 2017-06-09 22:54:49.703)
In the safety guide, it is mentioned about the scale factor. And, after calculating maximum incident light intensity from that formula we got 22 mW for PDA100A-EC. But, without scale-factor it is coming 10.7 mW. Kindly give your valuable reply regarding which answer is correct.
tfrisch  (posted 2017-06-26 10:11:56.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. There is not a maximum incident power spec for several reasons. One is that the responsivity is dependent on wavelength, so the power would change. Another is that saturation of the detector occurs before damage. I will reach out to you with more details on estimating these values given the Max Output Current (100mA) and the other details of your setup.
christian.schuster  (posted 2017-06-09 14:06:41.517)
Does the PDF10A has any coatings on the sensor area, such as an anti-reflective layer ?
wskopalik  (posted 2017-06-13 05:18:30.0)
This is a response from Wolfgang at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. The photodiode in the PDF10A has a protective window made of borosilicate glass, but no anti-reflective coating. I will contact you directly to provide further assistance.
mebert  (posted 2017-05-17 22:22:25.577)
Hi, can the voltage regulators on the PDA36A work with +/-15 V? We have a +/-15 V distribution system and I would like to get rid of the bulky AC/DC converters provided with the units we have.
nbayconich  (posted 2017-05-22 04:29:42.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The input voltage of the PDA36A must be kept at ±12V. Driving at 15V can damage the output drive when operating 50 ohm load. A Techsupport representative will contact you directly.
jona.beysens  (posted 2017-01-18 09:19:54.95)
Hi, We have a PDA10A in our laboratory in Belgium and we measure strange values. In the data sheet, it is mentioned that the output voltage of the photodiode is in the range 0V->10V. However, if we connect the output of the PDA10 directly to an oscilloscope, we measure values of -180mV when there is almost no light. Can you help us out with this problem? Best regards, Jona Beysens
tfrisch  (posted 2017-01-19 02:51:04.0)
Hello Jona, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly to troubleshoot your PDA10A.
brian.markey  (posted 2016-12-01 11:09:02.007)
Your tutorial indicates that these Si photodetectors are highly linear. Can you quantify the linearity and dynamic range? i.e. how linear and over what range?
swick  (posted 2016-12-07 03:05:17.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. The maximum output voltage swing of PDF10A is +10V. Saturation of the output will occur at optical input power greater than CW Saturation Power (16pW for PDF10A). Saturation of the Photodiode will cause nonlinear behavior. ND filters can be used to reduce the optical power and extend the operation range. The minimal detectable power, calculated from NEP at 960nm and SNR=1 , is 6fW. I have contacted you directly to provide further assistance.
Ludovic.BERNARD  (posted 2016-07-18 09:31:07.223)
Hello, I'm using the PDA36A-EC to detect light pulses from 1 to 10 µs. I observe a charging time of 1.8 µs for the photodetector response signal and I was wondering if it was a normal value. If not can it come from the photodetector? Thank you.
jlow  (posted 2016-07-18 10:52:36.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The rise time is going to be dependent on the gain setting that you choose. Also, if the detector is saturated, the rise time will be longer than usual as well. We will contact you directly to troubleshoot this.
kangsongbai83  (posted 2016-06-13 20:05:32.29)
Hello,I have a PDA36A Si detector which does not work now. I wonder how to repair it? Should I just send it back to Thorlabs? I think it is under warranty but not very sure.
besembeson  (posted 2016-06-15 10:52:17.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: I have contacted you directly.
goncharovv  (posted 2016-03-25 15:53:47.357)
What is the maximum amount of optical power that the PDA36A and PDA100A can withstand before the damage occurs (not saturation).
besembeson  (posted 2016-03-25 05:01:36.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: You should keep the power below 100mW to prevent damage. For typical use, under 1mW is recommended to keep the detector in the linear regime as these are amplified detectors.
liuhong_ayj  (posted 2015-03-31 16:39:31.477)
I want to use PDA10A for detection of rapid fluorescence signals (60MHz)from organic dyes in cell membranes. this PDA10A can go to work?
jlow  (posted 2015-03-31 01:17:33.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: We will have to get more information about your application before being able to recommend a specific detector. I will contact you directly about this.
alaaeldin12  (posted 2014-10-16 15:17:43.007)
Hello, I want to ask about the output of the PDA10A detector. What is the compatible power meter? Please contact me via email. Thank you.
jlow  (posted 2014-10-16 02:35:46.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The PDA10A outputs a voltage signal but the detector's response is not NIST calibrated. We do offer power meter system which can be found at I will contact you directly about our power meter system.
adavies78  (posted 2014-10-08 09:36:17.2)
Is there any certification that the responsivity is linear across intensity range? i.e. is dV/dP the same for output in the 0-1V range as the 9-10?
jlow  (posted 2014-10-08 04:04:38.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The response of the detector is linear for output below the maximum voltage (10V with Hi-Z load).
lesundak  (posted 2014-08-22 18:28:19.383)
hello, I cannot obtain more than 0,45V output from my PDA8A. Under this value detector works good, but at 0,45V looks like it is saturated. What can be wrong? Thanks
shallwig  (posted 2014-08-26 07:38:27.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. I am sorry that you face problems with the PDA8A. I will contact you directly to troubleshoot this problem.
vkogotkov  (posted 2014-07-18 12:44:03.447)
Dear Sirs, We would want to use one of your Amplified Photodetectors for detecting radiation of N2-laser. Beam characteristics: LengthxWidth-20x10mm, Pulse intensity-0,5 mJ, pulse duration-100ns. What Amp. Photodetector is best for our application? As I understand we'd need additional focusing and filtering components for this system... What can You advise?
jlow  (posted 2014-08-01 01:49:35.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: There are a few details missing from your setup description. We will contact you directly to discuss about this.
hha07  (posted 2014-03-28 17:31:22.757)
The datasheet for the PDA8A/M specifies the output voltage for terminations of Hi-Z and 50 Ohm. I have an application where I'd like to connect the detector to a Mini-circuits mixer (tuf-3lh) which has an input impedance given by a coil connected to ground such that at DC the impedance is 0 Ohm. This will of course force the signal to 0 at DC. Will this damage the PDA8A/M detector by drawing to much current. What is the output impedance of the PDA8A/M and how is it connected, in series or in parallel? Regards, Hans Harhoff Andersen.
jvigroux  (posted 2014-04-14 05:01:57.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry! The connection to the coil will not damage the detector. This being said, one could of course use a coupling capacitance before the balun to achieve separation from the DC path. The output impedance is 47Ohms series.
paul.hamilton  (posted 2013-09-06 17:49:33.61)
I'm having a hard time reproducing the numbers in the manual of the PDA36A for the NEP. I would have assumed that NEP = Noise_rms / Sqrt(BW) / Gain / Responsivity, but when I put in these numbers I get a NEP more than an order magnitude higher. Am I doing something incorrectly?
jlow  (posted 2013-09-11 14:38:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: You are correct that NEP = Vrms/(Gain*Responsivity*vbandwidth). The bandwidth used in the calculation is the bandwidth of the measuring system and not the bandwidth of the detector.
yuby2010  (posted 2013-08-28 14:19:19.92)
There is a response curve in the Manual of PDA10A,but I can't find the detail spectrum response data, the responsivity of each wavelength. Would you please give me this?
sharrell  (posted 2013-08-29 16:35:00.0)
Response from Sean at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. I emailed you the data file directly, and we are in the process of adding the data for all of our Amplified Detectors directly to the website.
leon.islas  (posted 2013-05-09 13:33:28.323)
I am planing on using this PDA for detection of rapid (msec) fluorescence signals from organic dyes in cell membranes but I am not sure that about the sensitivity. Do you have any experience with this type of measurement (voltage clamp fluorometry) or can recommend references?
jlow  (posted 2013-05-09 15:00:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: I will get in contact with you directly do discuss about the details in your experiments.
lixx1878  (posted 2013-04-05 12:09:53.973)
I have a question about PDA36A. I plan to do photoluminescence experiment with it under low temperature (>77K). Does PDA36A work at that range? Do you have a responsitivity curve for that?
jlow  (posted 2013-04-08 09:52:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The operating temperature for the PDA36A is 0-40°C.
adamaller  (posted 2013-03-27 05:19:04.92)
Why the maximum incident light intensity is not indicated clearly, please?
cdaly  (posted 2013-04-02 16:04:00.0)
Response from Chris at Thorlabs: Thank you for using our web feedback. The saturation point can be found by dividing the max voltage output for it's corresponding gain and responsivity. So for example with a 50Ohm resistance, the PDA8A can ouput up to 5V, dividing by 50kV/A and 0.5A/W (at peak responsivity), we end up with 64.3mW on the lowest gain setting. The same can be done for the other detectors as well. Each on the lowest settings, the PDA10A would be 2.22mW. The PDFF10A would be 2nW, the PDA36A and PDA100A would both be 10.3mW.
adavies78  (posted 2013-03-15 09:07:24.04)
I have a DC sensing application where i use 4 PDA36A detectors at the highest gain setting. When I turn off the light source, there is a wide range of dark level--understandable for different chips. But some are negative. I don't understand why there would be negative dark signal unless an offset is built into the output...can you explain?
jlow  (posted 2013-03-18 14:35:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The negative value that you see is the amplifier offset, which can be negative (for PDA36A, the offset should be within ±10mV at 70dB gain). For the recently purchased PDA36A (after July 2012), and PDA100A (after October 2012), there is a way to adjust the amplifier offset. If you remove the back cover of the PDA, there is a trimmer potentiometer which sets the offset. You can set the offset to what your desire value by covering up, and then adjusting the offset at 70dB gain setting.
sharrell  (posted 2012-12-06 15:58:00.0)
Response from Sean at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. For the PDA36A(-EC), the bandwidth at the 70 dB gain setting is 5 kHz. Complete specifications at each gain setting can be found on page 9 of the manual ( I have already updated the webpage to refer future customers to that location. We are in the process of developing a new website feature that will allow us to provide the complete set of specifications for detectors and other products in a more convinient way, and I will make sure that this page is one of the first to utilize the new feature.
graham.naylor  (posted 2012-12-06 15:17:45.83)
What is the bandwidth at full gain - it is not clear from the web site and I have an inkling that you reduce the bandwidth at higher gain. thanks Graham
jjurado  (posted 2011-06-28 17:09:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to Veinardi.Suendo: Thank you very much for contacting us. Although it would be recommendable to place the FEL1200 filter at the input of the collimator, the structure of the setup you propose might work without the lens. The only concern is, of course, the space between the tip of the fiber and the lens. In principle, you could use the following path: Collimator-> Fiber-> SM1SMA Fiber Adapter-> Filter-> Detector. However, since the overall thickness of the filter is 6.3 mm, this added distance between the fiber and the active area of the detector, which is 1.1 mm x 1.1 mm, could cause some loss, since the output from the fiber will be divergent. You could perhaps use an aspheric lens pair to focus the output from the fiber onto the detector (link below), but this would add to the overall length and complexity of the setup. I will contact you directly to discuss this and other possibilities for your application. Aspheric lens pairs: SM1SMA adapter:
Veinardi.Suendo  (posted 2011-06-28 15:59:21.0)
Dear Sirs, We planned to purchase your product (PDF10C/M) for our lab. in Indonesia. I believed that they have already launched the project. However, we need your assistance to connect this detector to optical fiber with SMA termination and a long wave pass filter (FEL1200). Would you mind telling us, which part is needed. Personally, I have in my mind this kind of setup: (collimator)--> (Optical Fiber)--> (fiber adapter)--> (SM1 tube)--> (lens?)--> (filter)--> (detector). Is it possible? Do we really need a lens in this case? Thank you very much for your assistance. Yours Sincerely, Dr. Veinardi Suendo Customer Email: This customer would like to be contacted.
jjurado  (posted 2011-04-20 09:11:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to last poster: Thank you very much for your feedback. We have updated the Overview tab in order to clarify the different transimpedance specs for these detectors. Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any further questions or comments.
user  (posted 2011-04-19 17:21:14.0)
Transimpedance gain for the PDF10A is mentioned in the Overview tab, but the wording seems to indicate that both this and the PDF10C share a common gain value.

The following table lists Thorlabs' selection of photodiodes and photoconductive detectors. Item numbers in the same row contain the same detector element.

Photodetector Cross Reference
Wavelength Material Unmounted
150 - 550 nm GaP - - SM05PD7A DET25K2 PDA25K2
200 - 1100 nm Si FDS010 - SM05PD2A
Si - - SM1PD2A - -
320 - 1000 nm Si - - - - PDA8A2
320 - 1100 nm Si FD11A SM05PD3A PDF10A2
Si - - - DET100A2 PDA100A2
340 - 1100 nm Si FDS10X10 - - - -
350 - 1100 nm Si FDS100
FDS100-CAL a
- SM05PD1A
Si FDS1010
FDS1010-CAL a
- -
400 - 1000 nm Si - - - - PDA015A(/M)
400 - 1100 nm Si FDS015 b - - - -
Si FDS025 b
FDS02 c
- - DET02AFC(/M)
400 - 1700 nm Si & InGaAs DSD2 - - - -
500 - 1700 nm InGaAs - - - DET10N2 -
750 - 1650 nm InGaAs - - - - PDA8GS
800 - 1700 nm InGaAs FGA015 - - - PDA015C(/M)
InGaAs FGA21
- SM05PD5A DET20C2 PDA20C2
InGaAs FGA01 b
- - DET01CFC(/M) -
InGaAs FDGA05 b - - - PDA05CF2
InGaAs - - - DET08CFC(/M)
800 - 1800 nm Ge FDG03
- SM05PD6A DET30B2 PDA30B2
Ge FDG50 - - DET50B2 PDA50B2
Ge FDG05 - - - -
900 - 1700 nm InGaAs FGA10 - SM05PD4A DET10C2 PDA10CS2
900 - 2600 nm InGaAs FD05D - - DET05D2 -
FD10D - - DET10D2 PDA10D2
950 - 1650 nm InGaAs - - - - FPD310-FC-NIR
1.0 - 5.8 µm InAsSb - - - - PDA10PT(-EC)
2.0 - 5.4 µm HgCdTe (MCT) - - - - PDA10JT(-EC)
2.0 - 8.0 µm HgCdTe (MCT) VML8T0
VML8T4 d
- - - PDAVJ8
2.0 - 10.6 µm HgCdTe (MCT) VML10T0
VML10T4 d
- - - PDAVJ10
2.7 - 5.0 µm HgCdTe (MCT) VL5T0 - - - PDAVJ5
2.7 - 5.3 µm InAsSb - - - - PDA07P2
  • Calibrated Unmounted Photodiode
  • Unmounted TO-46 Can Photodiode
  • Unmounted TO-46 Can Photodiode with FC/PC Bulkhead
  • Photovoltaic Detector with Thermoelectric Cooler

Si Amplified Photodetectors, Fixed Gain

Item #a Housing Featuresb Wavelength Range Bandwidth Range Rise Time Gain NEP Typical Performance Graphs Active Areac Operating Temperature Range Power Supply Included
Hi-Z Load 50 Ω Load
PDA10A2 200 - 1100 nmd DC - 150 MHz 2.3 ns 10 kV/A 5 kV/A 29.2 pW/Hz1/2 info 0.8 mm2
(Ø1 mm)
10 to 50 °C Yes
PDA8A2 320 - 1000 nm DC - 50 MHz 7 ns 100 kV/A 50 kV/A 7.8 pW/Hz1/2 info 0.5 mm2
(Ø0.8 mm)
10 to 50 °C Yes
PDF10A2 320 - 1100 nm DC - 20 Hz 22 ms 1 x 109 kV/A - 3.0 x 10-3 pW/Hz1/2 info 1.2 mm2
(1.1 x 1.1 mm)
10 to 50 °C Yes
PDA015A 400 - 1000 nm DC - 380 MHz 1.0 ns 50 kV/A 25 kV/A 36 pW/Hz1/2 info 0.018 mm2
(Ø150 µm)
10 to 40 °C Yes
FPD510-FS-VIS 400 - 1000 nm DC - 250 MHz 2 ns - 1.5 x 105 Vpp/Wf
2.5 x 104 Vpp/Wg
6.0 pW/Hz1/2 info 0.13 mm2
(Ø0.4 mm)
10 to 40 °C Yes
FPD610-FS-VIS 400 - 1000 nm DC - 600 MHz 1 ns - 2 x 106 Vpp/Wf
2.5 x 105 Vpp/Wg
11.2 pW/Hz1/2 info 0.13 mm2
(Ø0.4 mm)
10 to 40 °C Yes
  • Click on the links to view photos of the items.
  • Click the icons for details of the housing.
  • Click on the links to view photos of the detector elements.
  • When long-term UV light is applied, the product specifications may degrade. For example, the product’s UV response may decrease and the dark current may increase. The degree to which the specifications may degrade is based upon factors such as the irradiation level, intensity, and usage time.
  • The detector active area surface is flush with the front the housing.
  • Femtosecond Pulsed Gain
  • CW Gain
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
PDA10A2 Support Documentation
PDA10A2Si Fixed Gain Detector, 200 - 1100 nm, 150 MHz BW, 0.8 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
PDA8A2 Support Documentation
PDA8A2Si Fixed Gain Detector, 320 - 1000 nm, 50 MHz BW, 0.5 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
PDF10A2 Support Documentation
PDF10A2Si Fixed Gain Detector, 320 - 1100 nm, 20 Hz BW, 1.2 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
3 weeks
PDA015A2 Support Documentation
PDA015A2Si Fixed Gain Detector, 400 - 1000 nm, 380 MHz BW, 0.018 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
Lead Time
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Metric Price Available
FPD510-FS-VIS Support Documentation
FPD510-FS-VISSi Fixed Gain, High Sensitivity PIN Detector, 400 - 1000 nm, 250 MHz BW, 0.13 mm², M4 Tap
FPD610-FS-VIS Support Documentation
FPD610-FS-VISSi Fixed Gain, High Sensitivity PIN Detector, 400 - 1000 nm, 600 MHz BW, 0.13 mm², M4 Tap

Si Amplified Photodetectors, Switchable Gain

Item #a Housing Featuresb Wavelength Range Bandwidth Range Gain NEP Typical Performance Graphs Active Area
(Click Link for Image)
Operating Temperature Range Power Supply Included
Hi-Z Load 50 Ω Load
PDA100A2 320 - 1100 nm DC - 11 MHz 1.51 kV/A - 4.75 MV/Ac 0.75 kV/A - 2.38 MV/Ac 2.67 -
71.7 pW/Hz1/2
info 75.4 mm2
(Ø9.8 mm)
10 to 40 °C Yes
PDA36A2 350 - 1100 nm DC - 12 MHz 1.51 kV/A - 4.75 MV/Ac 0.75 kV/A - 2.38 MV/Ac 3.25 - 75.7 pW/Hz1/2 info 13 mm2
(3.6 mm x 3.6 mm)
10 to 40 °C Yes
FPD310-FS-VIS 400 - 1000 nm 1 - 1500 MHz - 2 x 103 -
2 x 104 Vpp/We
24.0 pW/Hz1/2 info 0.13 mm2
(Ø0.4 mm)
10 to 40 °C Yes
  • Click on the links to view photos of the items.
  • Click the icons for details.
  • Switchable with 8 x 10 dB Steps. Bandwidth varies inversely with gain.
  • The detector active area surface is flush with the front the housing.
  • Switchable with 2 steps, 0 and 20 dB. These gain values are valid for a femtosecond pulsed input. See the Specs tab for complete gain specifications.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
PDA100A2 Support Documentation
PDA100A2Si Switchable Gain Detector, 320 - 1100 nm, 11 MHz BW, 75.4 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
PDA36A2 Support Documentation
PDA36A2Si Switchable Gain Detector, 350 - 1100 nm, 12 MHz BW, 13 mm², Universal 8-32 / M4 Taps
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Metric Price Available
FPD310-FS-VIS Support Documentation
FPD310-FS-VISSi Switchable Gain, High Sensitivity PIN Amplified Detector, 400 - 1000 nm, 1 MHz - 1.5 GHz BW, 0.13 mm², M4 Taps

PDA Power Supply Cable

Pinout for Cable

The PDA-C-72 power cord is offered for the PDA line of amplified photodetectors when using with a power supply other than the one included with the detector. The cord has tinned leads on one end and a PDA-compatible 3-pin connector on the other end. It can be used to power the PDA series of amplified photodetectors with any power supply that provides a DC voltage. The pin descriptions are shown to the right.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
PDA-C-72 Support Documentation
PDA-C-7272" PDA Power Supply Cable, 3-Pin Connector

±12 VDC Regulated Linear Power Supply

  • Replacement Power Supply for the PDA and PDF Amplified Photodetectors Sold Above
  • ±12 VDC Power Output
  • Current Limit Enabling Short Circuit and Overload Protection
  • On/Off Switch with LED Indicator
  • Switchable AC Input Voltage (100, 120, or 230 VAC)
  • 2 m (6.6 ft) Cable with LUMBERG RSMV3 Male Connector
  • UL and CE Compliant

The LDS12B ±12 VDC Regulated Linear Power Supply is intended as a replacement for the supply that comes with our PDA and PDF line of amplified photodetectors sold on this page. The cord has three pins: one for ground, one for +12 V, and one for -12 V (see diagram above). A region-specific power cord is shipped with the LDS12B power supply based on your location. This power supply can also be used with the PDB series of balanced photodetectorsPMM series of photomultiplier modules,APD series of avalanche photodetectors, and the FSAC autocorrelator for femtosecond lasers.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
LDS12B Support Documentation
LDS12B±12 VDC Regulated Linear Power Supply, 6 W, 100/120/230 VAC

Internally SM1-Threaded Fiber Adapters

  • FC/PC (Narrow or Wide Key), FC/APC (Narrow Key or Wide Key), SMA, ST/PC, SC/PC, or LC/PC Receptacles
  • Light-Tight Construction When Used with SM1 Lens Tubes
  • Compatible with Many of Our Photodiode Power Sensors

Note: The APC adapters have two dimples in the front surface that allow them to be tightened with the SPW909 or SPW801 spanner wrench. The dimples do not go all the way through the disk so that the adapter can be used in light-tight applications when paired with SM1 lens tubes.

FC/PC and FC/APC adapters are available with either narrow (2.0 mm) or wide (2.2 mm) key connectors; for more details on narrow versus wide key connectors, please see our Intro to Fiber tutorial.

Item # S120-FC2 S120-FC S120-APC2a S120-APCa S120-SMA S120-ST S120-SC S120-LC
Adapter Image
(Click the Image
to Enlarge)
S120-FC2 S120-FC S120-APC2 S120-APC S120-SMA S120-ST S120-SC S120-LC
Connector Type FC/PC,
2.0 mm Narrow Key
2.2 mm Wide Key
2.0 mm Narrow Key
2.2 mm Wide Key
Threading Internal SM1 (1.035"-40)
  • The S120-APC and S120-APC2 are designed with a 4° mechanical angle to compensate for the refraction angle of the output beam.
  • In certain angle-independent applications, this adapter may also be used with SC/APC connectors.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
S120-FC2 Support Documentation
S120-FC2FC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Narrow Key (2.0 mm)
S120-FC Support Documentation
S120-FCFC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Wide Key (2.2 mm)
S120-APC2 Support Documentation
S120-APC2FC/APC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Narrow Key (2.0 mm)
S120-APC Support Documentation
S120-APCCustomer Inspired! FC/APC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Wide Key (2.2 mm)
S120-SMA Support Documentation
S120-SMASMA Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads
S120-ST Support Documentation
S120-STST/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads
S120-SC Support Documentation
S120-SCSC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads
S120-LC Support Documentation
S120-LCLC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads

Externally SM1-Threaded Fiber Adapters

Note: Each disk has four dimples, two in the front surface and two in the back surface, that allow it to be tightened from either side with the SPW909 or SPW801 spanner wrench. The dimples do not go all the way through the disk so that the adapters can be used in light-tight applications when paired with SM1 lens tubes. Once the adapter is at the desired position, use an SM1RR retaining ring to secure it in place.

FC/PC and FC/APC adapters are available with either narrow (2.0 mm) or wide (2.2 mm) key connectors; for more details on narrow versus wide key connectors, please see our Intro to Fiber tutorial.

Adapter Image
(Click the Image
to Enlarge)
Connector Type FC/PC,
2.0 mm Narrow Key
2.2 mm Wide Key
2.0 mm Narrow Key
2.2 mm Wide Key
Threading External SM1 (1.035"-40)
  • The SM1FCA2 and SM1FCA are designed with a 4° mechanical angle to compensate for the refraction angle of the output beam.
  • These adapters can only be threaded in place with the connector facing away from the internal threading.
  • In certain angle-independent applications, this adapter may also be used with SC/APC connectors.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
SM1FC2 Support Documentation
SM1FC2FC/PC Fiber Adapter Plate with External SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Narrow Key (2.0 mm)
SM1FC Support Documentation
SM1FCFC/PC Fiber Adapter Plate with External SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Wide Key (2.2 mm)
SM1FCA2 Support Documentation
SM1FCA2Customer Inspired! FC/APC Fiber Adapter Plate with External SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Narrow Key (2.0 mm)
SM1FCA Support Documentation
SM1FCAFC/APC Fiber Adapter Plate with External SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Wide Key (2.2 mm)
SM1SMA Support Documentation
SM1SMASMA Fiber Adapter Plate with External SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads
SM1ST Support Documentation
SM1STST/PC Fiber Adapter Plate with External SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads
SM1SC1 Support Documentation
SM1SC1SC/PC Fiber Adapter Plate with External SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads
3 weeks
SM1LC Support Documentation
SM1LCLC/PC Fiber Adapter Plate with External SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads