PM20-FC PM20-FC Thorlabs - PM20-FC FC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM05 (0.535"-40) Threads, Wide Key (2.2 mm)

PM20-FC - FC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM05 (0.535"-40) Threads, Wide Key (2.2 mm) 
PM20-FC - FC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM05 (0.535in-40) Threads, Wide Key (2.2 mm)
FC/PC Fiber Adapter Cap with Internal SM05 (0.535in-40) Threads, Wide Key (2.2 mm)


Part Number:PM20-FC -Ask a technical question Ask a technical question.
Package Weight:0.02 lbs / EACH
RoHS:RoHS Compliant
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Release Date:May 5, 2006
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