Vacuum-Compatible Motorized Actuators

  • Vacuum Compatible Down to 10-6 Torr
  • Precision DC Servo Motor Actuators
  • Options with 1/4" -80 Thread or 3/8" 
    Barrel Fitting


25 mm Travel 3/8" Barrel


12 mm Travel
1/4"-80 Threading


6 mm Travel
1/4"-80 Threading

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Common Specificationsa
Backlash <8 µm
Bidirectional Repeatability <1.5 µm
Home Location Accuracy <2 µm
Homing Repeatability ±1.0 µm
Vertical Load Capacity <4.0 kg (Recommended)
4.5 kg (Max)
Horizontal Load Capacity <7.5 kg (Recommended)
9 kg (Max)
Velocity (Max)b 2.6 mm/s
Acceleration (Max) 4 mm/s2
Motor Coil Temperature 85 °C (Max)
Limit Switch Lifetime >100,000 Cycles
Achievable Incremental Movement (Min.) 0.05 µm
Repeatable Incremental Movement (Min.) 0.2 µm
Operating Temperature Range 41 to 104 °F
(5 to 40 °C)
Vacuum Rating 10-6 Torr
Weight 0.134 kg
  • For full specifications, please refer to the Specs tab.
  • At 2.6 mm/s velocity ripple and distortion of the acceleration/deceleration profile may occur. For improved control, the max velocity should be limited to
    2.3 mm/s.
DC Servo Controller
Click to Enlarge

Recommended Controller: KDC101

DC Servo Controller
Click to Enlarge

Z825BV actuator fitted to a custom, vacuum-compatible version of the PT1 translation stage.


  • Drop-In Replacement for Manual Actuators with 1/4"-80 Thread or
    3/8" Barrels
  • 12 VDC Servo Actuators with 6, 12, or 25 mm of Travel
  • Minimum Resolution of About 29 nm
  • Maximum Velocity of 2.3 mm/s
  • Limit Switches for Zero Datum and Actuator Protection
  • Rated Down to 10-6 Torr

These Vacuum-Compatible, Motorized Actuators provide 6 mm, 12 mm, or 25 mm of travel for use with mirror mounts and stages. With vacuum-rated servo motors, phosphorous bronze internal coupling mechanisms and mounting bushings, and high-vacuum grease (see item # GKZ8 below), these actuators can be used in environments down to 10-6 Torr.

Commercial limit switches have been added to provide overdrive protection and accurate home positioning. The incorporated motor is capable of speeds up to 2.3 mm/s. The precision of the encoder (512 counts/rev) results in a minimum resolution of about 29 nm (see the Calculations tab for more information). They offer high resolution in lightweight packages (0.134 kg), making them ideal for demanding automation applications.

The Z812BV and Z825BV actuators are designed to replace manual adjusters with 3/8” barrel fittings in stages and mirror mounts, while the Z806V and Z812V actuators can replace manual adjusters with 1/4"-80-threaded fittings. To use these actuators, simply remove the existing manual adjuster from the mount, and either clamp or thread in the vacuum-compatible actuator. To order vacuum-compatible versions of our stages and mirror mounts, please contact Technical Support.

The vacuum-compatible actuators are each shipped with a 1.6' (0.5 m) vacuum compatible flat ribbon cable with IDC connector. This cable has a 0.05" (1.27 mm) pitch, 28 AWG stranded conductors and Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) insulation. A converter cable for use with the KDC101 controller is also supplied, but this is not vacuum compatible and should only be used outside the chamber.

The KDC101 DC Servo Controller is the ideal driver for this actuator. Please note that previous-generation TDC001 units purchased before March 2009 will require a firmware upgrade before they can be used with this motor. An upgrade is included with the latest APT software, which can be downloaded here.

Item # Z806V Z812BV
Travel 6.0 mm 12.0 mm 25.0 mm
Absolute On-Axis Accuracy 42 µm 95 µm 130 µm
Percentage Accuracy (Max) 0.82% 0.75% 0.52%
Backlash <8 µm
Bidirectional Repeatability <1.5 µm
Home Location Accuracy <2 µm
Homing Repeatability ±1.0 µm
Operating Temperature Range 41 to 104 °F (5 to 40 °C)
Vacuum Rating 10-6 Torr
Weight 0.134 kg
Limit Switch Lifetime >100,000 Cycles
Vertical Load Capacity <4.0 kg (Recommended)
4.5 kg (Max)
Horizontal Load Capacity <7.5 kg (Recommended)
9 kg (Max)
Velocity (Max)a 2.6 mm/s
Acceleration (Max) 4 mm/s2
Motor Coil Temperature 85 °C
Achievable Incremental Movement (Min.) 0.05 µm
Repeatable Incremental Movement (Min.) 0.2 µm
  • At 2.6 mm/s, velocity ripple and distortion of the acceleration/deceleration profile may occur. For improved control, the max velocity should be limited to 2.3 mm/s.

How to Calculate the Linear Displacement per Encoder Count

For these vacuum-compatible actuators, there are 512 encoder counts per revolution of the motor. The output shaft of the motor goes into a 67:1 planetary gear head. This requires the motor to rotate 67 times to rotate the 1.0 mm pitch lead screw one revolution. The end result is the lead screw advances by 1.0 mm.

The linear displacement of the actuator per encoder count is given by

512 x 67 = 34,304 encoder counts per revolution of the lead screw,

whereas the linear displacement of the lead screw per encoder count is given by

1.0 mm / 34,304 counts = 2.9 x 10-5 mm (29 nm).

Connector Pin Out

1Motor (+ve) (12 V)6Motor (-ve) (12 V)
2Vcc (5 V)7Limit Ground
3Encoder Channel A8Reverse Limit
4Encoder Channel B9Forward Limit
5Ground10Reserved for Future Use

Posted Comments:
user  (posted 2020-09-23 14:36:07.593)
The connectors on the actuator are not standard for vacuum - would be much better if DB9 or DB15 female - in order to match standard feedthroughs. Appears to be made from PBT which (seems to be vacuum compatible, but not the best or standard). This non-standard connector causes a lot of trouble and engr cost for customers (and Thorlabs as we have to contact you to figure this out and find adapters). If you must stay with this connector, please consider at the very least including the necessary male connector for vacuum in the box (and for sale on your website as well in case we damage one during mfg). Thank you.
cwright  (posted 2020-09-28 09:36:55.0)
Response from Charles at Thorlabs: Hello and thank you for your feedback voicing your concerns. Our engineering team has seen this feedback and will consider it accordingly in any future design revisions. While we have found that end users often have their own specific preference given the variety of feedthroughs on the market, many even with DIY solutions to perfectly fulfil their special needs, we do acknowledge that a providing a common connector such as DB9 could help some users.
gruning  (posted 2017-06-06 18:23:05.84)
Hello, I'm currently looking for vacuum compatible motorized translation stages and actuators for mirror mounts. I only found vacuum compatibility down to 10^-6 Torr however I need 10^-7 mbar (7.5x10^-8 Torr). Are you able to provide motorized elements down to this pressure ? Thank you. Regards
bwood  (posted 2017-06-07 06:28:15.0)
Response from Ben at Thorlabs: Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, the motors used in these actuators is limited to 10^-6 Torr, and so we can't provide a motor for lower vacuum levels at this moment in time. However, we will note this requirement with our engineers, to inform future projects.

Vacuum-Compatible DC Motor Actuators

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
Z806V Support Documentation
Z806VVacuum-Compatible 6 mm Motorized DC Actuator, 1/4"-80 Thread Fitting
Z812BV Support Documentation
Z812BVVacuum-Compatible 12 mm Motorized Actuator, 3/8" Barrel Fitting
Lead Time
Z812V Support Documentation
Z812VVacuum-Compatible 12 mm Motorized Actuator, 1/4"-80 Thread
Z825BV Support Documentation
Z825BVVacuum-Compatible 25 mm Motorized Actuator with Ø3/8" Barrel Fitting

Apiezon Grease for Z8, ZFS, and ZST Actuators

  • 1.5 cc Syringe of Apiezon 100 Grease
  • Vacuum-Compatible Grease to 10-9 Torr
  • Prolongs Actuator Lifetime
  • Ready to Dispense

This Apiezon grease, which is ideal for re-lubricating the leadscrew threads of our Z8, ZFS, and ZST actuators, has excellent anti-seize properties. It contains PTFE for higher lubricity, is recommended for both general use and vacuum applications down to 10-9 Torr, and has an optimal working range of 10 °C to 30 °C (50 °F to 86 °F). The grease comes in a syringe for easy application.

Note: It is recommended that the leadscrews of the Z8, ZFS, and ZST motors be lubricated every 50,000 cycles or 6 months.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
GKZ8 Support Documentation
GKZ8Grease Kit for Z8, ZFS, and ZST Actuators