CPB1/M CPB1/M Thorlabs - CPB1/M Cage Plate Mounting Base for 30 mm Cage Plates, Metric

CPB1/M - Cage Plate Mounting Base for 30 mm Cage Plates, Metric 
CPB1/M - Cage Plate Mounting Base for 30 mm Cage Plates, Metric
Cage Plate Mounting Base for 30 mm Cage Plates, Metric


Part Number:CPB1/M -Ask a technical question Ask a technical question.
Package Weight:0.05 lbs / Each
RoHS:RoHS Compliant
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Release Date:Jan 9, 2009
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Product Summary:

The CPB1/M base for 30 mm cage plates can be attached directly to an optical table or breadboard with M6 tapped holes on 25 mm centers.