Holography Plates and Supplies

  • Green- and Red-Sensitive Holography Plates and Developer Chemicals
  • 63 mm x 63 mm Plates
  • Record Transmission or Reflection Holograms


Pack of 6


Chemical Development Packets

Application Idea

See the Creating Holograms
Tab for Details

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  • Holography Plates for 532 nm and 633 nm
  • Record Transmission or Reflection Holograms
  • All Development Chemicals Available
  • Kits Provide Complete Experimental Setup for Creating Holograms

This page contains Thorlabs' selection of holography plates and developer chemical packets. In addition, we offer a kit that includes plates, developer chemical packets, a laser source, and accessories that are ideal for creating reflection holograms.

Holography Plates
Thorlabs' Holography Plates measure 63 mm x 63 mm (2.48" x 2.48") and are available in either green- (532 nm) or red- (633 nm) sensitive formats. These plates are manufactured using sodium silicate glass with one side coated with a sticky emulsion layer and are sold in packs of 6. Upon exposure to red or green laser light, the emulsion will be exposed, and a hologram can be recorded. Please see the Creating Holograms tab for suggestions on how to make holograms.

Chemicals for Hologram Development
Also available are chemical packets for developing the holography plates. There are two developer chemical sets: one for the red-sensitive plates and the other for the green-sensitive plates; the developer solutions are not interchangeable. These development sets include all the chemicals required to develop 20 holographic plates and only require deionized or distilled water to create the chemical baths. Directions for mixing the chemicals and processing the holographic plates are provided with the chemicals.

Thorlabs sells lasers, mounts, and optics ideal for making holograms. Recommended options for beginning holography are listed on the Creating Holograms tab. Additional options for laser sources, optics, and accessories are listed on the Other Components tab. For our red holography plates, we also offer a preselected assortment of items that can be purchased with one click (see the last two product groupings on this page).

PHG63 Green-Sensitive Holography Plate Graphs


PHR63 Red-Sensitive Holography Plate Graphs

This tutorial offers suggestions for making reflection holograms. While the plates offered by Thorlabs are capable of producing both types of holograms, the plates are optimized for creating reflection holograms.

In traditional photography, a three-dimensional object is reduced to a two-dimensional image; while the camera is capable of recording the amplitude of the light originating at the object, it yields no information about the phase of the waves. If both the phase and amplitude of the light are recorded, then the image would appear to be exactly the same as the original object when viewed under the same light. Holograms are created by illuminating a photographic plate with two coherent beams: one is a reference beam, while the other either reflects off of or diffracts around an object. For each point on the object, the two interfering beams expose a concentric-ring interference pattern onto the holographic plate. Once developed, illumination of the plate with the same wavelength of light used to expose it will produce a virtual holographic image; this image is formed by light diffraction from the light and dark bands on the plate. This virtual image will have the same intensity and phase information as the light originally incident on the object.*

Creating Holograms
There are two basic ways to create holograms: through reflection or transmission. These designations refer to how the holography plates are arranged with respect to the object. For reflection holograms, the object and the source are on opposite sides of the plate, while for transmission holograms, the source and the object are on the same side of the plate. Since Thorlabs plates are optimized for the recording of reflection holograms, we will focus on a simple setup for this technique.

Reflection Holograms
Thorlabs offers several laser sources that can be used to create holograms. For our red-sensitive plates, our 635 nm fiber-coupled laser source (S1FC635) with an FC/PC-terminated patch cable (P1-630A-FC-1) makes a good source. The light will diverge from the end of the fiber and can illuminate the whole plate at once. Other alternate light sources, such as laser diodes or HeNe lasers, can be used; for more details, please see the Other Components tab above. A recommended light source for our green-sensitive plates is also listed on the Other Components tab.

Figure 1 shows the setup we used to create our holograms. To minimize reflections from the optical table, we placed coins on a matte black surface (e.g., a small piece of TB4 black hardboard). Since holography can suffer greatly from vibrations, it may be beneficial to use our vibration isolation plates (S913B or S913A) along with a sheet of sorbothane (SB12B or SB12A). The light emanating from the fiber tip can be aimed at the plate using our SL20 articulated base. A complete parts list is shown in the table below.

In this configuration, the plate is placed directly next to the object to be imaged, while the laser beam is incident on the other side of the plate. As an initial object, we recommend using coins or another reflective object. In this configuration, the beam directly incident on the plate forms the reference beam, while the beam reflected off of the object interferes with this reference beam to form the interference pattern on the holography plate.

Figure 1: Setup for Reflection Holography
Figure 1: Setup for simple reflection holography, with the holography plate on top of the coins, and the fiber-coupled laser source incident on the plate.
The inset shows the laser light incident on the plate with the room darkened.

Imperial Item #a Metric Item #a Description Quantity
PHR63 Red-Sensitive Holographic Plates, 6 Pack 1
PHRKIT Chemical Developer for Red-Sensitive Holographic Plates 1
S1FC635 Fabry-Perot Benchtop Laser Source, 635 nm, 2.5 mW, FC/PC 1
P1-630A-FC-1 Fiber Patch Cable, 1 m, 600 - 800 nm, FC/PC 1
SL20 SL20/M Super Base Mounting Platform, High Precision Ball & Socket Mounting Platform 1
PH1 PH30/M Post Holder with Spring-Loaded Hex-Locking Thumbscrew, L = 1.00" 1
TR1 TR30/M Ø1/2" x 1" Stainless Steel Optical Post (Used to Mount LMR1) 1
LMR1 LMR1/M SM1-Threaded Mount (Used to Hold SM1FC2 Fiber Adapter) 1
SM1FC2 Narrow-Keyb FC/PC Fiber Adapter with External SM1 (1.035"-40) Thread 1
  • These items may be purchased with one click below. Please note this part list does not include optional items such as the TB4 hardboard or common lab supplies such as screws.
  • For details on narrow versus wide key fiber connectors, please see our Intro to Fiber tutorial.

The entire setup should be in a fairly dark room, and any light should be blocked from reaching the holography setup. Set up the object and the laser. Turn on the laser, and adjust the beam direction until it covers the objects. Turn off the laser, and place the holographic plate in position with the emulsion (sticky) side of the plate touching the objects. Then turn on the laser with the "enable" button for between 5 to 10 seconds. Disable the laser output, and process the plate.

Developing Holograms
The holograms can be developed using either our PHRKIT chemical packets for red-sensitive plates or our PHGKIT chemical packets for green-sensitive plates. Instructions for developing the holograms are included with the chemical sets.

Viewing Reflection Holograms
The reflection holograms can be viewed with a point source of white light, such as from a flashlight, LED, or unfrosted incandescent light bulb (in Figures 2 and 3, we used a small LED array). There are two ways of viewing reflection holograms. The hologram can be illuminated from the front so that light reflects off of the surface and into the viewer's eye. By adjusting the angle of the light, the hologram can be viewed and will be visible with the wavelength used to record the hologram, as can be seen in Figure 2.

The reflection hologram can also be viewed with a point source located so that the light transmits through the plate. Again, the angle of the light source and the viewer will need to be adjusted. The results are shown in Figure 3.

Transmission holograms must be illuminated with the laser used to expose the plates in order for the image to be visible.

Figure 2: Hologram viewed in reflection
Click to Enlarge

Figure 2: A reflection hologram viewed by reflecting light off of the plate.
Figure 3: Hologram viewed in transmission
Click to Enlarge

Figure 3: A reflection hologram viewed by transmitting light through the plate.

*More information on the theory and history of holograms may be found in Hecht, Eugene, Optics, 4th Ed., Addison Wesley, 2002.

The Creating Holograms tab and the Complete Red Reflection Hologram Kit section below suggest a set of components that can be utilized to create reflection holograms. This tab has additional Thorlabs components that can be utilized in the creation of holograms. Thorlabs stocks many other components that could be useful for holography. Our tech support staff is available to answer any questions you may have about configuring a system to record holograms.

Light Sources for Red-Sensitive Plates

In order to easily create holograms, the laser must have a large enough beam to fill the holographic plate. Since a diverging beam is acceptable, we recommend using our fiber-coupled laser source, since the light will spread broadly from the fiber tip and fill the plate if placed at a sufficient distance. If a collimated laser source is used, we recommend using a lens to diverge the light.

Product FamilyDescriptionComments
Red HeNe Lasers 633 nm Output with Power Ranging from 0.8 to 22.5 mW Requires Lens to Diverge Light, Such as LD2060-B
Red Laser Diodes 635 nm Output with Power Ranging from 2.5 mW to 15 mW Requires Laser Diode Mount and Controller

Light Sources for Green-Sensitive Plates

For our green-sensitive holography plates, Thorlabs offers two options. A lens is required to diverge the light so that the laser beam fills the plate.

Item #DescriptionComments
DJ532-10 532 nm Output with 10 mW Output Requires Lens to Diverge Light, Such as LD2060-A as well as Laser Diode Mount and Controller
CPS532 532 nm Laser Diode Module with 4.5 mW Output Requires Lens to Diverge Light, Such as LD2060-A

Mounts for Holography Plates

For larger objects where it would be more desirable to have the plate mounted vertically, Thorlabs offers several mounts. For the most stable mounting of the holography plate, the SFH3 filter holder can be used; however, this decreases the clear aperture of the plate to 1.64" (41.7 mm) in the horizontal direction. Our CH2B cylindrical lens mount will allow the entire clear aperture of the plate to be exposed, but the plate may not be as stable, leading to reduced hologram quality. To increase the stability, two CH2B mounts may be used.

Posted Comments:
Declan Mulhall  (posted 2019-12-11 11:43:18.443)
Hi Thorlabs Can you give me some guidance on exposure times for the films. In particular, I would like to make a light meter. I have a PDA10A2 amplified detector, and also an FDS100 and FDS025 unmounted detectrs. Can you tell me a plan I could follow to use these detectors to get a ballpark idea of exposure times? Thanks a million Dec
nbayconich  (posted 2019-12-16 03:36:21.0)
The exposure time needed for the holographic plate can be calculated from T = Sensitivity/intensity, where sensitivity of the green holographic plates is about 75uJ/cm^2 at 532nm. Knowing the intensity of your source and the plate sensitivity will allow you to calculate the exposure time. If you are unsure of the intensity of your laser source you can determine the intensity(P/A) using the FDS100 to first calculate the power of the laser source. I will reach out to you directly with more information.
LG Hélo  (posted 2019-10-15 07:15:10.45)
What is the chemical component of the emulsion layer of the holographic plate PHR63 ? Is it a positive or negative resin ?
YLohia  (posted 2019-10-15 03:24:39.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The PHR63 contains a silver-halide emulsion (silver chloride, bromide and iodine). It is a negative resin.
User  (posted 2019-09-19 04:23:06.157)
Hi, I am working on building holograms as part of a project. I am using these plates in an attempt to do so however after development the plates remain completely clear. I am using a 5mW green laser (CPS532) with a divergent lens and approximately 1m between source and object. The exposure times I have used are 6 and 10 seconds, have you got any advice on what may be going wrong? The plates have been stored for approximately six weeks at room temperature out of the fridge, could this be the problem? Also please could you tell me what the emulsion is made out of as I can find this online? Thank you
nbayconich  (posted 2019-09-23 02:52:01.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We do not expect that storing these plates at room temperature would have significantly reduced the product lifetime. It's more likely that the cause of the film not developing properly is that the 532nm CPS diode is not thermally stabilized resulting in an un-stabilized wavelength. 532nm sources such as the CPS532 which is a DPSS laser are much more sensitive to temperature changes which can result in a fluctuating center wavelength not suitable for creating a interference pattern required to develop the holographic film. Aside from the laser source chosen to create the pattern there are other variables that can result in a poorly developed holographic pattern. I will reach out to you directly to help troubleshoot your application.
mhsinger  (posted 2017-04-30 14:56:25.043)
Hello, I am an EE student doing a project on holography. I am using your plates and developers to capture my hologram but I am having some trouble with the exposure I think. I have tried 2 different setups, one based on Thorlabs instructions and another based on a hologram experiment I found online. Neither have seemed to work for me. Do you have a recommended optical table layout? Thank you
tfrisch  (posted 2017-05-19 02:02:19.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I see that you have already resolved this problem in a ticket with our Tech Support Team using the setup recommended on the webpage.
h.swartz  (posted 2016-12-18 15:47:00.45)
Hello, We are two Physics students in France, and our university purchased some material (including these holography plates) so that we could try making a hologramm as part of a project. However, after a few tries, we've been unable to obtain anything (the development of the plate goes according to what is discribed but all we get at the end is a very light, translucent grey colour all over the plate, and we can't see anything when exposed). Could you please get back to us by email so we could explain in more detail what we've been doing, and get feedback from you ? We can't figure out what we've been doing wrong, and would like to know if you could help us make sure we got the right time exposure and so on. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
tfrisch  (posted 2017-01-18 03:21:32.0)
Hello, Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application.
benju  (posted 2016-12-11 21:46:26.173)
Does a fully exposed (incoherent light everywhere) and developed plate turn all black from both sides or is it silvery when viewed from the backside?
tfrisch  (posted 2017-01-18 02:49:09.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. I will reach out to you directly about fully exposed plates.
shine1520  (posted 2016-03-03 21:13:32.577)
I want to know that. 1. The film is transparent or opague If I developed unexposed film. 2. proper distance from laser to plate, power of laser source and exposure time. (I have same laser source device and optical fiber in your example picture) I would appreciate if you answer this questions.
besembeson  (posted 2016-03-10 11:36:51.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: The film is transparent when developed without any exposure. During the developing process the film gets all black, then washed free. Only exposed spots remain after washing. The second question is strongly dependent on the setup so I will contact you to further discuss this.

Green Holography Plates and Chemical Developer

PHG63 Specifications
Peak Sensitivity 75 µJ/cm2 at 532 nm
Wavelength Range 400 nm - 600 nm
Size (L x H x W) 63.0 mm x 63.0 mm x 2.0 mm
(2.48" x 2.48" x 0.08")
Clear Aperture 90% of Height and Length
Resolution >3000 Lines/mm
Diffraction Efficiency >40%
Grain Size 40 nm
Number of Plates 6
Shelf Life at 4 °C (39.2 °F) 18 Months

The PHG63 green-sensitive holography plates are designed to be exposed with green laser light near 532 nm. While they can be used for both reflection and transmission holograms, they are ideal for reflection holograms. For details on techniques to make reflection holograms, please see the Creating Holograms tab above. We recommend storing these plates in a refrigerator; the plates have an 18 month shelf life at 4 °C (39.2 °F) and are sold in a pack of 6.

In addition to the plates, Thorlabs also offers the PHGKIT chemical developer packets. The chemicals come in seven packets and must be mixed with distilled or deionized water. Three 1 liter glass or plastic bottles, 2 small (just large enough to hold the holographic plate) glass or plastic trays, and 2 large (capable of holding 1 liter) plastic or glass trays are required for mixing the chemicals and must be supplied by the user. The mixed chemicals may be stored in tightly sealed bottles and will last for several months. The chemicals should be carefully labeled as not safe for consumption and should not be stored near food.

Please note that the PHGKIT is classified as a dangerous good in some countries. Depending on the delivery location, this item may need to be shipped separately from the rest of your order at an additional charge. Please contact our sales department if there are questions or concerns when placing an order for this item.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
PHG63 Support Documentation
PHG63Green-Sensitive Holography Plates, 63 mm x 63 mm, 6 Pack
PHGKIT Support Documentation
PHGKITChemical Development Packets for PHG63 Holographic Plates

Red Holography Plates and Chemical Developer

Peak Sensitivity 1.5 - 2.0 mJ/cm2 at 633 nm
Wavelength Range 500 nm - 690 nm
Size (L x H x W) 63.0 mm x 63.0 mm x 2.0 mm
(2.48" x 2.48" x 0.08")
Clear Aperture 90% of Height and Length
Resolution >5000 Lines/mm
Diffraction Efficiency >45%
Grain Size 8 - 12 nm
Number of Plates 6
Shelf Life at 4 °C (39.2 °F) 12 Months

The PHR63 red-sensitive holography plates are designed to be exposed with red laser light near 633 nm. While they can be used for both reflection and transmission holograms, they are ideal for reflection holograms. For details on techniques to make both reflection holograms, please see the Creating Holograms tab above. We recomend storing these plates in a refrigerator; the plates have a 12 month shelf live at 4 °C (39.2 °F) and are sold in a pack of 6.

In addition to the plates, Thorlabs also offers the PHRKIT chemical developer packets. The chemicals come in seven packets and must be mixed with distilled or deionized water. Three 1 liter glass or plastic bottles, 2 small (just large enough to hold the holographic plate) glass or plastic trays, and 2 large (capable of holding 1 liter) plastic or glass trays are required for mixing the chemicals and must be provided by the user. The mixed chemicals may be stored in tightly sealed bottles and will last for several months. The chemicals should be carefully labeled as not safe for consumption and should not be stored near food.

Please note that the PHRKIT is classified as a dangerous good in some countries. Depending on the delivery location, this item may need to be shipped separately from the rest of your order at an additional charge. Please contact our sales department if there are questions or concerns when placing an order for this item.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
PHR63 Support Documentation
PHR63Red-Sensitive Holography Plates, 63 mm x 63 mm, 6 Pack
Lead Time
PHRKIT Support Documentation
PHRKITChemical Development Packets for PHR63 Holographic Plates
Lead Time

Complete Red Reflection Hologram Kit, Imperial

The items in the table below are Thorlabs' recommendations to create reflection holograms using flat, thin objects (such as coins), as described on the Creating Holograms tab above. There are many other options for laser sources, mounts, and optics that can be used for additional holography configurations. Please see the Other Components tab for more details.

Please see the Creating Holograms tab for suggested optional items not included in this kit. Common lab supplies, such as screws, are also not included in the kit.

To order the complete Red Holography Kit in the recommended quantities, please click the "Add Kit" button at the bottom of the Ordering Area. If you desire to remove an item from the kit (for example, if you already own the component), simply change the value in the "QTY" box to 0. Quantities of a given item may also be increased. Once you have adjusted the quantities, press the "Add Kit" button to upload all of the requested products to your shopping cart at once.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Imperial Price Available
SL20 Support Documentation
SL20Articulating Base Ball Stage, High Precision Ball & Socket Mounting Platform
PH1 Support Documentation
PH1Ø1/2" Post Holder, Spring-Loaded Hex-Locking Thumbscrew, L = 1"
TR1 Support Documentation
TR1Ø1/2" Optical Post, SS, 8-32 Setscrew, 1/4"-20 Tap, L = 1"
LMR1 Support Documentation
LMR1Lens Mount with Retaining Ring for Ø1" Optics, 8-32 Tap
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
PHR63 Support Documentation
PHR63Red-Sensitive Holography Plates, 63 mm x 63 mm, 6 Pack
Lead Time
SM1FC2 Support Documentation
SM1FC2FC/PC Fiber Adapter Plate with External SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Narrow Key (2.0 mm)
PHRKIT Support Documentation
PHRKITChemical Development Packets for PHR63 Holographic Plates
Lead Time
S1FC635 Support Documentation
S1FC635Fabry-Perot Benchtop Laser Source, 635 nm, 2.5 mW, FC/PC
3 weeks
P1-630A-FC-1 Support Documentation
P1-630A-FC-1Single Mode Patch Cable, 633 - 780 nm, FC/PC, Ø3 mm Jacket, 1 m Long
3 weeks

Complete Red Reflection Hologram Kit, Metric

The items in the table below are Thorlabs' recommendations to create reflection holograms using flat, thin objects (such as coins), as described on the Creating Holograms tab above. There are many other options for laser sources, mounts, and optics that can be used for additional holography configurations. Please see the Other Components tab for more details.

Please see the Creating Holograms tab for suggested optional items not included in this kit. Common lab supplies, such as screws, are also not included in the kit.

To order the complete Red Holography Kit in the recommended quantities, please click the "Add Kit" button at the bottom of the Ordering Area. If you desire to remove an item from the kit (for example, if you already own the component), simply change the value in the "QTY" box to 0. Quantities of a given item may also be increased. Once you have adjusted the quantities, press the "Add Kit" button to upload all of the requested products to your shopping cart at once.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
PHR63 Support Documentation
PHR63Red-Sensitive Holography Plates, 63 mm x 63 mm, 6 Pack
Lead Time
PHRKIT Support Documentation
PHRKITChemical Development Packets for PHR63 Holographic Plates
Lead Time
S1FC635 Support Documentation
S1FC635Fabry-Perot Benchtop Laser Source, 635 nm, 2.5 mW, FC/PC
3 weeks
P1-630A-FC-1 Support Documentation
P1-630A-FC-1Single Mode Patch Cable, 633 - 780 nm, FC/PC, Ø3 mm Jacket, 1 m Long
3 weeks
SM1FC2 Support Documentation
SM1FC2FC/PC Fiber Adapter Plate with External SM1 (1.035"-40) Threads, Narrow Key (2.0 mm)
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Metric Price Available
SL20/M Support Documentation
SL20/MArticulating Base Ball Stage, High Precision Ball & Socket Mounting Platform, Metric
Lead Time
PH30/M Support Documentation
PH30/MØ12.7 mm Post Holder, Spring-Loaded Hex-Locking Thumbscrew, L=30 mm
TR30/M Support Documentation
TR30/MØ12.7 mm Optical Post, SS, M4 Setscrew, M6 Tap, L = 30 mm
LMR1/M Support Documentation
LMR1/MLens Mount with Retaining Ring for Ø1" Optics, M4 Tap