Superluminescent Diode (SLD) Light Sources for OCT Systems

  • SLDs Optimized for Use in OCT Systems
  • Center Wavelength from 810 nm to 1325 nm
  • Fiber-Coupled Power: ≥6 mW
  • SM or PM Fiber Pigtail with FC/APC Connector


1325 nm SLD, >100 nm Bandwidth

An Image of the Anterior of the Eye Taken with the SLD830S-A10 in a Modified Ganymede ll OCT System


830 nm SLD, Gain Ripple: ≤0.15 dB

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The SLD1325 Superluminescent Diode Mounted in a CLD1015 Compact Laser Diode Driver with TEC


  • SLDs Optimized for Use in Spectral Domain OCT Systems
  • 810, 830, 850, 880, 930, 970, 1050, or 1325 nm Center Wavelength
  • FC/APC-Terminated Fiber Pigtail Minimizes Optical Feedback
  • Integrated TEC and Thermistor for Temperature Control
  • Hermetically Sealed 14-Pin Butterfly Package

Superluminescent Diodes (SLDs) are the light source of choice in Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) imaging. The broad spectrum and short coherence length of the emitted light improves the depth resolution in OCT images. Thorlabs offers SLDs designed for OCT applications with center wavelengths of 810, 830, 850, 880, 930, 970, 1050, or 1325 nm. Each SLD is shipped with an individualized product data sheet, which includes information on the spectrum and operating parameters of the device. Raw test data for each SLD is also available upon request; please contact Tech Support with inquiries. For more details about each SLD, please see the Specs tab.

These devices are built into 14-pin butterfly packages, each with an integrated thermoelectric cooler (TEC) and thermistor to ensure output stability. The output is coupled into either an SM or PM fiber terminated with a 2.0 mm narrow key FC/APC connector. Please note that optical feedback can diminish the output power or damage the SLD. We do not recommend using these SLDs with components that are prone to back reflections, such as FC/PC connectors. The SLD1325 1325 nm superluminescent diode incorporates an integrated isolator. If you are interested in an SLD at a different wavelength with an integrated isolator, please contact Tech Support with inquiries.

Thorlabs is able to provide low-ripple SLDs with custom wavelengths or higher power diodes. Please note that the engineering design and wafer manufacturing costs involved make the purchase of low quantities very costly. For a quote on custom SLDs, please contact Tech Support.

The SLDs featured on this page have either a near-Gaussian or flat-top optical spectrum. The calculation for the center wavelength differs with these two spectral shapes. Please see the Specs tab for center wavelength calculations.

For wavelengths up to 1550 nm and devices not optimized for OCT, see our full selection of superluminescent diodes.

Operation Guidelines
We strongly recommend adherence to the operating conditions marked on each package. While optimal performance is achieved by utilizing the recommended settings, we recognize users can adjust the spectral characteristics of the SLD by deviating from these recommended settings. For instance, operating at lower temperatures will cause a shift of the central wavelength to shorter wavelengths. It is imperative, however, that as the temperature is reduced, the injection current is also reduced so as not to exceed the recommended output power if one is noted on the data sheet that is included with the SLD.

These SLDs should be operated at a constant current and temperature, which is relatively simple with the proper SLD mount and drivers. To mount and drive these SLDs, Thorlabs recommends using a ITC4000 Series Laser Diode Driver with the LM14S2 Mount.

As with most active semiconductor devices, standard anti-static handling procedures must be adhered to in order to prevent an electrical discharge that could destroy the device.

OCT Application Images

Images of (a) the lens, (b) the anterior, and (c) the retina of the eye obtained using a Ganymede SD-OCT System modified to integrate an SLD830S-A10 (sold below) as a light source. The images each have an in-tissue depth of 6.2 mm and were taken using a 36 kHz A-scan rate.

Due to the nature of producing superluminescent diodes with ultra wide bandwidths, some of the SLDs sold below have spectral shapes that are near gaussian, while others have a shape with a flattened top. This difference in spectral shape demands two different methods of defining center wavelength in order to provide an accurate description of the diode.

Near-Guassian Center Wavelength Definition
The center wavelength for devices with a near-gaussian spectral shape is defined by an average weighted by the relative amplitude and may not correspond to peak power or the FWHM center wavelength due to the variability of the spectrum shape. For a given Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA) trace:

Weighted Average


  • CW is the Specified Center Wavelength
  • Xi is the Wavelength of a Trace Data Point
  • Yi is the Amplitude of a Trace Data Point

Flat-Top Center Wavelength Definition
The center wavelength for devices with a flat-top spectral shape is defined by the midpoint between the two wavelengths located at 3 dB below the maximum intensity point on the spectrum. For a given OSA trace:

Weighted Average


  • CW is the Specified Center Wavelength
  • XR_3dB is the Right Wavelength Edge of the 3 dB Bandwidth
  • XL_3dB is the Left Wavelength Edge of the 3 dB Bandwidth


SLD Specifications

Note that these specifications are given as guidelines. The characterization sheet shipped with each SLD provides the minimum, maximum, and recommended operating parameters and specifications specific to that device. Note: the ASE Power specification is the output from the fiber pigtail.

810 nm Superluminescent Diodes

Item # SLD810S
Parametera Min Typical Max
Center Wavelengthb 795 nm 810 nm 825 nm
Spectral Shape Near Gaussian
Operating Current - - 270 mA
ASE Powerc 13 mW 15 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc,d 25 nm 30 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,e - 0.03 dB 0.15 dB
Forward Voltage - 2.1 V 2.5 V
TEC Operation: Typ. / Max @ TCASE = 25 °C / 70 °C
TEC Current - 0.2 A 1.4 A
TEC Voltage - 0.3 V 6.0 V
Thermister Resistance - 10 kΩ -
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum Optical Spectrum
LIV Plot LIV Curves
Gain Ripplec,e
Absolute Maximum Ratingsa
Absolute Max Current 290 mA
Operating Case Temperature 0 to 70 °C
Storage Temperature -10 to 70 °C
Pin Code 14 Pin, Type 1
Fiber Specifications
Fiber Type 780HP
Numerical Aperture 0.13
Core Diameter 4.4 µm
Mode Field Diameter (Nominal) 5.0 ± 0.5 µm @ 850 nm
Fiber Length 1.5 m
Connector FC/APC, 2.0 mm Narrow Key
  • These Operating Specifications are a consistent set of values which will yield the specified performance. Please note that exceeding the Absolute Maximum Ratings in the table may cause device failure.
  • The center wavelength for an SLD with a near-Gaussian spectral shape is defined by an average weighted by relative amplitude and may not correspond to the peak power or FWHM center wavelength. See the definitions above for details.
  • At Operating Current
  • At the minimum ASE power, the minimum 3 dB bandwidth is guaranteed.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm

830 nm Superluminescent Diodes

Item # SLD830S-A10W SLD830S-A20W SLD830S-A10 SLD830S-A20
Parametera Min Typical Max Min Typical Max Min Typical Max Min Typical Max
Center Wavelengthb 815 nm 830 nm 845 nm 815 nm 830 nm 845 nm 820 nm 830 nm 840 nm 820 nm 830 nm 840 nm
Spectral Shape Flat Top Flat Top Near Gaussian Near Gaussian
Operating Current - - 240 mA - - 330 mA - - 150 mA - - 240 mA
ASE Powerc,d 10 mW - - 20 mW - - 10 mW 13 mW - 20 mW 22 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc,e 50 nm 60 nm - 40 nm 55 nm - 17 nm 20 nm - 17 nm 20 nm -
Optical 20 dB Bandwidthc - - - - - - - 50 nm - - 50 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,f - 0.06 dB 0.3 dB - 0.03 dB 0.3 dB - 0.03 dB 0.15 dB - 0.03 dB 0.15 dB
Forward Voltagec - 2.0 V 2.5 V - 2.0 V 2.5 V - 2.0 V 2.5 V - 2.0 V 2.5 V
TEC Operation: Typ. / Max @ TCASE = 25 °C / 70 °C
TEC Current - 0.14 A 1.4 A - 0.14 A 1.4 A - 0.1 A 1.5 A - 0.1 A 1.5 A
TEC Voltage - 0.18 V 6.0 V - 0.18 V 6.0 V - 0.13 V 4.0 V - 0.13 V 4.0 V
Thermistor Resistance - 10 kΩ - - 10 kΩ - - 10 kΩ - - 10 kΩ -
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum Optical Spectrum Optical Spectrum
LIV Plot LIV Curves LIV Curves
Gain Ripplef
Absolute Maximum Ratingsa
Absolute Max Current 240 mA 330 mA 150 mA 240 mA
Operating Case Temperature 0 to 70 °C
Storage Temperature -10 to 70°C
Pin Code 14 Pin, Type 1
Fiber Specifications
Fiber Type 780HP
Numerical Aperture 0.13
Core Diameter 4.4 µm
Mode Field Diameter (Nominal) 5.0 ± 0.5 µm @ 850 nm
Fiber Length 1.5 m
Connector FC/APC, 2.0 mm Narrow Key
  • These Operating Specifications are a consistent set of values which will yield the specified performance. Please note that exceeding the Absolute Maximum Ratings in the table may cause device failure.
  • The center wavelength for an SLD with a flat-top spectral shape is defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth; for an SLD with a near-gaussian spectral shape, the center wavelength is defined by an average weighted by relative amplitude and may not correspond to the peak power or FWHM center wavelength. See the definitions above for details.
  • At Operating Current
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • For SLD830S-A10W and SLD830S-A20W: At the minimum ASE power, the minimum 3 dB bandwidth is guaranteed.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm

850 nm Superluminescent Diodes

Item # SLD850S-A10W SLD850S-A20W
Parametera Min Typical Max Min Typical Max
Center Wavelengthb 835 nm 850 nm 865 nm 835 nm 850 nm 865 nm
Spectral Shape Flat Top Flat Top
Operating Current - - 180 mA - - 340 mA
ASE Powerc,d 10 mW - - 20 mW - -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc,d 40 nm 60 nm - 40 nm 55 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,e - 0.03 dB 0.3 dB - 0.03 dB 0.3 dB
Forward Voltagec - 2.0 V 2.5 V - 2.0 V 2.5 V
TEC Operation: Typ. / Max @ TCASE = 25 °C / 70 °C
TEC Current - 0.11 A 1.4 A - 0.18 A 1.4 A
TEC Voltage - 0.17 V 6.0 V - 0.27 V 6.0 V
Thermistor Resistance - 10 kΩ - - 10 kΩ -
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum
LIV Plot
Gain Ripplee
Absolute Maximum Ratingsa
Absolute Max Current 180 mA 340 mA
Operating Case Temperature 0 to 70 °C
Storage Temperature -10 to 70°C
Pin Code 14 Pin, Type 1
Fiber Specifications
Fiber Type 780HP
Numerical Aperture 0.13
Core Diameter 4.4 µm
Mode Field Diameter (Nominal) 5.0 ± 0.5 µm @ 850 nm
Fiber Length 1.5 m
Connector FC/APC, 2.0 mm Narrow Key
  • These Operating Specifications are a consistent set of values which will yield the specified performance. Please note that exceeding the Absolute Maximum Ratings in the table may cause device failure.
  • Defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth. See the definitions above for details.
  • Specification given at operating current. At the minimum ASE power, the minimum 3 dB bandwidth is guaranteed.
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm

880 nm Superluminescent Diodes

Item # SLD880S-A7 SLD880S-A25
Parametera Min Typical Max Min Typical Max
Center Wavelengthb 860 nm 880 nm 900 nm 860 nm 880 nm 900 nm
Spectral Shape Flat Top Flat Top
Operating Current - - 225 mA - - 410 mA
ASE Powerc,d 6 mW 7 mW - 23 mW 25 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc 35 nm 40 nm - 35 nm 40 nm -
Optical 20 dB Bandwidthc - 80 nm - - 80 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,e - 0.06 dB 0.3 dB - 0.06 dB 0.3 dB
Forward Voltagec - 2.0 V 2.5 V - 2.0 V 2.5 V
TEC Operation: Typ. / Max @ TCASE = 25 °C / 70 °C
TEC Current - 0.2 A 1.4 A - 0.2 A 1.4 A
TEC Voltage - 0.8 V 6.0 V - 0.8 V 6.0 V
Thermistor Resistance - 10 kΩ - - 10 kΩ -
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum Optical Spectrum Optical Spectrum
LIV Plot LIV Curves LIV Curves
Gain Ripplee
Absolute Maximum Ratingsa
Absolute Max Current 225 mA 410 mA
Operating Case Temperature 0 to 70 °C
Storage Temperature -10 to 70°C
Pin Code 14 Pin, Type 1
Fiber Specifications
Fiber Type 780HP
Numerical Aperture 0.13
Core Diameter 4.4 µm
Mode Field Diameter (Nominal) 5.0 ± 0.5 µm @ 850 nm
Fiber Length 1.0 m
Connector FC/APC, 2.0 mm Narrow Key
  • These Operating Specifications are a consistent set of values which will yield the specified performance. Please note that exceeding the Absolute Maximum Ratings in the table may cause device failure.
  • Defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth. See the definitions above for details.
  • Specification given at operating current. At the minimum ASE power, the minimum 3 dB bandwidth is guaranteed.
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm

930 nm Superluminescent Diodes

Item # SLD930S-A40W SLD930P-A40W
Parametera Min Typical Max Min Typical Max
Operating Current - - 800 mA - - 800 mA
Center Wavelengthb 915 nm 930 nm 945 nm 915 nm 930 nm 945 nm
Spectral Shape Flat Top Flat Top
ASE Powerc,d 36 mW 40 mW - 36 mW 40 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc,d 40 nm 45 nm - 40 nm 45 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,e - 0.06 dB 0.3 dB - 0.06 dB 0.3 dB
Forward Voltagec - 2.0 V 2.5 V - 2.0 V 2.5 V
TEC Operation: Typ. / Max @ TCASE = 25 °C / 70 °C
TEC Current - 0.54 A 1.4 A - 0.54 A 1.4 A
TEC Voltage - 0.78 V 6.0 V - 0.78 V 6.0 V
Thermistor Resistanced - 10 kΩ - - 10 kΩ -
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum Optical Spectrum Optical Spectrum
LIV Plot LIV Curves LIV Curves
Gain Ripplee
Absolute Maximum Ratingsa
Absolute Max Current 800 mA 800 mA
Operating Case Temperature 0 °C to 70 °C 0 °C to 70 °C
Storage Temperature -10 °C to 70 °C -10 °C to 70 °C
Pin Code 14 Pin, Type 1 14 Pin, Type 1
Fiber Specifications
Fiber Type 780HP PM780-HPf
Numerical Aperture 0.13 0.12
Core Diameter 4.4 µm 4.5 µm
Mode Field Diameter (Nominal) 5.0 ± 0.5 µm @ 850 nm 5.3 ± 1.0 µm @ 850 nm
Fiber Length 1.5 m 1.5 m
Connector FC/APC, 2.0 mm Narrow Key FC/APC, 2.0 mm Narrow Key
  • These Operating Specifications are a consistent set of values which will yield the specified performance. Please note that exceeding the Absolute Maximum Ratings in the table may cause device failure.
  • Defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth. See the definitions above for details.
  • Specification given at operating current. At the minimum ASE power, the minimum 3 dB bandwidth is guaranteed.
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm
  • Slow axis aligned to connector key.

970 nm Superluminescent Diodes

Item # SLD970S-A40W SLD970P-A40W
Parametera Min Typical Max Min Typical Max
Operating Current - 1000 mA 1010 mA - 1000 mA 1010 mA
Center Wavelengthb 945 nm 970 nm 995 nm 945 nm 970 nm 995 nm
Spectral Shape Flat Top Flat Top
ASE Powerc,d 35 mW 40 mW - 35 mW 40 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc,d 40 nm 50 nm - 40 nm 50 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,e - 0.03 dB 0.2 dB - 0.03 dB 0.2 dB
Forward Voltagec - 2.0 V 2.5 V - 2.0 V 2.5 V
TEC Operation: Typ. / Max @ TCASE = 25 °C / 70 °C
TEC Current - 0.83 A 1.4 A - 0.83 A 1.4 A
TEC Voltage - 1.2 V 6.0 V - 1.2 V 6.0 V
Thermistor Resistanced - 10 kΩ - - 10 kΩ -
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum
LIV Plot
Gain Ripplee
Absolute Maximum Ratingsa
Absolute Max Current 1010 mA 1010 mA
Operating Case Temperature 0 °C to 70 °C 0 °C to 70 °C
Storage Temperature -10 °C to 70 °C -10 °C to 70 °C
Pin Code 14 Pin, Type 1 14 Pin, Type 1
Fiber Specifications
Fiber Type HI1060 PM980-XPf
Numerical Aperture 0.14 0.12
Core Diameter 5.8 µm 5.5 µm
Mode Field Diameter (Nominal) 5.9 ± 0.3 µm @ 980 nm 6.6 ± 0.5 µm @ 980 nm
Fiber Length 1.5 m 1.5 m
Connector FC/APC, 2.0 mm Narrow Key FC/APC, 2.0 mm Narrow Key
  • These Operating Specifications are a consistent set of values which will yield the specified performance. Please note that exceeding the Absolute Maximum Ratings in the table may cause device failure.
  • Defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth. See the definitions above for details.
  • Specification given at operating current. At the minimum ASE power, the minimum 3 dB bandwidth is guaranteed.
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm
  • Slow axis aligned to connector key.

1050 nm Superluminescent Diodes

Item # SLD1050S-A60a SLD1050P-A60a
Parametera Min Typical Max Min Typical Max
Center Wavelengthb 1025 nm 1050 nm 1075 nm 1025 nm 1050 nm 1075 nm
Spectral Shape Flat Top Flat Top
Operating Current - - 1010 mA - - 1010 mA
ASE Powerc,d 55 mW 60 mW - 55 mW 60 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc 60 nm 70 nm - 60 nm 70 nm -
Optical 20 dB Bandwidthc - 100 nm - - - -
RMS Gain Ripplec,e - 0.03 dB 0.2 dB - 0.06 dB 0.2 dB
Forward Voltagec - 2.0 V 2.5 V - 2.0 V 2.5 V
TEC Operation: Typ. / Max @ TCASE = 25 °C / 65 °C
TEC Current - 0.7 A 2.5 A - 0.7 A 2.5 A
TEC Voltage - 0.9 V 3.2 V - 0.9 V 3.2 V
Thermistor Resistance - 10 kΩ - - 10 kΩ -
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum
LIV Plot
Gain Ripplee
Absolute Maximum Ratingsa
Absolute Max Current 1010 mA 1010 mA
Operating Case Temperature 0 to 70 °C 0 to 70 °C
Storage Temperature -10 to 70°C -10 to 70°C
Pin Code 14 Pin, Type 1 14 Pin, Type 1
Fiber Specifications
Fiber Type HI1060 PM980-XPf
Numerical Aperture 0.14 0.12
Core Diameter 6.2 µm 5.5 µm
Mode Field Diameter (Nominal) 6.2 ± 0.3 µm @ 1060 nm 6.6 ± 0.5 µm @ 980 nm
Fiber Length 1.5 m 1.5 m
Connector FC/APC, 2.0 mm Narrow Key FC/APC, 2.0 mm Narrow Key
  • These Operating Specifications are a consistent set of values which will yield the specified performance. Please note that exceeding the Absolute Maximum Ratings in the table may cause device failure.
  • Defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth. See the definitions above for details.
  • At Operating Current. At the minimum ASE power, the minimum 3 dB bandwidth is guaranteed.
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm
  • Slow axis aligned to connector key.

1310 nm Superluminescent Diode

Item # SLD1021S
Parametera Min Typical Max
Operating Current - 700 mA 900 mA
Center Wavelengthb 1290 nm - 1330 nm
Spectral Shape Near Gaussian
ASE Powerc,d 10 mW 12.5 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc 80 nm 85 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,e - - 0.35 dB
Forward Voltage - 1.55 V 2.0 V
Fiber Type SMF-28e+
Operating Temperature Range 0 to 40 °C
TEC Operation
TEC Current - 0.4 A 1.5 A
TEC Voltage - 0.5 V 4 V
Thermistor Resistanced - 10 kΩ -
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum
LIV Plot
  • These Operating Specifications are a consistent set of values which will yield the specified performance. Please note that exceeding the Absolute Maximum Ratings in the table may cause device failure.
  • The center wavelength is defined by an average weighted by relative amplitude and may not correspond to the peak power or FWHM center wavelength. See the definitions above for details.
  • At Operating Current
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.1 nm

1325 nm Superluminescent Diode

Item # SLD1325
Parametera Min Typical Max
Operating Current - - 780 mA
Center Wavelengthb - 1325 nm -
Spectral Shape Flat Top
ASE Powerc 10 mW - -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidth 100 nm - -
RMS Gain Ripple - - -
Forward Voltage - - 4 V
Fiber Type SMF-28e
Operating Temperature Range 0 to 40 °C
TEC Operation
TEC Current - - 4 A
TEC Voltage - - 4 V
Thermistor Resistanced - - 10 kΩ
Integrated Isolator
Isolation 30 dB - -
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum
LIV Plot
  • These Operating Specifications are a consistent set of values which will yield the specified performance. Please note that exceeding the Absolute Maximum Ratings in the table may cause device failure.
  • Defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth. See the definitions above for details.
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail at the operating current.
  • Steinhart - Hart Coefficients: C1 = 1.1291x10-3,
    C2 = 2.3413x10-4, and C3 = 0.8767x10-7
Theoretical Limit of Axial Resolution for a 1325 nm SD OCT system
Theoretical axial resolution for a Spectral Domain OCT System utilizing a 1325 nm light source with 100 nm bandwidth in air, assuming an ideal source with Gaussian spectral distribution.

The theoretical axial (depth) resolution of a Spectral Domain OCT imaging system is

SD-OCT Resolution Equation.

Here, Δz, is the axial resolution (FWHM of the autocorrelation function) while Δλ is the FWHM of the power spectrum of the SLD light source. The index of refraction (n) of air is ~1, so for a central wavelength (λ) of 1325 nm and a spectral bandwidth of 100 nm, the theoretical axial resolution would be approximately 7.7 µm (see plot). This equation assumes an ideal source with Gaussian spectral distribution. To reduce side-lobe artifacts that may arise from utilizing non-Gaussian sources, we recommend applying a spectral filter to the detected interferogram. Depending on the filter applied, the actual resolution may be reduced.

Butterfly Package, Type 1

Pin drawing for butterfly package
Pin Description Pin Description
1 + TEC 14 - TEC
2 Thermistor 13 Case Ground
3 NC 12 NC
4 NC 11 SLD Cathode
5 Thermistor 10 SLD Anode
6 NC 9 NC
7 NC 8 NC

Posted Comments:
Jang Jin  (posted 2020-07-21 22:29:26.41)
I am writing to inquire about SLD1050S-A60 life time. I look forward to hearing from you in my inquiry soon. Thank you.
YLohia  (posted 2020-07-23 04:58:31.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We expect the lifetime of the SLD1050S-A60 to be >100,000 hours at 60 mW/950 mA/25 C operating parameters.
Murat Yessenov  (posted 2020-05-27 20:07:04.087)
Hi! I wonder if you can make a custom-made SLD at a slightly different wavelength. We are interested in an SLD similar to SLD830S-A20, but centered at or closer to 800 nm? Thanks!
YLohia  (posted 2020-05-28 09:37:32.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Is there any specific reason that the SLD830S-A20W does not work for your application? This is a broadband SLED and will cover a wide region of wavelengths around 800 nm. I have reached out to you directly to discuss this further.
robert  (posted 2017-08-22 09:01:35.56)
Dear, I have one question regarding SLD unit in OCT instruments for example Topcon OCT-2000. Has a SLD unit lifitime and how we can count this lifetime ? Is this is depending only from how many OCT images has been done or also how many years are old SLD unit. IS life time is also depending of working hours of SLD for example we have switch on OCT 8 hours every day and we done maybe 20 OCT images. Thanks a lot for your help. Regards, Robert Rimc
tfrisch  (posted 2017-09-13 11:22:29.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Lifetime can be estimated, but it will vary for different operating conditions. I will reach out to you directly to discuss your application.
jjurado  (posted 2011-07-12 10:31:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to last poster: Thank you very much for your feedback. You are correct in asserting that the theoretical resolution is based on the assumption of a Gaussian profile. There are analytical filtering techniques which can be performed to reshape the spectrum of the SLD1325 to provide a Gaussian shape. The actual resolution will sacrifice a bit, but in practice it is nominal. We will add information to the resolution tab shortly to clarify this. Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any further questions or comments.
user  (posted 2011-07-11 10:41:04.0)
The theoretical resolution is based on a gaussian shape. The equation is not valid for this light source, but you suggest it would.
Tyler  (posted 2009-02-13 08:11:21.0)
A response from Tyler at Thorlabs to xzhao: Thank you for pointing out the units mistake. It has been fixed.
xzhao  (posted 2009-02-13 00:30:17.0)
Dear Webmaster, The Spec for SLD1325 should be Bandwidth* >100 nm but not Bandwidth* >100 mW Thanks, Xuefeng Zhao Thorlabs Japan

810 nm Superluminescent Diode for OCT

Item #a SLD810S
Parameter Min Typ. Max
Operating Current - - 270 mA
Center Wavelengthb 795 nm 810 nm 825 nm
Spectral Shape Near Gaussian
ASE Powerc,d 13 mW 15 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc 25 nm 30 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,e - 0.03 dB 0.15 dB
Fiber Type 780HP
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum
LIV Plot
Gain Ripplee
  • Full specifications are available by clicking on the Specs tab above.
  • The center wavelength for an SLD with a near-gaussian spectral shape is defined by an average weighted by relative amplitude and may not correspond to the peak power or FWHM center wavelength. See the Specs tab above for details.
  • At Operating Current
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm
  • 810 nm Superluminescent Diodes with 30 nm Typical 3 dB Bandwidth
  • Extremely Low Typical Gain Ripple
  • 13 mW Minimum Fiber-Coupled Output Power

This superluminescent diode is designed to be used in OCT Systems that require an illumination source with extremely low gain ripple of 0.03 dB (RMS) and a relatively flat spectrum over a 30 nm wide 3 dB bandwidth. It is available with a minimum fiber-coupled output power of 13 mW.

Note that the specifications in the table to the right are given as guidelines. The characterization sheet shipped with each SLD provides the minimum, maximum, and recommended operating parameters and specifications specific to that device. Note that the bandwidth will decrease as the current is decreased; bandwidth specifications to the right are specified at the operating current.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
SLD810S Support Documentation
SLD810S15 mW SLD, CWL = 810 nm, 30 nm 3 dB BW, Butterfly Pkg., SM Fiber, FC/APC

830 nm Superluminescent Diodes for OCT

  • 830 nm Superluminescent Diodes with 20 nm, 55 nm, 60 nm Typical 3 dB Bandwidth
  • Extremely Low Typical Gain Ripple
  • 10 mW or 20 mW Minimum Fiber-Coupled Output Power

These superluminescent diodes are designed to be used in OCT Systems that require an illumination source with extremely low gain ripple of 0.03 dB or 0.06 dB (RMS) and a relatively flat spectrum over a 20 nm, 55 nm, or 60 nm wide 3 dB bandwidth. They are available with a minimum fiber-coupled output power of 10 mW or 20 mW.

Note that the specifications in the table below are given as guidelines. The characterization sheet shipped with each SLD provides the minimum, maximum, and recommended operating parameters and specifications specific to that device. Note that the bandwidth will decrease as the current is decreased; bandwidth specifications below are specified at the operating current.

Item #a SLD830S-A10W SLD830S-A20W SLD830S-A10 SLD830S-A20
Parameter Min Typ. Max Min Typ. Max Min Typ. Max Min Typ. Max
Operating Current - - 240 mA - - 330 mA - - 150 mA - - 240 mA
Center Wavelengthb 815 nm 830 nm 845 nm 815 nm 830 nm 845 nm 820 nm 830 nm 840 nm 820 nm 830 nm 840 nm
Spectral Shape Flat Top Flat Top Near Gaussian Near Gaussian
ASE Powerc,d 10 mW - - 20 mW - - 10 mW 13 mW - 20 mW 22 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc,e 50 nm 60 nm - 40 nm 55 nm - 17 nm 20 nm - 17 nm 20 nm -
Optical 20 dB Bandwidthc - - - - - - - 50 nm - - 50 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,f - 0.06 dB 0.3 dB - 0.03 dB 0.3 dB - 0.03 dB 0.15 dB - 0.03 dB 0.15 dB
Fiber Type 780HP
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum Optical Spectrum Optical Spectrum
LIV Plot LIV Curves LIV Curves
Gain Ripplef
  • Full specifications are available by clicking on the Specs tab above.
  • The center wavelength for an SLD with a flat-top spectral shape is defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth; for an SLD with a near-gaussian spectral shape, the center wavelength is defined by an average weighted by relative amplitude and may not correspond to the peak power or FWHM center wavelength. See the Specs tab above for details.
  • At Operating Current
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • For SLD830S-A10W and SLD830S-A20W: At the minimum ASE power, the minimum 3 dB bandwidth is guaranteed.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm
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SLD830S-A20W Support Documentation
SLD830S-A20W20 mW (Min) SLD, CWL = 830 nm, 55 nm 3 dB BW, Butterfly Pkg., SM Fiber, FC/APC

850 nm Superluminescent Diodes for OCT

  • 850 nm Superluminescent Diodes with 55 nm or 60 nm Typical 3 dB Bandwidth
  • Extremely Low Typical Gain Ripple
  • 10 mW or 20 mW Minimum Fiber-Coupled Output Power

These superluminescent diodes are designed to be used in OCT Systems that require an illumination source with extremely low typical gain ripple of 0.03 dB (RMS) and a relatively flat spectrum over a 55 nm or 60 nm wide 3 dB bandwidth. They are available with a minimum fiber-coupled output power of 10 mW or 20 mW.

Note that the specifications in the table below are given as guidelines. The characterization sheet shipped with each SLD provides the minimum, maximum, and recommended operating parameters and specifications specific to that device. Note that the bandwidth will decrease as the current is decreased; bandwidth specifications below are specified at the operating current.

Item #a SLD850S-A10W SLD850S-A20W
Parameter Min Typ. Max Min Typ. Max
Operating Current - - 180 mA - - 340 mA
Center Wavelengthb 835 nm 850 nm 865 nm 835 nm 850 nm 865 nm
Spectral Shape Flat Top Flat Top
ASE Powerc,d 10 mW - - 20 mW - -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc,e 40 nm 60 nm - 40 nm 55 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,f - 0.03 dB 0.3 dB - 0.03 dB 0.3 dB
Fiber Type 780HP
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum
LIV Plot
Gain Ripplef
  • Full specifications are available by clicking on the Specs tab above.
  • Defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth. See the Specs tab above for details.
  • At Operating Current
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • At the minimum ASE power, the minimum 3 dB bandwidth is guaranteed.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
SLD850S-A10W Support Documentation
SLD850S-A10W10 mW (Min) SLD, CWL = 850 nm, 60 nm 3 dB BW, Butterfly Pkg., SM Fiber, FC/APC
Lead Time
SLD850S-A20W Support Documentation
SLD850S-A20W20 mW (Min) SLD, CWL = 850 nm, 55 nm 3 dB BW, Butterfly Pkg., SM Fiber, FC/APC
Lead Time

930 nm Superluminescent Diodes for OCT

Item #a SLD930x-A40W
Parameter Min Typ. Max
Operating Current - - 800 mA
Center Wavelengthb 915 nm 930 nm 945 nm
Spectral Shape Flat Top
ASE Powerc,d 36 mW 40 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc 40 nm 45 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,e - 0.06 0.3
Fiber Type 780HP (SM)
PM780-HP (PM)g
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum
Optical Spectrum
Optical Spectrum
LIV Plot
LIV Curves
LIV Curves
Gain Ripplee


  • Full specifications are available by clicking on the Specs tab above.
  • Defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth. See the Specs tab above for details.
  • Specification given at the operating current. At the minimum ASE power, the minimum 3 dB bandwidth is guaranteed.
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm
  • Connector key is aligned to slow axis.
  • 930 nm SLDs with 40 nm Typical 3 dB Bandwidth
  • 45 mW Typical Fiber-Coupled Output Power
  • FC/APC-Terminated Fiber Pigtail Minimizes Optical Feedback

These superluminescent diodes are designed to be used in OCT Systems. They have a low typical RMS gain ripple of 0.06 dB, a relatively flat spectrum over a 45 nm wide typical 3 dB bandwidth, and 40 mW typical fiber-coupled output power.

Note that the specifications in the table to the right are given as guidelines. The characterization sheet shipped with each SLD provides the minimum, maximum, and recommended operating parameters and specifications specific to that device. Note that the bandwidth will decrease as the current is decreased; bandwidth specifications to the right are specified at the operating current.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
SLD930S-A40W Support Documentation
SLD930S-A40W40 mW SLD, CWL = 930 nm, 45 nm 3 dB BW, Butterfly Pkg., SM Fiber, FC/APC
Lead Time
SLD930P-A40W Support Documentation
SLD930P-A40W40 mW SLD, CWL = 930 nm, 45 nm 3 dB BW, Butterfly Pkg., PM Fiber, FC/APC

970 nm Superluminescent Diode for OCT

Item #a SLD970S-A40W
Parameter Min Typ. Max
Operating Current - 1000 mA 1010 mA
Center Wavelengthb 945 nm 970 nm 995 nm
Spectral Shape Flat Top
ASE Powerc,d 35 mW 40 mW
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc 40 nm 50 nm
RMS Gain Ripplec,e 0.03 dB 0.2 dB
Fiber Type HI1060 (SM)
PM980-XP (PM)f
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum
LIV Plot
Gain Ripplef
  • Full specifications are available by clicking on the Specs tab above.
  • Defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth. See the Specs tab above for details.
  • Specification given at operating current. At the minimum ASE power, we guarantee the minimum 3 dB bandwidth.
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm
  • Connector key aligned to slow axis.
  • 970 nm Superluminescent Diodes with 50 nm Typical 3 dB Bandwidth
  • 40 mW Typical Fiber-Coupled Output Power
  • FC/APC-Terminated Fiber Pigtail Minimizes Optical Feedback

This superluminescent diode is designed to be used in OCT Systems. It has a low typical gain ripple of 0.03 dB (RMS) and a relatively flat spectrum over a 50 nm wide 3 dB bandwidth. This SLD is available with a typical fiber-coupled output power of 40 mW.

Note that the specifications in the table to the right are given as guidelines. The characterization sheet shipped with each SLD provides the minimum, maximum, and recommended operating parameters and specifications specific to that device. Note that the bandwidth will decrease as the current is decreased; bandwidth specifications below are specified at the operating current.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
SLD970S-A40W Support Documentation
SLD970S-A40W40 mW (Typ.) SLD, CWL = 970 nm, 50 nm 3 dB BW, Butterfly Pkg., SM Fiber, FC/APC
SLD970P-A40W Support Documentation
SLD970P-A40W40 mW (Typ.) SLD, CWL = 970 nm, 50 nm 3 dB BW, Butterfly Pkg., PM Fiber, FC/APC

1050 nm Superluminescent Diode for OCT

  • 1050 nm Superluminescent Diode with 70 nm Typical 3 dB Bandwidth
  • 60 mW Typical Fiber-Coupled Output Power
  • FC/APC-Terminated Fiber Pigtail Minimizes Optical Feedback

This superluminescent diode is designed to be used in OCT Systems. It has a low typical gain ripple of 0.03 dB (RMS) and a relatively flat spectrum over a 70 nm wide 3 dB bandwidth. This SLD is available with a typical fiber-coupled output power of 60 mW.

Note that the specifications in the table below are given as guidelines. The characterization sheet shipped with each SLD provides the minimum, maximum, and recommended operating parameters and specifications specific to that device. Note that the bandwidth will decrease as the current is decreased; bandwidth specifications below are specified at the operating current.

Item #a SLD1050S-A60 SLD1050P-A60
Parameter Min Typ. Max Min Typ. Max
Operating Current - - 1010 mA - - 1010 mA
Center Wavelengthb 1025 nm 1050 nm 1075 nm 1025 nm 1050 nm 1075 nm
Spectral Shape Flat Top Flat Top
ASE Powerc,d 55 mW 60 mW - 55 mW 60 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc 60 nm 70 nm - 60 nm 70 nm -
Optical 20 dB Bandwidthc - 100 nm - - - -
RMS Gain Ripplec,e - 0.03 dB 0.2 dB - 0.06 dB 0.2 dB
Fiber Type HI1060 PM980-XPf
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum
LIV Plot
Gain Ripplee
  • Full specifications are available by clicking on the Specs tab above.
  • Defined as the midpoint of the 3 dB bandwidth. See the Specs tab above for details.
  • Specification given at operating current. At the minimum ASE power, we guarantee the minimum 3 dB bandwidth.
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm
  • Connector key aligned to the slow axis.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
SLD1050P-A60 Support Documentation
SLD1050P-A6060 mW SLD, CWL = 1050 nm, 70 nm 3 dB BW, Butterfly Pkg., PM Fiber, FC/APC

1310 nm Superluminescent Diode for OCT

Item #a SLD1021S
Parameter Min Typ. Max
Operating Current - 700 mA 900 mA
Center Wavelengthb 1290 nm - 1330 nm
Spectral Shape Near Gaussian
ASE Powerc,d 10 mW 12.5 mW -
Optical 3 dB Bandwidthc 80 nm 85 nm -
RMS Gain Ripplec,e - - 0.35 dB
Fiber Type SMF-28e+
Performance Graphs (Click Icons for Plots)
Output Spectrum
LIV Plot
  • Full specifications are available by clicking on the Specs tab above.
  • Defined by an average weighted by relative amplitude. See the Specs tab for details.
  • Specification given at operating current. At the minimum ASE power, we guarantee the minimum 3 dB bandwidth.
  • Corresponds to the output of the fiber pigtail.
  • Measurement Resolution = 0.02 nm
  • 1310 nm Superluminescent Diode with 70 nm Typical 3 dB Bandwidth
  • 60 mW Typical Fiber-Coupled Output Power
  • FC/APC-Terminated Fiber Pigtail Minimizes Optical Feedback

This superluminescent diode is designed to be used in OCT Systems. It has a low max gain ripple of 0.35 dB (RMS) and a relatively flat spectrum over a 85 nm wide 3 dB bandwidth. This SLD is available with a typical fiber-coupled output power of 12.5 mW.

Note that the specifications in the table to the right are given as guidelines. The characterization sheet shipped with each SLD provides the minimum, maximum, and recommended operating parameters and specifications specific to that device. Note that the bandwidth will decrease as the current is decreased; bandwidth specifications below are specified at the operating current.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
SLD1021S Support Documentation
SLD1021S12.5 mW SLD, CWL 1310 nm, 85 nm 3 dB BW, Butterfly Pkg., SM Fiber, FC/APC