Fiber-Coupled LEDs

  • UV, Visible, and NIR Versions
  • Optimized Heat Management Results in Stable Output
  • Integrated Chip Stores LED Operating Parameters
  • Accepts SMA Fiber Connector


625 nm Fiber-Coupled LED

Ø400 µm Core Patch Cable
(Not Included)

Integrated Power Cable

Large Heat Sink for
Optimized Heat Dissipation


385 nm Fiber-Coupled LED

Related Items

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LED Mounted to a 50 mm Long Heat Sink LED Mounted to a 34 mm Long Heat Sink
Item # Color
(Click for
Ø200 µm Core
Fiber Output
Ø400 µm Core
Fiber Output
M285F4e Deep UV 285 nm 160 µW 590 µW
M300F2e Deep UV 300 nm 110 µW 320 µW
M325F4e Deep UV 325 nm 100 µW 350 µW
M340F3e Deep UV 340 nm 0.28 mW 1.06 mW
M365F1e UV 365 nm 1.0 mW 4.1 mW
M365FP1e UV 365 nm 5.29 mW 15.5 mW
M375F2e UV 375 nm 1.57 mW 4.23 mW
M385F1e UV 385 nm 2.68 mW 10.7 mW
M385FP1e UV 385 nm 7.7 mW 23.2 mW
M395F3e UV 395 nm 1.91 mW 6.8 mW
M395FP1e UV 395 nm 7.7 mW 29.8 mW
M405F1e UV 405 nm 0.93 mW 3.7 mW
M405FP1 UV 405 nm 7.7 mW 24.3 mW
M415F3e Violet 415 nm 7.0 mW 21.3 mW
M455F3 Royal Blue 455 nm 5.4 mW 24.5 mW
M470F3 Blue 470 nm 7.0 mW 21.8 mW
M490F3 Blue 490 nm 0.97 mW 3.1 mW
M505F3 Cyan 505 nm 3.7 mW 11.7 mW
M530F2 Green 530 nm 3.2 mW 9.6 mW
MINTF4 Mint 554 nm 8.5 mW 28 mW
M565F3f Lime 565 nm 4.4 mW 13.5 mW
M590F3 Amber 590 nm 1.5 mW 4.6 mW
M595F2f Amber 595 nm 4.0 mW 11.5 mW
M617F2 Orange 617 nm 4.4 mW 13.2 mW
M625F2 Red 625 nm 5.7 mW 17.5 mW
M660FP1 Red 660 nm 4.7 mW 15.5 mW
M680F3 Deep Red 680 nm 0.7 mW 2.7 mW
M700F3 Deep Red 700 nm 0.4 mW 1.7 mW
M740F2 Far Red 740 nm 2.1 mW 6.0 mW
M780F2 IR 780 nm 1.15 mW 7.5 mW
M810F2 IR 810 nm 2.31 mW 6.5 mW
M850F2 IR 850 nm 3.35 mW 13.4 mW
M880F2 IR 880 nm 0.58 mW 3.4 mW
M940F3 IR 940 nm 4.2 mW 14.2 mW
M970F3 IR 970 nm 2.4 mW 8.1 mW
M1050F3 IR 1050 nm 0.92 mW 3.0 mW
MBB1F1g Broadband 470 - 850 nmh 0.30 mW 1.2 mW
MWWHF2i Warm White 4000 Kj 7.9 mW 23.1 mW
MCWHF2i Cold White 6200 Kj 8.8 mW 27.0 mW
  • Due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters such as temperature and current, the actual spectral output of any given LED will vary. Output plots and nominal wavelength specs are only intended to be used as a guideline.
  • For LEDs with a visible spectrum, the nominal wavelength indicates the wavelength at which the LED appears brightest to the human eye. The nominal wavelength for visible LEDs may not correspond to the peak wavelength as measured by a spectrometer.
  • The M285F4, M300F2, M325F4, and M340F3 LEDs were tested using FG200AEA Ø200 µm Core, 0.22 NA Solarization-Resistant Multimode Fiber; all other LEDs were tested using FG200UCC Ø200 µm Core, 0.22 NA Multimode Fiber.
  • The M285F4, M300F2, M325F4, and M340F3 LEDs were tested using FG400AEA Ø400 µm Core, 0.22 NA Solarization-Resistant Multimode Fiber; all other LEDs were tested using FT400EMT Ø400 µm Core, 0.39 NA Multimode Fiber.
  • Our 285 to 420 nm LEDs radiate intense UV light during operation. Precautions must be taken to prevent looking directly at the UV light and UV light protective glasses must be worn to avoid eye damage. Exposure of the skin and other body parts to the UV light should be avoided.
  • These LEDs are phosphor-converted and may not turn off completely when modulated above 10 kHz at duty cycles below 50%.
  • The MBB1F1 LED may not turn off completely when modulated at frequencies above 1 kHz with a duty cycle of 50%, as the broadband emission is produced by optically stimulating emission from phosphor. For modulation at frequencies above 1 kHz, the duty cycle may be reduced. For example, 10 kHz modulation is attainable with a duty cycle of 5%.
  • 10 dB Bandwidth.
  • The MWWHF2 and MCWHF2 LEDs may not turn off completely when modulated at frequencies above 5 kHz, as the white light is produced by optically stimulating emission from phosphor.
  • Correlated Color Temperature


  • Nominal Wavelengths Ranging from 285 nm to 1050 nm
  • Warm White (4000 K), Cold White (6200 K), and Broadband (470 - 850 nm) LEDs Also Available
  • Integrated Identification Chip (EEPROM) Stores LED Operating Parameters
  • Optimized Thermal Properties Lead to Stable Output Power
  • SMA Bulkheads are Ideal for use with Multimode Fiber Optic Patch Cables

Each fiber-coupled LED consists of a single LED that is coupled to the optical fiber using the butt-coupling technique. During this process, the fiber connector is positioned so that the end of the fiber will be as close as possible to the emitter, thereby minimizing losses at the fiber input and maximizing output power. The coupling efficiency is primarily dependent on the core diameter and the numerical aperture (NA) of the connected fiber. Larger core diameters and higher NA values give rise to reduced losses and increased output power at the end of the fiber. Additionally, high-OH content or solarization-resistant fibers are recommended for use with LED wavelengths below 400 nm (please refer to the table below for recommended patch cables).

The spectrum of each LED and associated data file can be viewed by clicking on the links in the table to the right. Multiple windows can be opened simultaneously in order to compare LEDs.

Optimized Thermal Management
These fiber-coupled LEDs possess good thermal stability properties. The 34 mm long, passively cooled heat sink used in most of our fiber-coupled LEDs is in direct contact with the metal-core circuit board on which the LED is mounted. This minimizes the degradation of optical output power caused by increased LED junction temperature. Some of our fiber-coupled LEDs with a higher power output (M365FP1, M385FP1, M395FP1, M405FP1, and M660FP1) are mounted to a 50 mm long heat sink for increased heat dissipation and thermal stability.

White Light and Broadband LED
Our cold white and warm white LEDs feature broad spectra that span several hundred nanometers. The difference in appearance between these two LEDs can be described using the correlated color temperature, which indicates that the LEDs color appearance is similar to a black body radiator at that temperature. In general, warm white LEDs offer a spectrum similar to a tungsten source, while cold white LEDs have a stronger blue component to the spectrum. Cold white LEDs are more suited for fluorescence microscopy applications or cameras with white balancing, because of a higher intensity at most wavelengths compared to warm white LEDs.

The MBB1F1 fiber-coupled LED has been designed to have relatively flat spectral emission over a wide wavelength range. Its FWHM bandwidth ranges from 500 nm to 780 nm, while the 10 dB bandwidth ranges between 470 nm and 850 nm. For more information on the spectrum of this broadband source, please see the table to the right.

Driver Options
Each LED is equipped with an integrated EEPROM (read-only memory) chip storing information about the LED (e.g., current limit, wavelength, and forward voltage) that can be read by Thorlabs' DC2200, DC4100, and DC4104 Controllers (the latter two require the DC4100-HUB). These drivers can automatically adjust the maximum current setting based on the information stored in the EEPROM chip to protect the connected LED. The DC4100 and DC4104 can modulate the LED at a rate up to 100 kHz while the DC2200 can provide modulation at up to 250 kHz if driven by an external source. A fourth driver, the LEDD1B, is capable of providing LED modulation frequencies up to 5 kHz, but is not capable of reading information from the EEPROM chip. For more information about all of these LED drivers, see the LED Drivers tab.

Optogenetics Applications
Our fiber-coupled LEDs are ideal light sources for optogenetics applications. They feature a variety of wavelength choices and a convenient interconnection to optogenetics patch cables. Additionally, up to four different light sources can be driven and modulated simultaneously with our DC4100 controller and DC4100-HUB hub. Click here for our entire line of optogenetics products.

Patch Cable Options
These LEDs are compatible with many of our multimode fiber patch cables; see below for a list of recommended fiber patch cables for different wavelength LEDs. In addition to SMA-terminated patch cables, we also offer hybrid patch cables with an SMA connector on one end and an FC/PC connector, ferrule end, or bare fiber on the other end. Cable configurations not available from stock can be requested through our custom patch cable tool.

Recommended Fiber and Patch Cables
LED Wavelength Fiber Type Stock Patch Cable
<350 nm FG400AEA
Ø400 µm, 0.22 NA,
Solarization Resistant
350 nm - 700 nm FT400UMT
Ø400 µm, 0.39 NA, High OH
Custom Patch Cables
>400 nm FT400EMT
Ø400 µm, 0.39 NA, Low OH
M118L SMA - Flat Cleave
M79L SMA - Ferrule
LED Mounted to a 50 mm Long Heat Sink LED Mounted to a 34 mm Long Heat Sink
Item # Color
(Click for
and Data)a
Typical Ø200 µm
Core Fiber
Output Powerc
Minimum Ø400 µm
Core Fiber
Output Powerd
Typical Ø400 µm
Core Fiber
Output Powerd
M285F4e Deep UV 285 nm 160 µW 420 µW 590 µW 500 mA 5.9 V 13 nm >10 000 h
M300F2e Deep UV 300 nm 110 µW 320 µW 370 µW 350 mA 8.0 V 15 nm >10 000 h
M325F4e Deep UV 325 nm 100 µW 260 µW 350 µW 600 mA 5.2 V 12 nm >5 000 h
M340F3e Deep UV 340 nm 0.28 mW 0.85 mW 1.06 mW 700 mA 4.6 V 11 nm >3 000 h
M365F1e UV 365 nm 1.0 mW 3.0 mW 4.1 mW 700 mA 4.4 V 7.5 nm >10 000 h
M365FP1e UV 365 nm 5.29 mW 9.8 mW 15.5 mW 1400 mA 3.75 V 9 nm >10 000 h
M375F2e UV 375 nm 1.57 mW 3.2 mW 4.23 mW 500 mA 4.5 V 9 nm >10 000 h
M385F1e UV 385 nm 2.68 mW 9.0 mW 10.7 mW 700 mA 4.3 V 10 nm >10 000 h
M385FP1e UV 385 nm 7.7 mW 18 mW 23.2 mW 1400 mA 3.65 V 12 nm >10 000 h
M395F3e UV 395 nm 1.91 mW 4.8 mW 6.8 mW 500 mA 4.5 V 16 nm >10 000 h
M395FP1e UV 395 nm 7.7 mW 20.1 mW 29.8 mW 1400 mA 4.0 V 11 nm >10 000 h
M405F1e UV 405 nm 0.93 mW 3.0 mW 3.7 mW 500 mA 3.6 V 12 nm >10 000 h
M405FP1e UV 405 nm 7.7 mW 19.3 mW 24.3 mW 1400 mA 3.45 V 12 nm >10 000 h
M415F3e Violet 415 nm 7.0 mW 14.4 mW 21.3 mW 1500 mA 3.1 V 14 nm >10 000 h
M455F3 Royal Blue 455 nm 5.4 mW 17 mW 24.5 mW 1000 mA 3.5 V 14 nm >10 000 h
M470F3 Blue 470 nm 7 mW 17.2 mW 21.8 mW 1000 mA 3.1 V 20 nm >50 000 h
M490F3 Blue 490 nm 0.97 mW 2.3 mW 3.1 mW 350 mA 3.8 V 26 nm >10 000 h
M505F3 Cyan 505 nm 3.7 mW 8.5 mW 11.7 mW 1000 mA 3.7 V 25 nm >10 000 h
M530F2 Green 530 nm 3.2 mW 6.8 mW 9.6 mW 1000 mA 3.1 V 30 nm >50 000 h
MINTF4 Mint 554 nm 8.5 mW 21 mW 28 mW 1225 mA 3.5 V - >10 000 h
M565F3f Lime 565 nm 4.4 mW 9.9 mW 13.5 mW 700 mA 2.85 V 105 nm >10 000 h
M590F3 Amber 590 nm 1.5 mW 3.3 mW 4.6 mW 1000 mA 2.6 V 16 nm >10 000 h
M595F2f Amber 595 nm 4.0 mW 8.7 mW 11.5 mW 1000 mA 3.1 V 80 nm >50 000 h
M617F2 Orange 617 nm 4.4 mW 10.2 mW 13.2 mW 1000 mA 2.2 V 15 nm >50 000 h
M625F2 Red 625 nm 5.7 mW 13.2 mW 17.5 mW 1000 mA 2.2 V 15 nm >50 000 h
M660FP1 Deep Red 660 nm 4.7 mW 10.6 mW 15.5 mW 1400 mA 2.7 V 18 nm >1 000 h
M680F3 Deep Red 680 nm 0.7 mW 2.0 mW 2.7 mW 600 mA 2.5 V 22 nm >10 000 h
M700F3 Deep Red 700 nm 0.4 mW 1.3 mW 1.7 mW 500 mA 2.7 V 20 nm >10 000 h
M740F2 Far Red 740 nm 2.1 mW 4.1 mW 6.0 mW 800 mA 2.7 V 22 nm >10 000 h
M780F2 IR 780 nm 1.15 mW 5.5 mW 7.5 mW 800 mA 2.1 V 28 nm >10 000 h
M810F2 IR 810 nm 2.31 mW 4.9 mW 6.5 mW 500 mA 3.6 V 25 nm >10 000 h
M850F2 IR 850 nm 3.35 mW 10.5 mW 13.4 mW 1000 mA 3.0 V 30 nm >50 000 h
M880F2 IR 880 nm 0.58 mW 2.7 mW 3.4 mW 1000 mA 1.7 V 50 nm >10 000 h
M940F3 IR 940 nm 4.2 mW 10 mW 14.2 mW 1000 mA 3.8 V 60 nm >50 000 h
M970F3 IR 970 nm 2.4 mW 5.9 mW 8.1 mW 1000 mA 1.9 V 60 nm >10 000 h
M1050F3 IR 1050 nm 0.92 mW 2.3 mW 3.0 mW 600 mA 1.4 V 37 nm >10 000 h
MBB1F1g Broadband 470 - 850 nmh 0.30 mW 0.8 mW 1.2 mW 500 mA 3.6 V 280 nm >10 000 h
MWWHF2i Warm White 4000 Kj 7.9 mW 16.3 mW 23.1 mW 1000 mA 2.9 V N/A >50 000 h
MCWHF2i Cold White 6200 Kj 8.8 mW 21.5 mW 27.0 mW 1000 mA 2.9 V N/A >50 000 h
  • Due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters such as temperature and current, the actual spectral output of any given LED will vary. Output plots and nominal wavelength specs are only intended to be used as a guideline.
  • For LEDs with a visible spectrum, the nominal wavelength indicates the wavelength at which the LED appears brightest to the human eye. The nominal wavelength for visible LEDs may not correspond to the peak wavelength as measured by a spectrometer.
  • The M285F4, M300F2, M325F4, and M340F3 LEDs were tested using FG200AEA Ø200 µm Core, 0.22 NA Solarization-Resistant Multimode Fiber; all other LEDs were tested using FG200UCC Ø200 µm Core, 0.22 NA Multimode Fiber.
  • The M285F4, M300F2, M325F4, and M340F3 LEDs were tested using FG400AEA Ø400 µm Core, 0.22 NA Solarization-Resistant Multimode Fiber; all other LEDs were tested using FT400EMT Ø400 µm Core, 0.39 NA Multimode Fiber.
  • Our 285 to 420 nm LEDs radiate intense UV light during operation. Precautions must be taken to prevent looking directly at the UV light and UV light protective glasses must be worn to avoid eye damage. Exposure of the skin and other body parts to the UV light should be avoided.
  • These LEDs are phosphor-converted and may not turn off completely when modulated above 10 kHz at duty cycles below 50%.
  • The MBB1F1 LED may not turn off completely when modulated at frequencies above 1 kHz with a duty cycle of 50%, as the broadband emission is produced by optically stimulating emission from phosphor. For modulation at frequencies above 1 kHz, the duty cycle may be reduced. For example, 10 kHz modulation is attainable with a duty cycle of 5%.
  • 10 dB Bandwidth.
  • The MWWHF2 and MCWHF2 LEDs may not turn off completely when modulated at frequencies above 5 kHz, as the white light is produced by optically stimulating emission from phosphor.
  • Correlated Color Temperature

LED Lifetime

One characteristic of LEDs is that they naturally exhibit power degradation with time. Often this power degradation is slow, but there are also instances where large, rapid drops in power, or even complete LED failure, occur. LED lifetimes are defined as the time it takes a specified percentage of a type of LED to fall below some power level. The parameters for the lifetime measurement can be written using the notation BXX/LYY, where XX is the percentage of that type of LED that will provide less than YY percent of the specified output power after the lifetime has elapsed. Thorlabs defines the lifetime of our LEDs as B50/L50, meaning that 50% of the LEDs with a given Item # will fall below 50% of the initial optical power at the end of the specified lifetime. For example, if a batch of 100 LEDs is rated for 150 mW of output power, 50 of these LEDs can be expected to produce an output power of ≤75 mW after the specified LED lifetime has elapsed.

Optimized Thermal Management

The thermal dissipation performance of these fiber-coupled LEDs has been optimized for stable power output. The heat sink is directly mounted to the LED mount so as to provide optimal thermal contact. By doing so, the degradation of optical output power that can be attributed to increased LED junction temperature is minimized.

Click to Enlarge

The setup for testing the relationship between LED wavelength and current. See the table below for a complete item list.
Item # Description
- Fiber-Coupled LED
- SMA-to-FC/PC Fiber Patch Cable
LEDs with Wavelengths ≤405 nm: Custom Cable with FG105ACA Solarization Resistant Fiber
LEDs with Wavelengths >405 nm: M16L01
DC2200 High-Power LED Driver, 2 A Current Limit
- Fourier Transform Optical Spectrum Analyzer

LED Spectral Variation as a Function of Current

All LEDs will show some variation in their spectral profile and peak wavelength as a function of the drive current. For our fiber-coupled LEDs, we used an Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA) to track this wavelength shift as the current of the LED was increased from near zero to the maximum current.

LEDs have relatively broad, asymmetric emission profiles. The centroid wavelength of an LED is a weighted average of the wavelength across the emission profile (following a similar concept to center of mass calculations). It is defined as

Centroid Wavelength of an LED

where I(λ) is the intensity at each wavelength, λ. As a result, we chose to follow each LED's centroid wavelength as the current was varied in order to capture effects of both the peak wavelength shift and any changes to the overall spectral profile. The OSA's Peak Track mode will automatically calculate the centroid wavelength of a spectral peak, using a user-set lower intensity limit to determine the upper and lower limits (λ2 and λ1) of the wavelength range included in the calculation. In our case, we set the lower limit to 6 dB below the peak intensity.

For each LED, a DC2200 High-Power LED Driver was used to drive the LED over a range of preset current values. At each current value, the OSA took five scans across the LED spectrum and combined them to create an average spectrum. The OSA identified the peak wavelength by finding the highest intensity value within 50 nm of the predicted peak wavelength and then calculated a centroid wavelength as described above. Centroid wavelengths were identified every 0.05 A up to the current limit of the LED. The entire process was repeated four times for each LED. All measurements were taken with the OSA in the absolute power and high-resolution spectrometer modes (for more information on the OSA operating modes, see the full web presentation).

The results of these measurements are provided in the table below and can be viewed by clicking on the graph icons. For each LED, the centroid wavelengths over all of the runs were averaged for each current point and plotted. To give a sense of possible variation in performance, the minimum and maximum wavelengths measured at each current point over all of the experimental runs are indicated by red error bars. At the lowest current values, the LED intensity was too weak to rise above the level of the noise and provide a reasonably accurate measurement of the wavelength. In these cases, we have omitted the affected currents from the graphs.

Experimental Limitations

  • Only one unit of each item # was tested. These plots are intended to provide a general sense of how the centroid wavelength changes with current and do not provide an absolute measure of the wavelength output; some variation in the centroid wavelength is expected for different LEDs with the same item #.
  • The LEDs were not temperature controlled.
Item # Nominal
Max Current
Centroid Wavelength
vs. Current
(Click for Plot)
M365F1a 365 nm 700 mA Wavelength vs Current
M365FP1a 365 nm 1400 mA Wavelength vs Current
M375F2a 375 nm 500 mA Wavelength vs current
M385F1a 385 nm 700 mA Wavelength vs Current
M385FP1a 385 nm 1400 mA Wavelength versus Current
M405F1a 405 nm 500 mA Wavelength vs Current
M405FP1a 405 nm 1400 mA Wavelength vs Current
M470F3 470 nm 1000 mA LED wavelength versus current
M530F2 530 nm 1000 mA LED wavelength versus current
  • The spectra for these UV LEDs are close to the lower wavelength limit of the OSA201, where the noise floor of the instrument is highest. As a result, the larger error bars on the measurements at low currents are due to systematic noise in the measurement and not indicative of the LED performance. The OSA201 was operated in absolute power mode for all measurements; more information on how the noise floor of the OSA varies with wavelength can be found here.
Item # Nominal
Max Current
Centroid Wavelength
vs. Current
(Click for Plot)
M595F2 595 nm 1000 mA LED wavelength versus current
M617F2 617 nm 1000 mA LED wavelength versus current
M625F2 625 nm 1000 mA LED wavelength versus current
M740F2 740 nm 800 mA Wavelength vs Current
M780F2 780 nm 800 mA LED wavelength versus current
M810F2 810 nm 500 mA Wavelength vs Current
M850F2 850 nm 1000 mA LED wavelength versus current
M880F2 880 nm 1000 mA Wavelength vs Current
1 LED Anode Brown
2 LED Cathode White
Pin Out

Pin Connection
The diagram to the right shows the male connector of the fiber-coupled LED assembly. It is a standard M8 x 1 sensor circular connector. Pins 1 and 2 are the connection to the LED. Pin 3 and 4 are used for the internal EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory) in these LEDs. If using an LED driver that was not purchased from Thorlabs, be careful that the appropriate connections are made to Pin 1 and Pin 2 and that you do not attempt to drive the LED through the EEPROM pins.

Compatible Drivers LEDD1Ba DC2200b DC4100b,c DC4104b,c
Click Photos to Enlarge LEDD1B Driver DC2100 Driver DC4100 Driver DC4104 Driver
LED Driver Current Output (Max) 1.2 A LED1 Terminal: 10.0 A
LED2 Terminal: 2.0 Ad
1.0 A per Channel 1.0 A per Channel
LED Driver Forward Voltage (Max) 12 V 50 V 5 V 5 V
Modulation Frequency Using External Input (Max) 5 kHzd 250 kHze,f,g,h 100 kHzf,g,h
(Simultaneous Across all Channels)
100 kHzf,g,h
(Independently Controlled Channels)
External Control Interface(s) Analog (BNC) USB 2.0 and Analog (BNC) USB 2.0 and Analog (BNC) USB 2.0 and Analog (8-Pin)
Main Driver Features Very Compact Footprint
60 mm x 73 mm x 104 mm
(W x H x D)
Touchscreen Interface with Internal and External Options for Pulsed and Modulated LED Operation 4 Channelsc 4 Channelsc
EEPROM Compatible: Reads Out LED Data for LED Settings - Yes Yes Yes
LCD Display - Yes Yes Yes
  • The pictured cord is included for custom applications, and is not required for fiber-coupled LEDs.
  • Automatically limits to LEDs max current via EEPROM readout.
  • The DC4100 or DC4104 can power and control up to four LEDs simultaneously when used with the DC4100-HUB. The LEDs on this page all require the DC4100-HUB when used with the DC4100 or DC4104.
  • The fiber-coupled LEDs sold below are compatible with the LED2 Terminal.
  • Small Signal Bandwidth: Modulation not exceeding 20% of full scale current. The driver accepts other waveforms, but the maximum frequency will be reduced.
  • The MBB1F1 LED may not turn off completely when modulated at frequencies above 1 kHz with a duty cycle of 50%, as the broadband emission is produced by optically stimulating emission from phosphor. For modulation at frequencies above 1 kHz, the duty cycle may be reduced. For example, 10 kHz modulation is attainable with a duty cycle of 5%.
  • The MWWHF1 and MCWHF1 LEDs may not turn off completely when modulated at frequencies above 5 kHz, as the white light is produced by optically stimulating emission from phosphor.
  • The M565F3 and M595F2 are phosphor-converted and may not turn off completely when modulated above 10 kHz at duty cycles below 50%.

Posted Comments:
user  (posted 2020-12-15 04:03:29.49)
Hello, I am looking for a fiber-coupled white-light LED with more output power than the 23.1 mW of the MWWHF2. Do you have something like that? Or would it be possible to use a multi-mode fiber with a core diameter > 400 µm to increase the power further? Thanks in advance and best regards.
MKiess  (posted 2020-12-15 10:39:43.0)
Thank you very much for your inquiry. If you use a fiber with a larger core diameter and a larger NA, this will lead to higher optical output powers at the fiber output. We recommend using multimode (MMF) fiber with the MWWHF2. Optical output power is specified for a Ø400 μm MMF with an NA of 0.39 at the maximum allowed LED current. Optical power increases proportionally with the core diameter and nearly proportionally to the square of the NA. I have contacted you directly to discuss further details.
Naveen Tangri  (posted 2020-10-23 16:05:09.817)
Hello, We're located in Santa Clara, California and we're looking for OEM quantities of broadband unmounted SMT LEDs for embedded applications. We looked at your LEDSW50 but its spectral power distribution curve is too "wavy gravy". However, the LED used in your MBB1F1 appears to have a flatter and more uniform spectral curve. So here's the question...would Thorlabs be willing to sell just the LED used in your MBB1F1? We'd be open to signing some sort of "non-compete" agreement, if required. Sorry for the oddball question, and "no" would be a perfectly acceptable response, but we wanted to know either way. Thanks and best regards!
MKiess  (posted 2020-10-27 07:01:49.0)
Dear Naveen, thank you very much for your inquiry. The right LED for your application in this case is probably the MBB1D1. This broadband LED ranging from 470nm to 850nm and has a relatively flat spectral emission over this wavelength range. Furthermore, this is the pure LED on a metal core PCB. I have contacted you directly to discuss further details.
John Keech  (posted 2019-11-20 16:36:43.507)
What is the laser safety rating of LED fiber coupled sources? Are they safety rated in this way? Thank you, John Keech Corning Inc.
MKiess  (posted 2019-11-22 10:32:04.0)
This is a response from Michael at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for the inquiry. These LEDs are classified in risk groups according to the International Standard "Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems" IEC 62471. This is different depending on the desired LED. The exact risk group of the individual LEDs can be found in the LED specification sheet, which can be downloaded on our webpage, in the Warnings and Safety section.
marcin.bartosik  (posted 2018-08-10 14:08:50.093)
Hello! Could you please let me know if the MCWHF2 can be powered by a 12V DC from a 280W power supply? Have a nice day, Marcin
swick  (posted 2018-08-13 05:12:19.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. Basically it is possible to drive our LEDs with constant voltage sources. In order to drive the MCWHF2 with a constant voltage you need to limit the current to 1 Ampere. I contacted you directly to provide further assistance.
edwin.walker.ctr  (posted 2017-10-11 19:52:36.64)
using the M780F2 780 nm, 5.5 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, with LEDD1Ba driver, what is the output power stability %rms? is it 5%rms variation or 10%rms output power variation
wskopalik  (posted 2017-10-19 10:03:13.0)
This is a response from Wolfgang at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. The driver LEDD1B is specified with a current ripple of 8mA. This ripple could also be seen in the light emission of the LED. The M780F2 has a max current of 800mA so this would correspond to 1% variation. The LED itself will show a decrease in power during operation which would depend e.g. on the current and on the ambient temperature. This decrease is typically in the range of 3-5%. When the LED is switched on, there might also be some short term overshoots due to the driver or due to temperature changes. Other variations are not expected. I will contact you directly to talk about your requirements in more detail.
fmor82  (posted 2015-11-25 16:38:00.073)
To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to ask you something about the cable used to power the LED (M385FP1). I would like to know how many wires you have inside this cable. Thank you in advance, Flavio Mor.
shallwig  (posted 2015-11-26 03:58:45.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. There are 4 wires inside the cable of our fiber coupled LEDs. In the “Pin Diagram” tab on the website you can find the pin assignment information : The connector we use is a standard M8 x 1 sensor circular connector. I will contact you directly to check if you have any further questions.
user  (posted 2015-09-01 15:52:41.237)
Yes, I understand that now the fiber which you use is 200 um and 0.22NA. The thing which I don't understand is that the coupled light is the same that with the other of 0.39NA. It is supposed that it would be less the coupled light with 0.22NA than 0.39NA, but you haven't change any value, so I'm a bit confused. I thought that with 0.22NA the coupled light will be 3.14 times less than with 0.39NA. William
shallwig  (posted 2015-09-02 02:11:40.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you again for your inquiry. The values from the website did not change since we never measured them with a 0.39NA fiber, they were always measured with a 200 µm core 0.22NA fiber. 0.39NA was a typo in the specs which we revised. Maybe we can discuss this by email. Since you left no contact data, could you please contact me at Thank you.
user  (posted 2015-09-01 13:32:41.34)
Hello, Last month I started to see Thorlabs light sources, and to see their technical characteristics to make a purchasment for my univerity laboratory. Today, I come back from holidays, and I see that some changes have taken place, you have change the fiber characteristics for fiber coupled light power. Last month, they were a fiber of 400 um and 0.39 NA and other of 200 um and 0.39 NA, but today the 200 um fiber has 0.22NA. I'm surprised that the light coupled power values doen't change in any case because I thought that it depends of fiber characteristics. Since I know, the coupled light must be 3 times less in 0.22NA case compared with 0.39NA case. William
shallwig  (posted 2015-09-01 09:01:41.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. The power values were always tested with a 200µm 0.22NA fiber (FG200UCC). The numerical aperture NA 0.39 was a typo which we removed.
casey.donaher  (posted 2015-07-15 15:13:09.613)
Just noticed that the spec sheet for M617F1 says max 1000mA, but the DC2100 sets its max to 700mA when the M617F1 is plugged into it. One or the other is wrong. One the plus side, the other is right (maybe.)
shallwig  (posted 2015-07-16 07:01:23.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. The maximum current which can be applied to this LED is as stated in the spec sheet 1000mA. In the manual of the DC2100 on page 14 it is described how the user Limit current can be changed. I guess you could not change this current to 1000mA for your M617F1. In this case there is most likely a wrong value written to the LEDs EPROM. I will contact you directly to troubleshoot this in more detail.
cilveti.ander.92  (posted 2015-03-19 16:51:17.157)
Hi, I was looking the M420F2 coupled light source to purchase it, because his great coupled power, 8.9 mW in 200um fiber. But then I read the datasheet, and I look that there puts that the minimun power coupled in a 400um fiber is also 8.9 mW... It is also strange that in others light sources usully the power coupled in 400un core fiber is 4 times bigger than in 200um(for example M365F1 200um:1mW and 400um:4.1 mW), but in 420nm case is less than 2(200um:8.9mW and 400um:16.2 mW). So the question is, is really that the power coupled in 200um fiber is 8.9 mW??or is another value??
shallwig  (posted 2015-03-20 06:54:48.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. The specifications as stated on the website for these LEDs were measured and are correct so far. The assumption by increasing the core diameter and NA to increase the power proportionally does not take into account that each LED type has a different size and viewing angle (directional characteristic) which also influence the coupling efficiency. All the numbers we provide on the web and in the datasheets are based on real measurements. We always treat the measurements quite conservative which means that we reduce the results typically by 10%. We measure up to 5 different LEDs with 5 different patch cords. Then we take the average and the minimum value and reduce it by 10% for our specs. By accident for this specific LED the minimum power with a 400µm fiber is nearly the same as the typical output power with a 200µm fiber. The typical output power you can expect with a 200µm fiber is indeed 8.91mW. I will contact you directly to check if you need any further information.
andisetiono  (posted 2015-02-25 03:13:43.507)
I want to know, Is power cable included to the product? thank you
tschalk  (posted 2015-02-25 07:22:06.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. The power cable is attached to the fiber coupled LED. Please note that you need an additional LED controller to drive the unit. Therefore you can use a DC2100 or a LEDD1B.
user  (posted 2014-02-03 17:09:20.777)
Hello, are these continuous wave sources?
tschalk  (posted 2014-02-04 02:25:49.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. These LEDs are compatible with our LED drivers LEDD1B, DC2100 and DC4100 which can be found here: With all drivers the LEDs can be used as a continuous wave source. It is also possible to use the modulation input of each driver and to use the LEDs as a pulsed source. The DC2100 provides also Pulse Width Modulation Mode which can be used without an external Modulation source. Please contact me at if you have any further questions.
kcs32  (posted 2013-12-19 11:42:49.89)
Hello, I'm curious about the long power/EEPROM cable shown on the back of the fiber coupled LED. Is this cable permanently attached to the back of the device, or can it be removed? This is not obvious from the pictures and drawings I've seen. Can to CON8ML-4 mating connector be plugged directly into the device instead of at the end of this cable? I'm thinking of using these LED's in a small volume, portable device, so minimizing the space taken up by the long cable would be very helpful. Thank you
tschalk  (posted 2013-12-20 08:49:48.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. The cable is permanently attached to the LED so it can not be replaced by the CON8ML-4. We can offer you a device with a shorter cable and i will contact directly with more detailed information.
carlos.paladini  (posted 2013-11-21 19:31:52.507)
It seems that the M625F1 has a peak intensity actually at about 635 nm and the M617F1 has a peak at about 625 nm on the spectrum pop-up window. Is this correct? I would like an LED with peak intensity at 625 nm but am confused by the name of the LED and its stated peak light intensity. In other words, which LED actually delivers peak light intensity at 625 nm, the M617F1 or the M625F1? Thanks
tschalk  (posted 2013-11-25 06:47:50.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. For our visible LEDs the so called "dominant wavelength" is given and this specification takes the sensitivity of the human eye into account. The spectra provided on our homepage are correct and if you need a peak wavelength of 625nm the M617F1 would be the right choice.
joerg.koenig  (posted 2013-10-10 19:53:13.937)
Hi, what is the spectral power density [W/nm] of the MWWHF1 using a 400 µm core fiber?
tschalk  (posted 2013-10-15 05:10:00.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. Unfortunately we can not provide the spectral power density of this light source. It is also depending on which fiber you are using. I will contact you directly to discuss your application.
jlow  (posted 2012-09-26 09:52:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The 5.1mW is the typical output power when using a Ø400µm core fiber with 0.39 NA with 1000mA drive current. When a larger core fiber such as the M35L0x (Ø1000µm, 0.39NA) is used, the coupling efficiency from the LED to the fiber is increased, hence the 17.61mW min. power.
tpth  (posted 2012-09-26 09:27:45.0)
Dear Sir: I have a question: Why the mininmum power 17.61mW (in a table)can be obtained when you use 530nm LED with a fiber M35L0x, though input power is 5.1mW? I need a precise estimation of the amount of decrease in LED power during propagating in a fiber. Please let me know the correct answer before my order. Best regards. Tsutomu Hoshimiya, Prof. Tohoku Gakuin University
jvigroux  (posted 2012-06-06 11:13:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry! There will always be a trade-off to be found between fiber diameter and/or NA (ie. beam quality) and optical power coupled into the fiber. When using a fiber having a NA of 0.39, the focal length for the collimation lens to be used should be about 1mm. The beam quality that would however result from the combined effect of such a short focal length and the fiber diameter would lead to quite high divergence. In you case, I would recommend using a somewhat longer focal length for the collimation lens and subsequently a beam expander for the beam diameter reduction. I will contact you to discuss further the exact requirements of your setup to find what the most suited solution would be.
igkiou  (posted 2012-06-06 04:37:26.0)
Hi, I am interested in creating a very collimated white beam of diameter < 0.8 mm. MCWHF1 provides enough output power when used with the fiber you used for your tests, a MM 400 um 0.39 NA fiber. What would you recommend using for collimation of the output of this combination? Would you recommend any of your prepackaged collimators? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
tcohen  (posted 2012-05-14 09:18:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for your interest in our products. Our sales department will contact you to provide you with an official quote.
emlee1  (posted 2012-05-13 12:32:44.0)
I am interested to purchase this product. Can you email me the quotation for this product and a suitable power supply for use in Singapore? Do include shipping to Singapore as well in your quote. Thanks.
jvigroux  (posted 2012-02-06 13:00:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: thank you for your inquiry! Unfortunately, as of now, there is no LED available with a high enough power in the wavelength range. I will ocntact you to know your exact requirement sin order to see which alternative there could be.
kforsyth  (posted 2012-02-06 11:37:11.0)
Any plans for going shorter in wavelength soon, say to 250 - 300 nm?
jvigroux  (posted 2011-12-15 10:17:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: I just measured the coupled power in a 460HP fiber from a MCWHF1. The output power out of the fiber was around 50nW. In comparison, a 400µm 0.39NA fiber would yield an output power of around 7mW.
jvigroux  (posted 2011-12-14 11:52:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: thank you for your inquiry! We do not have the value yet but I will perform the measurement by tomorrow and let you know the obtained value.
doerr  (posted 2011-12-14 17:22:01.0)
Hi, I need a white light source coupled to a single-mode fiber. I've tried with regular halogen bulbs, but the output power is at least 10 times to low. The white light LED would be an option, even though the spectral distribution is not optimal. Can you give me any numbers what coupling efficiency or output power I can expect from a LED coupled to a single-mode fiber? Fiber type would be the same as with the 460HP patch cords.
jvigroux  (posted 2011-08-29 12:21:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: thank you for your feedback. We are in the process of measuring the power coupled into different standard fibers using the fiber coupled LEDs. Before publishing those values however, the tests have to be ran until the end and critically assessed. I will contact you directly per email in order to discuss with you the values that can be expected for your configuration.
rhs  (posted 2011-08-22 12:50:51.0)
I miss some guidelines for choosing the optimal delivery fiber. Your measurement data has been obtained using a 400µm/0.4NA MM fiber, but that doesnt say much about the performance when using a different fiber. It would be extremely helpful to have just two graphs showing the spatial distribution and the angular distribution of intensity at the coupling plane. Thank you.
jjurado  (posted 2011-08-05 09:30:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to last poster: Thank you very much for your feedback!The mounts for these fiber-coupled LEDs have been designed to accept for M6 and 1/4" diameter screws. We will take a look at our current units to make sure that both screws fit and will make changes if it turns out that 1/4" screws are not compatible. Regarding the marking of the center wavelength, there is actually an identification label on the back side of the device with the part number of the LED, which calls out the center wavelength (with the exception of the MCWHF1 cold white LED). Please contact us at if you have any further questions or comments.
user  (posted 2011-08-02 18:32:35.0)
The mounting slots are designed for M6 screws and dont pass 1/4" screws that are used in the USA. It would also be nice to have the center wavelength engraved on the housing, either on the front surface, or on the top edge.
Light Emitting Diode (LED) Selection Guide
Photo to Enlarge;
Not to Scale)
Wavelength Unmounted
Pigtailed LEDs LEDs in
SMT Packages
Mounted LEDs
Mounted LEDs
Collimated LEDs for Microscopy
(Item # Prefixa)
Coupled LEDs
High-Power LEDs for Microsocopy Multi-Wavelength
LED Source
LED Arrays
Single Color LEDs
250 nm LED250J
(1 mW Min)
- - - - - - - - -
255 nm LED255W
(0.4 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(1 mW Min)
260 nm LED260W
(1 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(1 mW Min)
265 nm LED265W2
(1.6 mW)
- - M265D2
(10 mW Min)
(10 mW Min)
- - - - -
(24 mW Min)
(24 mW Min)
275 nm LED275W
(1.6 mW)
- - M275D2
(45 mW Min)
(45 mW Min)
- - - - -
(1 mW Min)
280 nm LED280J
(1 mW Min)
- - - - - - - - -
(2.3 mW)
285 nm LED285W
(1.6 mW)
- - M285D3
(50 mW Min)
(50 mW Min)
- M285F4
(420 µW)
- - -
290 nm LED290W
(1.6 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
295 nm LED295W
(1.2 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
300 nm LED300W
(1.2 mW)
- - M300D3
(26 mW Min)
(26 mW Min)
- M300F2
(320 µW)
- - -
310 nm LED310W
(1.5 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(1 mW)
325 nm LED325W2
(1.7 mW)
- - M325D3
(25 mW Min)
(25 mW Min)
- M325F4
(260 µW)
- - -
340 nm LED340W
(1.7 mW)
- - M340D3
(53 mW Min)
(53 mW Min)
- M340F3
(1.06 mW)
- - -
(0.33 mW)
365 nm - - - M365D1
(190 mW Min)
(190 mW Min)
(60 mW)d
(4.1 mW)
(3.0 W)e
(1130 mW)
(31 mW)
(880 mW Min)
(1150 mW Min)
(1350 mW Min)
(350 mW)d
(15.5 mW)
(85 mW)
375 nm LED375L
(1 mW)
- - M375D4
(1270 mW Min)
(1270 mW Min)
- M375F2
(4.23 mW)
- - -
(2.5 mW)
385 nm LED385L
(5 mW)
- - M385D1
(270 mW Min)
(270 mW Min)
(90 mW)d
(10.7 mW)
(5.8 W)e
(1250 mW)
(1240 mW Min)
(450 mW)d
(1650 mW Min)
(1650 mW Min)
(520 mW)d
(23.2 mW)
(95 mW)
395 nm LED395L
(6 mW)
- - M395D3
(400 mW Min)
(400 mW Min)
- M395F3
(6.8 mW)
- - -
(1420 mW Min)
(1130 mW Min)
(20.1 mW)
(1420 mW Min)
Wavelength Unmounted
Pigtailed LEDs LEDs in
SMT Packages
Mounted LEDs
Mounted LEDs
Collimated LEDs
for Microscopy

(Item # Prefixa)
Coupled LEDs
High-Power LEDs
for Microsocopy
LED Source
LED Arrays
Single Color LEDs
405 nm LED405L
(6 mW)
- - M405D2
(1500 mW Min)
(1000 mW Min)
(440 mW)d
(3.7 mW)
(3.9 W)e
(900 mW)
(510 mW)f

(290 mW)
(10 mW)
(1200 mW Min)
(450 mW)d
(24.3 mW)
415 nm - - - M415D2
(1640 mW Min)
(1310 mW Min)
- M415F3
(21.3 mW)
(5.8 W)e
- -
(1640 mW Min)
420 nm - - - - - - - - Chrolis
(710 mW)
(95 mW)
430 nm LED430L
(8 mW)
- - M430D2
(490 mW Min)
(490 mW Min)
- - - - -
445 nm - - - - - - - SOLIS-445C
(5.4 W)e
- -
450 nm LED450L
(7 mW)
- LEDS450
(250 mW)
(1850 mW Min)
(1850 mW Min)
- - - - -
455 nm - - - M455D3
(1150 mW Min)
(1150 mW Min)
(400 mW)g
(24.5 mW)
- 4-Wavelength
(310 mW)
(490 mW)d
465 nm LED465E
(20 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
470 nm LED470L
(170 mW)
(18 mW Min)
- M470D2
(650 mW Min)
(760 mW Min)
(330 mW)d
(17.2 mW)
(3.0 W)e
(250 mW)
(253 mW)
(100 mW Min)
(760 mW Min)
475 nm - - - - - - - - Chrolis
(630 mW)
490 nm LED490L(3 mW) - - M490D3
(205 mW Min)
(205 mW Min)
- M490F3
(2.3 mW)
- Chrolis
(120 mW)
(50 mW)
505 nm LED505L
(4 mW)
- - M505D2
(400 mW Min)
(400 mW Min)
(150 mW)g
(11.7 mW)
(1.0 W)e
(170 mW)
(400 mW Min)
(170 mW)d
525 nm LED525E
(2.6 mW Max)
- - - - - - SOLIS-525C
(2.4 W)e
(180 mW)
(111 mW)
(4 mW)
(7 mW)
530 nm - - - M530D3
(370 mW Min)
(370 mW Min)
(150 mW)g
(6.8 mW)
- 4-Wavelength
(100 mW)
(160 mW)d
554 nm - - - MINTD3
(650 mW Min)
(650 mW Min)
(21 mW Min)
- - -
565 nm - - - M565D2
(880 mW Min)
(880 mW Min)
- M565F3
(13.5 mW)
(3.2 W)e
(350 mW)
(106 mW)
570 nm LED570L
(0.3 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
590 nm LED590L
(2 mW)
(3.5 mW Min)
- M590D3
(230 mW Min)
(230 mW Min)
(60 mW)d
(4.6 mW)
(350 mW)e
(140 mW)
(109 mW)
(2 mW)
(18 mW Min)
(100 mW)d
(65 mW)
595 nm - - - M595D3
(820 mW Min)
(820 mW Min)
- M595F2
(8.7 mW)
(700 mW)e
- -
Wavelength Unmounted
Pigtailed LEDs LEDs in
SMT Packages
Mounted LEDs
Mounted LEDs
Collimated LEDs
for Microscopy

(Item # Prefixa)
Coupled LEDs
High-Power LEDs
for Microsocopy
LED Source
LED Arrays
Single Color LEDs
600 nm LED600L
(3 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
610 nm LED610L
(8 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
617 nm - - - M617D2
(600 mW Min)
(600 mW Min)
(230 mW)d
(10.2 mW)
(1.5 mW)e
(210 mW)
(660 mW Min)
(660 mW Min)
(280 mW)d
623 nm - - - - - - - SOLIS-623C
(3.8 W)e
- -
625 nm LED625L
(12 mW)
- - M625D3
(700 mW Min)
(700 mW Min)
(270 mW)d
(13.2 mW)
- Chrolis
(490 mW)
(490 mW)d
(240 mW)
630 nm LED630L
(16 mW)
- - - - - - - - LIU630A
(208 mW)
635 nm LED631E
(4 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(170 mW)
639 nm LED630E
(7.2 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
645 nm LED645L
(16 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
660 nm LED660L
(13 mW)
- - M660D2
(940 mW Min)
(940 mW Min)
(400 mW)d
(14.5 mW)
(2.0 W)e
(210 mW)
670 nm LED670L
(12 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
680 nm LED680L
(8 mW)
- - M680D2
(180 mW Min)
(180 mW Min)
- M680F3
(2.7 mW)
- - -
700 nm - EP700S04
(5 mW Min)
- M700D2
(80 mW Min)
(80 mW Min)
- M700F3
(1.7 mW)
- - -
(30 mW Min)
730 nm - - - M730D3
(540 mW Min)
(540 mW Min)
(165 mW)d
- - - -
740 nm - - - - - - M740F2
(6.0 mW)
(2.0 W)e
- -
750 nm LED750L
(18 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
760 nm LED760L
(24 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
770 nm LED770L
(22 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
780 nm LED780E
(18 mW)
- - M780D2
(200 mW Min)
(200 mW Min)
(130 mW)d
(7.5 mW)
- Chrolis
(40 mW)
(315 mW)
(22 mW)
(800 mW Min)
(800 mW Min)
800 nm LED800L
(20 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
810 nm LED810L
(22 mW)
(16 mW Min)
- M810D2
(325 mW Min)
(325 mW Min)
(210 mW)d
(6.5 mW)
- - -
(90 mW Min)
(363 mW Min)
(363 mW Min)
830 nm LED830L
(22 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
840 nm LED840L
(22 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
850 nm LED851L
(13 mW)
- - M850D2
(900 mW Min)
(900 mW Min)
(330 mW)d
(13.4 mW)
(2.7 W)e
- LIU850A
(322 mW)
(1400 mW)
(1400 mW Min)
870 nm LED870E
(22 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(24 mW)
880 nm - - - M880D2
(300 mW Min)
(300 mW Min)
- M880F2
(3.4 mW)
- - -
890 nm LED890L
(12 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
910 nm LED910L
(10 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(12 mW)
930 nm LED930L
(15 mW)
- - - - - - - -
940 nm LED940E
(18 mW)
- - M940D2
(800 mW Min)
(800 mW Min)
(320 mW)d
(14.2 mW)
(2.5 W)e
- -
970 nm LED970L
(5 mW)
- - M970D3
(600 mW Min)
(600 mW Min)
- M970F3
(8.1 mW)
- - -
Wavelength Unmounted
Pigtailed LEDs LEDs in
SMT Packages
Mounted LEDs
Mounted LEDs
Collimated LEDs
for Microscopy

(Item # Prefixa)
Coupled LEDs
High-Power LEDs
for Microsocopy
LED Source
LED Arrays
Single Color LEDs
1050 nm LED1050E
(2.5 mW)
- - M1050D1
(50 mW Min)
(50 mW Min)
- - - - -
(4 mW)
(160 mW Min)
(160 mW Min)
(3 mW)
1070 nm LED1070L
(4 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(7.5 mW)
1085 nm LED1085L
(5 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
1200 nm LED1200E
(2.5 mW)
- - M1200D2
(30 mW Min)
(30 mW Min)
- - - - -
(5 mW)
1300 nm LED1300E
(2 mW)
- - M1300D2
(25 mW Min)
(25 mW Min)
- - - - -
(3.5 mW)
1450 nm LED1450E
(2 mW)
- - M1450D2
(31 mW Min)
(31 mW Min)
- - - - -
(5 mW)
1550 nm LED1550E
(2 mW)
- - M1550D2
(31 mW Min)
(31 mW Min)
- - - - -
(4 mW)
1600 nm LED1600L
(2 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
1650 nm LED1600P
(1.2 mW)
- - M1650D2
(13 mW)
(13 mW)
- - - - -
1750 nm LED1700P
(1.2 mW
30 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
1850 nm LED1800P
(0.9 mW
20 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
1950 nm LED1900P
(1.0 mW
25 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
2050 nm LED2050P
(1.1 mW
28 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
2350 nm LED2350P
(0.8 mW
16 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
2700 nm LED2700W
(0.15 mW
1.0 mW
- - - - - - - - -
2800 nm LED2800W
(0.3 mW
2.0 mW
- - - - - - - - -
3400 nm LED3400W
(0.3 mW
2.0 mW
- - - - - - - - -
3800 nm LED3800W
(0.18 mW
1.5 mW
- - - - - - - - -
4200 nm LED4300P
(0.03 mW
0.2 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
4300 nm LED4300W
(0.18 mW
1.5 mW
- - - - - - - - -
4500 nm LED4600P
(0.006 mW
0.12 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
Wavelength Unmounted
Pigtailed LEDs LEDs in
SMT Packages
Mounted LEDs
Mounted LEDs
Collimated LEDs
for Microscopy

(Item # Prefixa)
Coupled LEDs
High-Power LEDs
for Microsocopy
LED Source
LED Arrays
Multi-Color, Broadband, and White LEDs
455 nm (12.5%h) and 640 nm - - - MPRP1D2
(275 mW Min)
(275 mW Min)
- - - - -
572 nm
and 625 nm
(0.09 mW
and 0.19 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
588 nm and 617 nm LEDRY
(0.09 mW
and 0.19 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
467.5 nm,
525 nm,
and 627.5 nm
(5.8 mW,
6.2 mW,
and 3.1 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
430 - 660 nm
(13 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(15.0 mW)
(15.0 mW)
470 - 850 nm
- - - MBB1D1
(70 mW Min)
(70 mW Min)
- MBB1F1
(1.2 mW)
- - -
6500 K
(Cold White)
- - - MCWHD5
(930 mW Min)
(930 mW Min)
- - SOLIS-1C
(3.3 W)e
- -
(990 mW Min)
(990 mW Min)
(440 mW)f
(2350 mW Min)
(2350 mW Min)
(354 mW)d
6200 K
(Cold White)
- - - - - - MCWHF2
(21.5 mW)
- - -
5000 K
(Cold White)
- - LEDSW50
(110 mW)
- - - - - - -
4600 - 9000 K
(Cold White)
- - - - - - - - - LIUCWHA
(250 mW)
4000 K
(Warm White)
- - LEDSW40
(115 mW)
- - - MWWHF2
(16.3 mW)
- - -
3000 K
(Warm White)
- - LEDSW30
(100 mW)
(2000 mW Min)
(570 mW Min)
- - SOLIS-2C
(3.2 W)e
- -
(2000 mW Min)
5700 K
(Day Light White)
- - - - - - - SOLIS-3C
(3.5 W)
- -
  • These Collimated LEDs are compatible with the standard and epi-illumination ports on the following microscopes: Olympus BX/IX (Item # Suffix: -C1), Leica DMI (Item # Suffix: -C2), Zeiss Axioskop (Item # Suffix: -C4), and Nikon Eclipse (Bayonet Mount, Item # Suffix: -C5).
  • Typical power when used with MM Fiber with Ø400 µm core, 0.39 NA.
  • Our Multi-Wavelength LED Sources are available with select combinations of the LEDs at these wavelengths.
  • Typical power for LEDs with the Leica DMI collimation package (Item # Suffix: -C2).
  • Minimum power for the collimated output of these LEDs. The collimation lens is installed with each LED.
  • Typical power for LEDs with the Olympus BX and IX collimation package (Item # Suffix: -C1).
  • Typical power for LEDs with the Nikon Eclipse collimation package (Item # Suffix: -C5).
  • Percentage of LED intensity that emits in the blue portion of the spectrum, from 400 nm to 525 nm.

Fiber-Coupled LEDs

Click to Enlarge

M365FP1, M385FP1, M395FP1, M405FP1, and M660FP1 are each mounted to a 50 mm long heat sink.
  • Integrated EEPROM for Automated LED Settings with Compatible Thorlabs Controllers
  • Long Lifetimes >10 000 Hours (Except M340F3, M325F4, and M660FP1; See Specs Tab for Details)
  • Output can be Modulated with Suitable Controller (See LED Drivers Tab)
  • Stable Output Intensity by Optimized Thermal Management
  • Accepts SMA Fiber Connector

These fiber-coupled LEDs each consist of an LED mounted to a heat sink with an SMA fiber bulkhead. They can be easily integrated into an optical setup using one of our SMA-terminated multimode fiber patch cables. When the patch cable is connected to the SMA bulkhead on the LED housing, the LED will be butt-coupled to the SMA fiber connector. Hybrid patch cables can be used to transition from an SMA connector to an FC/PC connector, ferrule end, or bare fiber. For compatible drivers to power these LEDs, please see the LED Drivers tab. Please note that the minimum output powers specified below are for when the LED is used with a Ø400 µm core multimode fiber patch cable.

For applications where a hybrid patch cable is not practical, we can configure these fiber-coupled LEDs with FC/PC bulkheads; contact Tech Support for details.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
M280F5 Support Documentation
M280F5280 nm, 0.5 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 500 mA, SMA
Lead Time
M300F2 Support Documentation
M300F2300 nm, 320 µW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 350 mA, SMA
M310F1 Support Documentation
M310F1308 nm, 300 µW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 600 mA, SMA
Lead Time
M325F4 Support Documentation
M325F4325 nm, 260 µW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 600 mA, SMA
M340F4 Support Documentation
M340F4340 nm, 0.45 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 600 mA, SMA
Lead Time
M365FP1 Support Documentation
M365FP1365 nm, 9.8 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1400 mA, SMA
M375F2 Support Documentation
M375F2375 nm, 3.2 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 500 mA, SMA
M385F1 Support Documentation
M385F1385 nm, 9.0 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 700 mA, SMA
M385FP1 Support Documentation
M385FP1385 nm, 18 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1400 mA, SMA
M395F3 Support Documentation
M395F3395 nm, 4.8 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 500 mA, SMA
M395FP1 Support Documentation
M395FP1395 nm, 20.1 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1400 mA, SMA
M405F1 Support Documentation
M405F1Customer Inspired! 405 nm, 3.0 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 500 mA, SMA
M405FP1 Support Documentation
M405FP1405 nm, 19.3 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1400 mA, SMA
M415F3 Support Documentation
M415F3415 nm, 14.4 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1500 mA, SMA
M430F1 Support Documentation
M430F1430 nm, 5.3 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 500 mA, SMA
Lead Time
M455F3 Support Documentation
M455F3455 nm, 17 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
M470F4 Support Documentation
M470F4470 nm, 14 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
Lead Time
M490F4 Support Documentation
M490F4490 nm, 1.8 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 350 mA, SMA
Lead Time
M505F3 Support Documentation
M505F3505 nm, 8.5 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
M530F2 Support Documentation
M530F2530 nm, 6.8 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
MINTF4 Support Documentation
MINTF4554 nm, 21 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1225 mA, SMA
Lead Time
M565F3 Support Documentation
M565F3565 nm, 9.9 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 700 mA, SMA
M590F3 Support Documentation
M590F3590 nm, 3.3 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
3 weeks
M595F2 Support Documentation
M595F2595 nm, 8.7 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
M617F2 Support Documentation
M617F2617 nm, 10.2 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
M625F2 Support Documentation
M625F2625 nm, 13.2 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
M660FP1 Support Documentation
M660FP1660 nm, 10.6 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1400 mA, SMA
M680F3 Support Documentation
M680F3Customer Inspired! 680 nm, 2.0 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 600 mA, SMA
M700F3 Support Documentation
M700F3700 nm, 1.3 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 500 mA, SMA
M740F2 Support Documentation
M740F2740 nm, 4.1 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 800 mA, SMA
M780F2 Support Documentation
M780F2780 nm, 5.5 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 800 mA, SMA
M810F2 Support Documentation
M810F2810 nm, 4.9 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 500 mA, SMA
3 weeks
M850F3 Support Documentation
M850F3850 nm, 8.6 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
Lead Time
M880F2 Support Documentation
M880F2880 nm, 2.7 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
M940F3 Support Documentation
M940F3940 nm, 10 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
M970F3 Support Documentation
M970F3970 nm, 5.9 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
M1050F3 Support Documentation
M1050F31050 nm, 2.3 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 600 mA, SMA
M1100F1 Support Documentation
M1100F11100 nm, 2.0 mW (Min), Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
Lead Time
M1200F1 Support Documentation
M1200F11200 nm, 1.6 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
Lead Time
M1300F1 Support Documentation
M1300F11300 nm, 1.42 mW (Min), Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
Lead Time
M1450F1 Support Documentation
M1450F11450 nm, 0.86 mW (Min), Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
Lead Time
MBB1F1 Support Documentation
MBB1F1Broadband (470 - 850 nm), 0.8 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 500 mA, SMA
MCWHF2 Support Documentation
MCWHF26200 K, 21.5 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA
MWWHF2 Support Documentation
MWWHF24000 K, 16.3 mW (Min) Fiber-Coupled LED, 1000 mA, SMA

Mounted LED Mating Connector

  • Pico (M8) Receptacle
  • Female 4-Pin for Front Mounting
  • 0.5 m Long, 24 AWG Wires
  • M8 x 0.5 Panel Mount Thread
  • IP 67 and NEMA 6P Rated

The CON8ML-4 connector can be used to mate mounted LEDs featured on this page to user-supplied power supplies. We also offer a male 4-Pin M8 connector cable (item # CAB-LEDD1).

Pin Color Specification Pin Assignment
1 Brown LED Anode
2 White LED Cathode
CON8ML-4 Shown Connected to the 4-Pin M8 Plug of Mounted LED
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
CON8ML-4 Support Documentation
CON8ML-44-Pin Female Mating Connector for Mounted LEDs