Mounted LEDs

  • UV, Visible, and IR Models Available
  • Optimized Heat Management Results in Stable Output
  • Internal SM1 (1.035"-40) Threading
  • Collimation Adapters Available Separately 


405 nm LED,
1200 mW Output Power


505 nm LED,
400 mW Output Power

Mounted LED used as a Light Source for a DIY Cerna® Microscope

Related Items

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LED Quick Links
Mounted LEDs
Deep UV (265 - 340 nm)
UV (365 - 405 nm)
Cold Visible (420 - 565 nm)
Warm Visible (590 - 730 nm)
IR (780 - 1650 nm)
Purple (455 nm / 640 nm)
White (400 - 700 nm)
Broadband (470 - 850 nm)
LED Collimationa
Adjustable Collimation Adapters
Microscope Collimation Adapters
LED Mating Connector
LED Drivers
  • We offer suggestions for how to collimate most of our LEDs. Click on the info icons ( info icon ) below for details.
Webpage Features
info icon Clicking this icon opens a window that contains specifications, mechanical drawings, and information about driver and collimator compatibility.
info icon Clicking this icon allows you to download our standard support documentation.
MWWHL4 Attached to an Olympus IX-71 Inverted Microscope
Click to Enlarge

The MWWHL4 LED and COP1-A microscope collimation adapter used as a trans-illumination source for an Olympus microscope.
M385LP1 in an SM1RC Slip Ring
Click to Enlarge
Item # Qty Description
Metric Product List
M385LP1 1 385 nm, 1650 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1700 mA
CP33/M 1 SM1-Threaded 30 mm Cage Plate, 0.35" Thick, 2 Retaining Rings, M4 Tap
TR150/M 1 Ø12.7 mm Optical Post, SS, M4 Setscrew, M6 Tap, L = 150 mm
ER3-P4 1 Cage Assembly Rod, 3" Long, Ø6 mm, 4 Pack
View Imperial Product List
Item #QtyDescription
M385LP11385 nm, 1650 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1700 mA
CP331SM1-Threaded 30 mm Cage Plate, 0.35" Thick, 2 Retaining Rings, 8-32 Tap
ER3-P41Cage Assembly Rod, 3" Long, Ø6 mm, 4 Pack
TR61Ø1/2" Optical Post, SS, 8-32 Setscrew, 1/4"-20 Tap, L = 6"
View Metric Product List
Item #QtyDescription
M385LP11385 nm, 1650 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1700 mA
CP33/M1SM1-Threaded 30 mm Cage Plate, 0.35" Thick, 2 Retaining Rings, M4 Tap
ER3-P41Cage Assembly Rod, 3" Long, Ø6 mm, 4 Pack
TR150/M1Ø12.7 mm Optical Post, SS, M4 Setscrew, M6 Tap, L = 150 mm
High-Power LED Inserted into CP33 Cage Plate and Mounted with Ø6 mm Cage Rods
MWWHL4 in an SM1RC Slip Ring
Click to Enlarge

MWWHL4 LED Mounted in an SM1RC Slip Ring
Mounted LED Image Map
A mounted LED requires an LED driver to run; a collimation adapter (optional) collimates the diverging beam emitted by the LED. See the tables below to determine the appropriate LED driver. To determine the needed collimation adapter for a given LED, see the info icons (info icon) below.

Mounted LED Features

  • Wavelengths Ranging from 265 nm to 1650 nm (See LED Quick Links Table to the Right)
  • White, Broadband, and Dual-Peak LEDs Also Available
  • Integrated Memory Stores LED Operating Parameters
  • Thermal Properties Optimized for Stable Output Power
  • Microscope- and SM-Thread-Compatible Collimation Adapters Available
  • 4-Pin Female Mating Connector for Custom Power Supplies can be Purchased Separately

Each Thorlabs uncollimated, mounted LED consists of a single LED mounted to the end of a heat sink with 6 mm deep, SM1 (1.035"-40) internal threads. LEDs with Ø1.20" heat sinks have the same outer diameter as an SM1 Lens Tube, allowing them to fit inside a 30 mm Cage System. A selection of our LEDs are mounted to larger heat sinks, as they generate more heat during operation. These heat sinks are enclosed in Ø57.0 mm vented plastic housings and include four 4-40 tapped holes on the front for integration with 30 mm cage systems.

Every LED features an EEPROM chip which stores information about the LED (e.g., current limit, wavelength, forward voltage). When controlled by a Thorlabs DC2200, DC4100, or DC4104 LED driver, the data can be used to implement smart safety features.

These mounted LEDs possess good thermal stability properties, eliminating the issue of degradation of optical output power due to increased LED temperature. For more details, please see the Stability tab.

Please note that mounted LEDs are not intended for use in household illumination applications.

LED Collimation
Our adjustable collimation adapters can translate a Ø1" (Ø25 mm) or Ø2" (Ø50 mm) lens by up to 11 mm or 20 mm, respectively. Each adjustable collimation adapter includes an internal SM2 (2.035"-40) thread adapter so that the LEDs can be easily integrated with Thorlabs' SM2-threaded components, such as our Ø2" lens tubes. These adapters are offered in versions with and without an AR-coated aspheric condenser lens.

In addition, microscope collimation adapters are available that incorporate an AR-coated aspheric lens. These adapters mate to the epi-illumination ports on select Leica DMI, Nikon Eclipse Ti, Olympus IX/BX, or Zeiss Axioskop microscopes. Thorlabs also offers mounted LEDs with pre-attached microscope collimation adapters.

We offer suggestions for collimating most LEDs. Click on the info icon (info icon) for each LED below for details.

Driver Options
Thorlabs offers four drivers compatible with most or all of these LEDs: LEDD1B, DC2200, DC4100, and DC4104 (the latter two require the DC4100-HUB). See the tables below for driver compatibility info. The LEDD1B is capable of providing LED modulation frequencies up to 5 kHz, while DC4100 and DC4104 can modulate the LED at a rate up to 100 kHz. The DC2200 can provide modulation at up to 250 kHz if driven by an external source. In addition, the DC2200, DC4100, and DC4104 drivers are capable of reading the current limit from the EEPROM chip of the connected LED and automatically adjusting the maximum current setting to protect the LED.

Multi-LED Source
A customizable multi-LED source may be constructed using our mounted LEDs and other Thorlabs items. This source may be configured for integration with Thorlabs' versatile SM1 Lens Tube Systems and 30 mm Cage Systems. Please see the Multi-LED Source tab for a detailed item list and instructions.

Thorlabs also offers integrated, user-configurable 4-Wavelength High-Power LED Sources.

Relative Power

The actual spectral output and total output power of any given LED will vary due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters, such as temperature and current. Both a typical and minimum output power are specified to help you select an LED that suits your needs. Each mounted LED will provide at least the minimum specified output power at the maximum current. In order to provide a point of comparison for the relative powers of LEDs with different nominal wavelengths, the spectra in the plots below have been scaled to the minimum output power for each LED. This data is representative, not absolute. An Excel file with normalized and scaled spectra for all of the mounted LEDs can be downloaded here.

340 nm LED Long Term Stability
Click to Enlarge

Our 340 nm mounted LED has a typical lifetime of >3,000 hours. In this case, the unit under test continued to provide more than 90% of its initial power after 45 days.

LED Lifetime and Long-Term Power Stability

One characteristic of LEDs is that they naturally exhibit power degradation with time. Often this power degradation is slow, but there are also instances where large, rapid drops in power, or even complete LED failure, occur. LED lifetimes are defined as the time it takes a specified percentage of a type of LED to fall below some power level. The parameters for the lifetime measurement can be written using the notation BXX/LYY, where XX is the percentage of that type of LED that will provide less than YY percent of the specified output power after the lifetime has elapsed. Thorlabs defines the lifetime of our LEDs as B50/L50, meaning that 50% of the LEDs with a given item # will fall below 50% of the initial optical power at the end of the specified lifetime. For example, if a batch of 100 LEDs is rated for 150 mW of output power, 50 of these LEDs can be expected to produce an output power of ≤75 mW after the specified LED lifetime has elapsed.

The sample plot to the right shows example data from long-term stability testing over a 45 day period for a 340 nm mounted LED, which had a lifetime of >3,000 hours (~125 days). The small power drop experienced by the LED after it is turned on is typical behavior during the first few minutes of operation. It corresponds to the period of time required for the LED to warm up to the point where it is thermally stable. Please note that this graph represents the performance of a single LED; the performance of individual LEDs will vary within the stated specifcations.

Optimized Thermal Management

The thermal dissipation performance of these mounted LEDs has been optimized for stable power output. The heat sink is directly mounted to the LED mount so as to provide optimal thermal contact. By doing so, the degradation of optical output power that can be attributed to increased LED junction temperature is minimized (see the graph to the left).

Obtaining a Well-Collimated Beam

After installing the chosen collimation package on a mounted LED, the distance between the lens and the LED may need to be adjusted to ensure that the LED is properly collimated. A well-collimated beam has minimal divergence and will not converge at any point in the beam path (see images below for comparison). Be advised that, due to the high emitter surface area of the LED, the output beam cannot be perfectly collimated. Divergence data for select LEDs is provided in the below table as a reference; see the info icons ( info icon ) below for the recommended collimating optic for each LED.

  1. Power on the LED and check to see if it is properly collimated. It is easiest to check that the beam is collimated by noting the changes in the beam diameter over a range of about 1" to 2 feet away; change the distance of the lens from the LED and check again. Do this until the least divergent, non-converging, homogenous beam is obtained. The beam should be somewhat circular, may have a slightly polygonal shape, and should not be a clear image of the LED itself.
  2. If you see an image of the LED, this means that the lens is not close enough to the LED. Move the lens closer to the LED until the image blurs and becomes homogenous – this is the point of collimation. Note: If the lens needs to be closer to the LED when using the DIY collimation assembly, use one retaining ring to secure the lens against the internal lip of the SM1V05.
Image of the LED
Click to Enlarge

Image of the LED
Uncollimated Beam
Click to Enlarge

Uncollimated Beam
Collimated Beam
Click to Enlarge

Collimated Beam
  1. Once the proper collimation position of the lens has been found, lock the position of the lens in place.

The table below provides examples of how the half viewing angle changes for select LEDs with the addition of a Ø1" aspheric condenser lens.

Item # Color Nominal
Optimum Lens to Emitter Distanceb Half Viewing Anglec
+1 mm Out of Focusd at Optimum Focusing Distance -1 mm Out of Focusd
M365L2 UV 365 nm 12.7 mm 2.79° 1.32° 3.11°
M385L2 UV 385 nm 12.8 mm 2.68° 1.33° 3.06°
M850L3 IR 850 nm 13.8 mm 3.29° 3.10° 3.93°
M940L3 IR 940 nm 13.9 mm 3.42° 2.46° 3.70°
  • The specifications listed in the table above are nominal values specified by the LED manufacturer.
  • Optimum distance between the respective mounted LED and the ACL2520U lens used to collimate the beam.
  • Power loss to 1/e2 (13.5%).
  • ±1 mm out of focus from Optimum Distance between the respective mounted LED and the ACL2520U lens used to collimate the beam.

The divergence data was calculated using Zemax.

Pin Out
1 LED Anode Brown
2 LED Cathode White

Pin Connection - Male

The diagram to the right shows the male connector of the mounted LED assembly. It is a standard M8 x 1 sensor circular connector. Pins 1 and 2 are the connection to the LED. Pin 3 and 4 are used for the internal EEPROM in these LEDs. If using an LED driver that was not purchased from Thorlabs, be careful that the appropriate connections are made to Pin 1 and Pin 2 and that you do not attempt to drive the LED through the EEPROM pins.

Click to Enlarge

Multi-LED Source Coupled to Microscope Illumination Port

Creating a Custom Multi-LED Source for Microscope Illumination

Thorlabs offers the items necessary to create your own custom multi-LED light source using two or three of the mounted LEDs offered below. As configured in the following example, the light source is intended to be used with the illumination port of a microscope. However, it may be integrated with other applications using Thorlabs' versatile SM1 Lens Tube and 30 mm Cage Systems. Thorlabs also offers integrated, user-configurable 4-Wavelength LED Sources.

Design & Construction

First, light will be collimated by lenses mounted in lens tubes. Dichroic mirrors mounted in kinematic cage cubes then combine the output from the multiple LEDs. The mounted LEDs may be driven by LEDD1B Compact T-Cube LED Drivers (power supplies are sold separately). The LEDD1B LED Drivers allow each LED's output to be independently modulated and can provide up to 1200 mA of current. Please take care not to drive the LED sources above their max current ratings.

When designing your custom source, select mounted LEDs from below along with dichroic mirror(s) that have cutoff wavelength(s) between the LED wavelengths. The appropriate dichroic mirror(s) will reflect light from side-mounted LEDs and transmit light along the optical axis. Please note that most of these dichroic mirrors are "longpass" filters, meaning they transmit the longer wavelengths and reflect the shorter wavelengths. To superimpose light from three or more LEDs, add each in series (as shown below), starting from the back with longer wavelength LEDs when using longpass filters. Shortpass filters may also used if the longer wavelength is reflected and the shorter wavelength is transmitted. Sample combinations of compatible dichroic mirrors and LEDs are offered in the three tables below.

It is also necessary to select an aspheric condenser lens for each source with AR coatings appropriate for the source. Before assembling the light source, collimate the light from each mounted LED as detailed in the Collimation tab. For mounting the aspheric lenses in the SM1V05 Lens Tubes using the included SM1RR retaining rings, we recommend the SPW801 Adjustable Spanner Wrench. A properly collimated LED source should have a resultant beam that is approximately homogenous and not highly divergent at a distance of approximately 2 feet (60 cm). An example of a well-collimated beam is shown on the Collimation tab.

After each LED source is collimated, thread the SM1V05 Lens Tubes at the end of each collimated LED assembly into their respective C4W Cage Cube ports using SM1T2 Lens Tube Couplers. Install each dichroic filter in an FFM1 Dichroic Filter Holder, and mount each filter holder onto a B4C Kinematic Cage Cube Platform. Each platform is then installed in the C4W Cage Cubes by partially threading the included screws into the bottom of the cube, and then inserting and rotating the B4C platform into place. Align the platform to the desired position and then firmly tighten the screws. To connect multiple cage cubes and the microscope adapter, use the remaining SM1T2 lens tube couplers along with an SM1L05 0.5" Lens Tube between adjacent cage cubes. Finally, adjust the rotation, tip, and tilt of each B4C platform to align the reflected and transmitted beams so they overlap as closely as possible.

If desired, a multi-LED source may be constructed that employs more than three LEDs. The limiting factors for the number of LEDs that can be practically used are the collimation of the light and the dichroic mirror efficiency over the specified range. Heavier multi-LED sources may be supported with our Ø1" or Ø1.5" Posts.

Click to Enlarge

Three-LED Source Using Components Mounted LEDs and Dichroic Mirrors
Detailed in Example Configuration 1
Parts List
# Product Description Item # 2 LEDs 3 LEDs
Item Qty.
1 Microscope
Port Adapter:
Olympus IX or BX SM1A14 1 1
Leica DMI SM1A21
Zeiss Axioskop SM1A23a
Nikon Eclipse Ti SM1A26
2 Mounted LEDb - 2 3
- T-Cube LED Driver, 1200 mA Max Drive Current LEDD1Bc 2 3
- 15 V Power Supply Unit for T-Cube KPS101c 2 3
3 4-Way Mounting 30 mm Cage Cube C4W 1 2
4 Kinematic Cage Cube Platform for C4W/C6W B4C 1 2
5 30 mm Cage-Compatible Dichroic Filter Mount FFM1 1 2
6 Dichroic Filter(s)d - 1 2
7 Externally SM1-Threaded End Cap SM1CP2 1 2
8 SM1 (1.035"-40) Coupler, External Threads, 0.5" Long SM1T2 3 5
9 Ø1" SM1 Lens Tube, 1/2" Long External Threads SM1V05 2 3
- Aspheric
Condenser Lens
AR-Coated 350 - 700 nm ACL2520U-Ac,e 2 3
AR-Coated 650 - 1050 nm ACL2520U-Bc,e
10 SM1 Lens Tube, 0.3" Thread Depth SM1L03 2 4
- Blank Cover Plate with Rubber O-Ring for C4W/C6W B1Cc 1 2
  • The SM1A23 Zeiss Axioskop Microscope Adapter is shown.
  • Mounted LEDs are available below.
  • Item not pictured.
  • Please see the following tables for suggested compatible LED and dichroic filter combinations, or create your own by taking into account the transmission and reflection wavelength ranges of our Dichroic Filters.
  • Lenses are mounted in the SM1V05 Lens Tube in front of each LED. For each lens, select an AR coating corresponding to the emission wavelength of the LED source.
Example Configuration 3
Mounted LEDs
# Item #
2a M1050L2
Dichroic Filter(s)
# Item #
6a DMLP900R
Example Configuration 2
Mounted LEDs
# Item #
2a M625L4
2b M455L4
2c M1050L2
Dichroic Filter(s)
# Item #
6a DMLP505R
6b DMSP805R
Example Configuration 1
Mounted LEDs
# Item #
2a M625L4
2b M530L4
2c M455L4
Dichroic Filter(s)
# Item #
6a DMLP605R
6b DMLP505R

Click to Enlarge

Beam Profile of Source with 3 Mounted LEDs

Click to Enlarge

Two-LED source. This is the same as Example 1, but with the blue LED removed.
Item # Information File Available Ray Files File Size Click to
M365L2 M365_Info.pdf 100,000 Rays and 1 Million Rays 27.4 MB
M385L2 M385_Info.pdf 1 Million Rays and 5 Million Rays 148 MB
M450LP1a LD_CQAR_20150731_info.pdf 100,000 Rays, 500,000 Rays, and 5 Million Rays 123 MB
M850L3a SFH4715S_100413_info.pdf 100,000 Rays, 500,000 Rays, and 5 Million Rays 140 MB
M940L3a SFH_4725S_110413_info.pdf 100,000 Rays, 500,000 Rays, and 5 Million Rays 140 MB
  • A radiometric color spectrum, bare LED CAD file, and sample Zemax file are also available for these LEDs.

Ray data for Zemax is available for some of the bare LEDs incorporated into these high-powered light sources. This data is provided in a zipped folder that can be downloaded by clicking on the red document icons () next to the part numbers in the pricing tables below. Every zipped folder contains an information file and one or more ray files for use with Zemax:

  • Information File: This document contains a summary of the types of data files included in the zipped folder and some basic information about their use. It includes a table listing each document type and the corresponding filenames.
  • Ray Files: These are binary files containing ray data for use with Zemax.

For the LEDs marked with an superscript "a" in the table to the right, the following additional pieces of information are also included in the zipped folder:

  • Radiometric Color Spectrum: This .spc file is also intended for use with Zemax.
  • CAD Files: A file indicating the geometry of the bare LED. For the dimensions of the high-power mounted LEDs that include the package, please see the support drawings provided by Thorlabs.
  • Sample Zemax File: A sample file containing the recommended settings and placement of the ray files and bare LED CAD model when used with Zemax.

The table to the right summarizes the ray files available for each LED and any other supporting documentation provided.

Components for Cerna® Compatibility
WFA2001 Epi-Illuminator Module
Illumination Kits

Using Mounted LEDs in Cerna® Microscope Systems

Mounted LEDs, which can have either narrowband or broadband spectra, are useful for a range of applications within Thorlabs' Cerna microscopy platform:

  • Fluorescence Microscopy
  • Brightfield Microscopy
  • Near Infrared/Infrared (NIR/IR) Microscopy

If you are interested in using a mounted LED with a Cerna modular microscopy system, the mounted LED can be attached by way of the single-cube epi-illuminator module (Item # WFA2001), which contains AR-coated optics optimized for the 350 - 700 nm wavelength range. The mounted LED and epi-illuminator module are connected together by an externally threaded coupler (Item # SM1T10, provided with the WFA2001), which includes two knurled locking rings (Item # SM1NT, also provided with the WFA2001) that are tightened by hand. The mounted LED is then powered by a driver, sold separately. Please see the LED Drivers tab to identify the appropriate driver for your mounted LED. If you wish to connect multiple mounted LEDs to the epi-illuminator module, contact Technical Support.

Click to Enlarge
An exploded view of the mounted LED and its connection with the WFA2001 epi-illuminator module.
Click to Enlarge
Attaching the mounted LED is possible before or after connecting the epi-illuminator module to the microscope.
Click to Enlarge
The mounted LED and epi-illuminator module attached to the Cerna microscope.

Please see the Overview tab to choose the appropriate color spectrum of mounted LED for your imaging needs. Again, note that the epi-illuminator module is optimized for 350 - 700 nm wavelength illumination sources. 

Certain mounted LEDs are also compatible with our illumination kits for trans-illumination. Please contact Technical Support if you wish to use an LED not currently offered as a component of these kits, as the collimating optics are optimized for certain beam characteristics.

Compatible Drivers LEDD1B DC2200a DC4100a,b,c, DC4104a,b,c
Click Photos to Enlarge LEDD1B Driver DC2200 Driver DC4100 Driver DC4104 Driver
LED Driver Current Output (Max) 1.2 A LED1 Terminal: 10.0 A
LED2 Terminal: 2.0 Ad
1.0 A per Channel 1.0 A per Channel
LED Driver Forward Voltage (Max) 12 V 50 V 5 V 5 V
Modulation Frequency Using External Input (Max) 5 kHz 250 kHze,f 100 kHzf
(Simultaneous Across all Channels)
100 kHzf
(Independently Controlled Channels)
External Control Interface(s) Analog (BNC) USB 2.0 and Analog (BNC) USB 2.0 and Analog (BNC) USB 2.0 and Analog (8-Pin)
Main Driver Features Very Compact Footprint
60 mm x 73 mm x 104 mm
(W x H x D)
Touchscreen Interface with Internal and External Options for Pulsed and Modulated LED Operation 4 Channelsb 4 Channelsb
EEPROM Compatible: Reads Out LED Data for LED Settings - Yes Yes Yes
LCD Display - Yes Yes Yes
  • Automatically limits to LED's max current via EEPROM readout.
  • The DC4100 and DC4104 can power and control up to four LEDs simultaneously when used with the DC4100-HUB. The LEDs on this page all require the DC4100-HUB when used with the DC4100 or DC4104.
  • These LED drivers have a maximum forward voltage rating of 5 V and can provide a maximum current of 1000 mA. As a result, they cannot be used to drive LEDs which have forward voltage ratings greater than 5 V. LEDs with maximum current ratings higher than 1.0 A can be driven using this driver, but will not reach full power.
  • The mounted LEDs sold below are compatible with the LED2 Terminal.
  • Small Signal Bandwidth: Modulation not exceeding 20% of full scale current. The driver accepts other waveforms, but the maximum frequency will be reduced.
  • Several of these LEDs produce light by stimulating emission from phosphor, which limits their modulation frequencies. The M565L3, M595L4, and all purple or white LEDs may not turn off completely when modulated above 10 kHz at duty cycles below 50%. The MBB1L3 LED may not turn off completely when modulated at frequencies above 1 kHz with a duty cycle of 50%. When the MBB1L3 is modulated at frequencies above 1 kHz, the duty cycle may be reduced; for example, 10 kHz modulation is attainable with a duty cycle of 5%.

Posted Comments:
Lili Tang  (posted 2020-11-09 14:16:30.477)
I require the wavelength range of the LED source,but products were discontinuded,so i cannot find it ,please send it to me ,thanks.
dpossin  (posted 2020-11-10 05:37:50.0)
Dear Lili, Thank you for your feedback. Even though the products has been discontinued, the spec sheets can be still found under "drawing and documents" here: I am sending you the specsheet anyway.
Julian Kleber  (posted 2020-09-21 03:05:01.9)
Hi, I tried to download the datasheet of the M940L3 for several days now. It seems as if this link isn't working anymore. Could you fix this so that I can download it? Is there any information on the EEPROM that is unique for a specific mounted LED ? (E.g. serial, timestamp,....) Can I read this information without using your LED drivers? Best Julian
MKiess  (posted 2020-09-22 04:14:25.0)
Dear Julian, thank you very much for contacting Thorlabs. I have sent you the specification sheet directly. The EEPROM chip stores information regarding current, voltage, wavelength etc. This information can be accessed via our Thorlabs controllers. This includes information such as type and serial number of the LED itself.
Niall Martin  (posted 2020-07-01 07:52:59.99)
I think the pin number on the data sheet for this product are incorrect according to the standard for M8 connectors It seems pin 3 and pin 4 are labelled the wrong way round, but pins 1 and 2, and the wire colours are correct Please could you check and confirm. I am basing this on the fact that all other manufacturers I can find for m8 cables
asundararaj  (posted 2020-07-07 10:11:40.0)
Thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The labeling on the pin diagram of the CON8ML-4 is correct as per the drawing on the website. 
malcolm northcott  (posted 2020-04-22 19:54:42.987)
Is it possible to get an excel spreadsheet with he measured special output for this LED
MKiess  (posted 2020-04-24 05:31:55.0)
This is an response from Michael of Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. An Excel file with the spectral data can be downloaded from our website, by calling up the information of the desired LEDs in the info column.
STATICE MP  (posted 2020-04-03 13:08:57.1)
Good morning, Do you have an other reference to propose ? Waiting for your feedback aqap Than you very much M PIELLARD
MKiess  (posted 2020-04-06 04:12:02.0)
This is a response from Michael at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. An alternative to the M505L3, Mounted LED, is the newer version of this LED. This LED has the item number M505L4.
Simon Meaney  (posted 2020-03-05 18:19:25.8)
The technical drawings on the MCWHLP1 and MWWHLP1 Spec Sheets are incorrect. They list the diameter as " 57.0mm (1.20") " 57mm is 2.24" which matches the AutoCad PDF for the products.
MKiess  (posted 2020-03-06 06:54:05.0)
This is a response from Michael at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. Thank you very much for this information. That is correct. We will correct it immediately.
Pawel Hermanowicz  (posted 2020-01-12 07:10:11.1)
Hi, I would like to ask whether the ray sets for the M455L4 and M660L4 mounted LEDs are available, in ASCII (preferably) or Zemax format?
wskopalik  (posted 2020-01-13 10:20:33.0)
This is a response from Wolfgang at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry! I will contact you directly regarding these files.
Bernd Polder  (posted 2019-11-29 08:01:58.357)
In the website you also show a M595L4 with very good output power. I am interested in this product, but I only find the M595L3 in the ordering section. How is it possible to order thise M595L4 version? Thank you Best regards Bernd Polder
lmorgus  (posted 2019-12-02 11:14:24.0)
A response from Laurie at Thorlabs to Bernd: I will reach out to you via email concerning your inquiry to purchase our next generation 595 nm LED, for which we had accidentally posted some information ahead of the formal release.
Dongbin Lim  (posted 2019-09-30 17:00:34.623)
Hello, We would like to inquire about your product M470L3 certification. We are using your product and we need your product certificate to be certified for the product we are developing. I am writing to ask you this question because I cannot see Rohs certificate on your homepage. I would appreciate it if you could send me my email with the certificate for M470L3. Thank you.
MKiess  (posted 2019-10-07 09:01:11.0)
This is a response from Michael at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry! In general you can find the RoHs certificates on our website for the respective articles. If you click on the red icon in the column 'Documents' on the product page where the article number is listed, you can download the certificates. Since the M470L3 has been replaced by the newer M470L4, you can find the certificate under the following link:https: //
Evyatar kassוs  (posted 2019-08-07 12:13:37.653)
I am using the M265L3 with dc2200 driver but can not get short pulses, what are the rise and fall times of M265L3 ?
dpossin  (posted 2019-08-09 07:40:09.0)
Hello Rafael, Thank you for your request. It should be possible to create pulses of µs length with your setup. I am reaching out to you in order to give you further support.
gjorgensen  (posted 2019-03-11 13:37:52.857)
Hello- I need to time a camera trigger after turning on your LED, but I could not find and spec for LED rise time in yoru documentation on the web site. Could you please let me know how long a delay I need to place in my code between the time I turn on the LED and triggering to camera so I am insured the LED has obtained at least 90% brightness? Thank you for your assistance.
nreusch  (posted 2019-03-19 08:03:40.0)
This is a response from Nicola at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry! We do not specify rise and fall times of LEDs, but typical values are in the ns range. The rise and fall times of LED systems are, however, limited by the driver electronics in most cases. Using one of our LED drivers leads to response times in the several µs range.
bhebert  (posted 2018-12-20 10:17:05.867)
Do you offer a variety of this the uses the ushio EDC940DS-1100-S5 or can a special version be made?
wskopalik  (posted 2018-12-28 05:36:06.0)
This is a response from Wolfgang at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry! Unfortunately, we don't offer a mounted LED which uses this particular LED chip. I have however looked at the data sheet of this LED chip and the M940L3 seems to be quite similar in performance. I will contact you directly to discuss your requirements in detail.
yu-pu.lin  (posted 2018-12-19 10:29:50.383)
What is the approximative spot size of the collimated beam at 20-50 mm distance using the SM2F32 Adjustable Collimation Adapter? (LED = M940L3) Thank you!
YLohia  (posted 2019-01-04 04:00:51.0)
This is a response from Michael at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry! I will perform a Zemax simulation with the M940L3 in combination with the adjustable collimator to determine the divergence angle and thus the resulting beam diameter at a distance of 20-50mm. I will send you the results directly.
fcouweleers  (posted 2018-12-17 10:55:02.65)
can you share which LED (probably OSRAM) is present in this assembly
nreusch  (posted 2018-12-21 02:34:32.0)
This is a response from Nicola at Thorlabs. Thank you for your inquiry! Unfortunately, we do not share the LED chip details of our mounted LEDs in general. Please contact your local Tech Support Team if you need specific information about the characteristics of the chip.
joe.bron  (posted 2018-11-21 10:48:45.81)
Will a diffuse condenser lens have much effect on its collimation compared to a clear one?
wskopalik  (posted 2018-11-29 07:17:48.0)
This is a response from Wolfgang at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry! The quality of the collimation, i.e. the remaining divergence, will be roughly the same with or without a diffuser. The diffuser smoothens the intensity distribution of the beam and makes it more homogeneous. It will also smoothen the edge of the beam a bit so the beam would look a bit wider. The main disadvantage of a diffuser is that the transmitted power would be lower than without a diffuser due to absorption and reflection.
user  (posted 2018-10-31 11:23:54.427)
Hi, Can I know if M415LP1 compatible with the LED driver LEDD1B? Thanks
nreusch  (posted 2018-11-09 10:09:57.0)
This is a response from Nicola at Thorlabs. Thank you for your inquiry! The forward voltage of LEDD1B is high enough to drive M415LP1, but the maximum current is 1.2 A only, whereas the maximum drive current of the LED is 2 A. To reach the specified minimum output power of 1640 mW, you would need to apply a higher current than LEDD1B can provide. I therefore recommend using DC2200 as driver.
mabashin  (posted 2018-10-29 14:22:57.28)
Hello could you please send/share Zemax files for M625L3 and M730L4 LED sources?
nreusch  (posted 2018-11-09 10:11:22.0)
This is a response from Nicola at Thorlabs. Thank you for your inquiry! Unfortunately, we do not have Zemax files for these two LEDs. I will, however, send you ray files and an instruction on how to load them into Zemax.
p.adhikari  (posted 2018-09-18 13:47:18.12)
Need a high output green LED > 10,000 mcd
nreusch  (posted 2018-09-24 11:08:18.0)
This is a response from Nicola at Thorlabs. Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, we specify our LEDs by means of radiometric measures only. I will contact you directly to provide assistance for the conversion into photometric units.
daming.chen  (posted 2018-07-31 12:39:05.987)
Hello, For the M850LP1 LED, which power supply product should be purchased? Thank you.
mmcclure  (posted 2018-07-31 08:07:54.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. For M850LP1 we recommend to use DC2200 because only this device can drive the LED at its maximum current of 1.5 Ampere. Other drivers (LEDD1B, DC4100, DC4104) would basically work with M850PL1 but with reduced optical output power.
zh_tooleng  (posted 2018-07-31 17:30:08.13)
hello,I am going to buy a light source to use in my microscopic system.Here are my list: [M1300L3],[LEDD1B],[ACL2520U],[SM1RR],[SM1V05][SM1L03] Do they meet my needs? And I want to know the best distance between the LED and the lens. Thank you!
swick  (posted 2018-08-06 04:14:53.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. The selection look adequate for collimating the M1300L3. Basically the distance of the lens to the LED should be the back focal length. The best distance between LED and lens depends on the optical path in your microscope. I recommend to start with the back focal length and optimize the distance until you get best results. I contacted you directly for assistance.
karol.686  (posted 2018-07-12 08:16:48.163)
Hi, we are going to buy M625L3 from Thorlabs, we would like to know the spatial and temporal coherence length of this diode. Thanks
swick  (posted 2018-07-18 03:39:02.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. The spatial coherence for LEDs is typically very small. We do not test the spatial- or temporal coherence for our LEDs so we can not provide specific data. I contacted you directly for further assistance.
alicia.gomis-berenguer  (posted 2017-09-28 12:19:44.79)
I would like to know what is the mode of operation of the MCWHLP1 LED using as a power supply LIU-PS LIU Series Power Supply. Is it a continuous wave (on all the time)? or is it a pulse modulation (on/off with time)? Thanks!
swick  (posted 2017-10-03 03:55:45.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. The LIU-PS is a voltage source and designed for our LIU-Series, which is a LED array light source (20 individual LEDs). LIU-PS will not work with our high-power LEDs. We recommend to use current sources like switching drivers (e.g. LEDD1B). I will contact you directly for further assistance.
carlos.macias  (posted 2017-06-28 17:57:47.053)
Hello. Is it possible to couple MNWHL4 to a multimode fiber or light guide?
wskopalik  (posted 2017-07-04 04:26:30.0)
This is a response from Wolfgang at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry! Yes, it is possible to couple this LED to a multimode fiber or a light guide. We don't have a ready-to-use product for this, but you can use Thorlabs' components for the coupling. I have contacted you directly to discuss your application and the necessary components in more detail.
jpaufiqu  (posted 2017-06-20 13:31:54.28)
Hi, I see high frequency fluctuations on the flux output generated by the LED at 660nm. I use the M660 and the LEDD1B controller in continuous mode, below the maximum current (using the setting 1000 mA, to a rather high setting in this mode ~50 to 70% of the knob range). Fluctuations appear at the level of the kHz: we sample our signals at about 1.05 kHz, and observe sporadic drops (down to ~30% of the nominal value). Are you aware of a feature of the controller or the LED driver or of the LED electronics which would be related to this effect?
wskopalik  (posted 2017-06-22 06:01:47.0)
This is a response from Wolfgang at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry! The only expected fluctuation on the LEDD1B would be the ripple on its current which is specified to 8mA max. You use the LEDD1B at about 500-700mA so the ripple would be less than 1% of the current and couldn't account for the large drops in power you see. I will contact you directly to discuss this issue in further detail so we can find the reason for these power drops.
ken_Chin  (posted 2017-02-09 17:26:16.85)
does M365LP1 have a calibration report with NIST or PTB Traceability?
wskopalik  (posted 2017-02-10 02:58:01.0)
This is a response from Wolfgang at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. These LEDs are tested during production to ensure that they work properly and that they emit the specified power. But unfortunately they cannot be calibrated. I have contacted you directly to discuss your requirements.
eddie.ross  (posted 2016-09-27 10:40:13.433)
Can you provide the switch off time for the MBB1L3 LED and could you also provide a clarification as to whether this LED uses phosphor to provide white light?
swick  (posted 2016-09-28 04:39:43.0)
This is a response from Sebastian at Thorlabs. Thank you for the inquiry. The MBB1L3 LED may not turn off completely when modulated at frequencies above 1 kHz with a duty cycle of 50%. For modulation at frequencies above 1 kHz, the duty cycle may be reduced. For example, 10 kHz modulation is attainable with a duty cycle of 5%. The broadband emission is luminescence generated by Phosphor.
alee  (posted 2016-06-22 14:18:07.74)
I want to use an LED as an excitation source on an olympus BX60 microscope. you sell the product for this, however it uses a 2" lens and when I look down the microscope illumination port it has a 25-30mm diameter restriction in it meaning most of the light from the LED would be blocked. So would it be better to use a 1" lens to collimate the LED as described below, rather than the product specified for the olympus microscope, and how would I fix this to the microscope, do you sell the olympus adapter without a lens?
besembeson  (posted 2016-06-22 01:59:06.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: Due to the large divergence angles of these LEDs, the 2" diameter lenses will collect more power than the 1" optic. For example, with a 60deg half angle divergence LED and a 20mm (or 12mm BFL) 1" lens, you will only be capturing about 56% of the LED output, which may or may not be suitable depending on your application. Should you need to use the 1" LED collimators, you would need an SM2T2 and we can provide the corresponding 2" adapter without the lens inside.
ludoangot  (posted 2016-05-30 08:16:41.943)
Very pleased with your offering a 2" adjuster. Unfortunately, 3 out of 4 of the adjusters I am working with (ACP2520, SM2P50 and SM1P25) are hard to rotate. From my first observations, it seems it may be related to the environment conditions (temperature, humidity). Would it be possible you provide your customers with the proper working environment conditions for the SM2P50 and SM1P25? Note that one SM1P25 doesn't have the problem at all, but the ACP2520 did (I modified it myself for smooth rotation), as well as the latest SM1P25 and SM2P50 I've received. I have contacted you and provided a detail report of my observations but only received a proposition from Thorlabs application engineer Yi-Ma to change the parts in question. This offer doesn't seem to address my question nor would it help if the replacements have the same issue.
besembeson  (posted 2016-05-31 03:25:32.0)
Response from Bweh at Thorlabs USA: Thanks for your feedback. We will check to see if we can replicate your observations regarding SM2P50 and SM1P25 performance under various humidity conditions. I will be in touch via email.
cbrideau  (posted 2016-02-12 19:46:34.71)
Would it be possible to purchase the extra-thick SM1-threaded and SM2-threaded retaining rings for Aspheric condenser lenses separately? I use the 1" and 2" diameter aspheric condensers fairly often, and the regular retaining rings don't work well with them.
shallwig  (posted 2016-02-18 02:30:50.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your feedback. We have contacted you directly to offer you these retaining rings separately.
juandspcf  (posted 2015-10-24 13:05:56.75)
Dear I would like to use your module M625L3 with your Adjustable Collimation Adapter ACP2520-A, but I also would like to know how much power is lost after of the collimation step because I want to focus the collimated beam and make a filtering using a pinhole Juan
shallwig  (posted 2015-10-27 05:04:34.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. I just tested this, the output power of the M625L3 without collimator attached measured with an integrating sphere was 840mW. The output power of the well collimated LED using the ACP2520-A was 430mW. The min/max power level measured with this collimator at its limit stops was 360mW and 640mW. I will contact you directly to discuss your application in detail.
sjs09  (posted 2014-08-20 12:09:39.15)
Dear Thorlabs, The thorlabs LED collimation page describes using an SM1 lens tube and aspheric lens. It seems you advise we buy an adjustable 1/2" lens tube and extend it with a 0.30" adapter. Since ThorLabs sells an adjustable 1" lens tube (SM1V10) this seems rather redundant, unless the thread inside the LED casing does not allow it to collimate. There is no information about the depth of the SM1 thread inside the LED casing. My question is this: Could you tell me whether SM1V10 would be able to collimate the LED on its own, or does it require SM1V05 and the 0.30" spacer? If this is the case, I suggest you extend the thread on the LED case, if possible, to simplify the process. Kind regards, Sam S
myanakas  (posted 2014-08-20 11:11:48.0)
Response from Mike at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. The thread depth is stated within our mechanical drawings ( which can be found by clicking on the red "docs" icons by the items numbers below. The thread depth for these LEDs is 6 mm. Based on this feedback we have added this information to the Overview tab of the web page. The SM1V10 can be used in place of the SM1V05 and SM1L03 pairing. However, the current recommendation allows for a slightly longer translation range of the optic due to the 7.6 mm depth of the internal threading in the SM1L03. The Collimation tab has also been updated to include the use of the SM1V10 as a collimation solution for these LEDs.
Carlo.Vicario  (posted 2014-05-14 11:11:40.42)
Dear Sirs, I would like to have information about the dependence between the emitted power versus the LED driving current. Is this relationship linear? Best regards, Carlo
shallwig  (posted 2014-05-15 08:38:18.0)
This is a response from Stefan at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. On page 3 of the manufacturer’s spec sheet you can find a curve showing current vs. output power on a relative scale to 350mA . In this range you will see a linear relationship, however we have no information how this relationship changes in the range from 350mA to 700mA. We have tested this LED only at 700mA as this is the maximum drive current our heat sink system can also manage. You can find the manufacturer spec sheet of this LED on our website here: Our spec sheet can be found here: In general information about this relationship if available, can be found in the manufactures spec sheet. I hope this information helps you further, please let me know if there is anything else you need.
a.andreski  (posted 2014-03-09 20:08:42.05)
Can we order one of these packages but with the LED and the mounting heatsink not assembled/soldered at Thorlabs? We have our own assembly and thermal film bonding process. Aleksandar
tschalk  (posted 2014-03-31 09:25:56.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. We will contact you directly with a quotation.
jan.moritz.ellinghaus  (posted 2013-11-22 08:26:13.437)
Dear Sir or Madame, Can you send me the ray file for Zemax for the LED MWWHL3 Warm White 3000K? I could not quite identify which LED is actuall mounted. I would like to simulate the combination of this LED with the COP1-A in Zemax and combine this with some additional optical elements. Thank you in advance for your help! Kind regards, Jan Ellinghaus
tschalk  (posted 2013-12-02 03:35:07.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. We do have Zemax files available and i will contact you directly with more detailed information.
jan.haschke  (posted 2013-08-23 12:24:08.587)
Dear Sir or Madam, I have a question concerning the mounted LED system you supply. We are using it as a BIAS illumination source in a measurement setup. I was wondering what the EEPROM on the PCB is for. Is it in any way affecting the current supply of the LED? In particular, is it possible that it creates some noise on the current supplying the LED? Thank you in advance for your help! Best regards, Jan Haschke
tschalk  (posted 2013-08-26 10:08:00.0)
This is a response from Thomas at Thorlabs. Thank you very much for your inquiry. Our Mounted High Power LEDs are all equipped with an EEPROM where the operating parameters are stored. The LED drivers DC2100, DC4100 and DC4104 read out the EEPORM and set the maximum operating current to the stored value. This way a current overload can be avoided. The driver LEDD1B is not able to read out the EEPROM and the current limit has to be set manually. The EEPROM will not cause noise to the current supply. I will contact you directly with more detailed information.
jvigroux  (posted 2012-09-24 10:22:00.0)
A response form julien at Thorlabs: Than you for pointing this out. We corrected the presentation on our website so that now the wrench recommended is the SPW801. We will send you a replacement for the lens together with the new case.
gir  (posted 2012-09-20 16:20:24.0)
One other thing: On the application page where it explains how to collimate the LED, it says to use a SPW602 spanner wrench to secure the aspheric lens with one retaining ring on each side. I did this, and the SPW602 carved a circle on the front surface of the lens. Please change this text to instruct people to use a different spanner, so they don't inadvertently scratch their collimating lens.
gir  (posted 2012-09-19 20:09:14.0)
Hi: I have a minor issue to relay about the packaging of the mounted LEDs. I bought an M735L3 late last week and received it today. The plastic case it comes in is not well designed or built. Specifically, the red latch on front broke off while I was trying to figure out how to open the case. And it took two of the black plastic hinge-posts with it, so even when I put the latch back on the case, the case won't stay shut anymore. It seems silly to provide these in a hard shell case if the latch can't withstand a bit of force from a novice case-opener.
jlow  (posted 2012-08-30 14:23:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: Is your power supply a voltage source or is it a current source? It is highly recommended that you drive these LEDs with a current source instead. If you used a 5V constant voltage source (@ 3A), then you will most likely be injecting 3A of current into this LED and thus destroyed it (max. current for MCWHL2 is 1.6A). Please note that the typical forward voltage for the MCWHL2 is only about 3.5V. It could also be that you have not connected this correctly. I will get in contact with you directly to check on the details on your setup.
doron.azoury  (posted 2012-08-30 11:16:39.0)
Hi, I just recieved the MCWHL2 LED. I control it by a DC power supply. I set the voltage limit to ~5V and tried to rise the current, but the LED doesn't seem to be working. Am I doing something wrong? (the DC supplier can deliver up to 3A)
jlow  (posted 2012-08-22 08:19:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: We do not have a precise number for this, but based on some old data, the rise and fall times are both on the order of 20ns or so.
riclambo  (posted 2012-08-20 13:48:19.0)
Hello Thorlabs. I am using the 385 nm LED and I need to know its on-off switching time, particularly its off time i.e. when you turn it off, what is the extinction time of the after glow. Even if this is not known precisely, as order of magnitude value would be very useful.
jvigroux  (posted 2012-07-16 09:20:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: Dear HongYang, thank you for your inquiry! The curve displayed on our website is aimed at showing the effect of long term thermal stabilization, ie. heat transfer from the LED chip and PCB to the heat sink. Should the thermal exchange channel be poor, it can be that the temperature of the LED will settle at a too high temperature, which would lead to the situation displayed by the curve "LED with poor thermal management". The time scale for this effect is indeed in the seconds range and the curve was plotted accordingly, which can give the impression that the rise time is slow. This rise time is however much shorter than visible on this curve and is typically of a few 10's nanoseconds. The main limitation in this case is the capacitance of the LED and thermal effects as plotted on the aforementioned curve will only be relevant at on a much longer time scale and much lower in magnitude than the capacitance related limitation of the rise time.
LuHongyang  (posted 2012-07-16 03:08:26.0)
The figure in the tab 'Stability' shows that the rise time of these LEDs is several seconds. So does it mean that LED cannot be fully charged when modulated at a high frequency? If so, that will introduce instability to the power in that situation, I suppose. Thanks a lot. Hongyang.
jvigroux  (posted 2012-07-13 12:05:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry! The radiation characteristics of the LED, which corresponds to the variation of the emitted intensity with the angular departure from the optical axis, is plotted for all our LED's in the mfg spec sheets. Those spec sheet can be downloaded by clicking on the red document icon next to the product number of the LED.
danielramm  (posted 2012-07-13 14:58:52.0)
Do you have information about the angle in which the light is emitted by the uncollimated mounted LED? Iam using the 455nm und the 850nm source.
jvigroux  (posted 2012-05-30 06:45:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: thank you for your inquiry! the 500mA that are specified by the manufacturer of the LED in the MFG spec sheet apply only for the bare LED. Due to the fact that the LED is mounted on a large heat sink and that the thermal coupling to it is very good, the LED can be used in constant mode at currents up to 700mA.
andrew_yablon  (posted 2012-05-29 17:24:25.0)
What is the practical current limit for running the M1050L2 with the LEDDB1? In one place you have listed this limit as 700 mA and in a different place you have listed it as 500 mA. What is the correct maximum current limit? Thank you, Andrew Yablon
jvigroux  (posted 2012-04-23 03:56:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry. We can provide a Zemax model for the LED chip mounted in this LED. I will contact you directly to send you the information per email.
tcohen  (posted 2012-04-19 09:17:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback! We will look into providing this for you and will update you shortly.
arb  (posted 2012-04-18 15:32:24.0)
Can you provide optical power density curves for M940L2? (expressed in W/m2 or W/m2/um)
jvigroux  (posted 2011-12-06 05:58:00.0)
A response from Julien at Thorlabs: Thank you for your inquiry! The approach you intend to use is unfortunately only partially possible. The problem is that the voltage drops across the LEDs will add up when they are connected in series. The specified operating voltage for this LED is 6.8V. As the compliance voltage of the LEDD1B is typically 12V, you will be only able to connect a maximum of two LEDs in series, unless you reduce drastically the current. I will contact you directly to discuss your application and see which approach is the best suited for your application.
sborn  (posted 2011-12-05 17:29:12.0)
I have four M505L1 mounted LEDs that I would like to connect in series with one LEDD1B. How should I wire them? Also, I've removed the wiring from three of the M505L1 mounts, but the LED is still attached.
bdada  (posted 2011-10-12 12:49:00.0)
Response from Buki at Thorlabs: Thank you for your feedback. We will expand the information on our webpage. While we work on updating this page, please contact for assistance in matching the catalog lens to the collimation adapter.
user  (posted 2011-10-12 09:56:51.0)
First bullet on Collimation Adapter is "AR-Coated Aspheric Lens with Low f#" but i couldn't find the f# or NA, this would be nice to know. A link to the lens if it is a catalog lens would also help.
user  (posted 2011-10-12 09:51:12.0)
Is there data available on the angular distribution of the output of these LEDs.
jjurado  (posted 2011-08-17 14:30:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to dheidbrink: The length of the pins is 5 mm (+/-0.5mm).
dheidbrink  (posted 2011-08-16 18:05:32.0)
How long are the M8 leads on the mounted LEDs?
jjurado  (posted 2011-07-11 09:04:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to last poster: Thank you very much for your feedback! We will embark on a project to provide the FWHM values for out mounted LEDs and will post the results on the web shortly. In the meantime, please contact us at if you have any further questions or comments.
jjurado  (posted 2011-07-08 17:11:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to last poster: Thank you very much for your feedback. You are correct. A divergence of 3 degrees is a better practical assessment than my previously mentioned 1 degree, which is a best case, theoretical value. I apologize if this information was misleading. Please contact us at if you have any further questions or comments.
user  (posted 2011-07-08 10:11:31.0)
*** Response from Javier at Thorlabs to skooi: Thank you very much for contacting us. The divergence of these mounted LEDs is in the order of 1 degree. The large, thick condenser used in this assembly generates a circular output beam, rather than a projection of the LED emitters. This has not been my experience at all. The divergence of our M660L2 is on the order of 3 and it is definitely imaging the LED, and not a uniform circular beam spot.
user  (posted 2011-07-08 10:06:59.0)
it would be helpful if you would explicitly state the FWHM of the LED output.
jvigroux  (posted 2011-05-12 11:40:00.0)
A response form Julien at Thorlabs: Dear Sewan, the use of another driver than the Thorlabs driver is of course possible. The simplest design is a DC current source. A pulse controlled approach is of course also possible. I will contact you directly in order to see what are the requirements of your experiment and what you had in mind for the LED control.
sfan  (posted 2011-05-10 23:15:18.0)
Dear Thor Labs Sales Associate, We are planning to purchase the model M505L1 led module. It seems that to provide power to the led unit, a Thor Labs led driver is needed. Can another type of driver be used to provide power to the led, for example, through a pulse controlled MOSFET transistor ? Please advice as to the above. Thank you for your help. Sewan Fan Hartnell College Salinas, CA
jjurado  (posted 2011-04-04 17:38:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to skooi: Thank you very much for contacting us. The divergence of these mounted LEDs is in the order of 1 degree. The large, thick condenser used in this assembly generates a circular output beam, rather than a projection of the LED emitters.
skooi  (posted 2011-04-04 12:45:09.0)
How collimated should we expect to be able to make the light out of these LEDs? If we purchase one of the collimation lenses, does the light collimate as a circular beam or just as the square shape of the LED?
jjurado  (posted 2011-02-18 17:44:00.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to denis.battarel: Thank you for submitting your inquiry. There are a couple of options. You can use the LEDD1B driver, which has a maximum output of 1200 mA, or you can opt for the DC2100, whose maximum output current is 2000 mA. Both of these drivers can be operated in constant current mode, trigger mode, and modulation mode. Regarding the condenser lens, we would recommend using the ACL2520. Its diameter is 25 mm, so it is compatible with our SM1 lens tubes. LEDD1B DC2100 ACL2520
denis.battarel  (posted 2011-02-18 15:01:03.0)
I would like to use the LCWHL2 white light LED with SM1 tube but what power supply can I use? I need maximum light flux, so the 1600mA are needed. I do not need to modulate the light. I have seen on your web site that previous driver going to 1200mW is obsolete but have not seen the new driver. What condenser lens would you recommend? I need it to fit in a SM1 tube.
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-10-14 16:29:12.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to godina: we are discussing internally the development of a mounted 560 nm LED. I will contact you directly with more details.
godina  (posted 2010-10-14 10:28:30.0)
Are you guys coming out with an M560L2? (mounted LED, 560nm pure green?
Thorlabs  (posted 2010-09-02 13:48:38.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to mjg: we offer a version of the M365L2 mounted LED which includes a condenser lens and a mounting adapter for Olympus BX & IX microscopes. The part number is M365L2-C1:
mjg  (posted 2010-09-01 18:00:01.0)
Hello, Im looking to mount this unit onto the condenser column of an Olympus IX71 (i.e. to use it as a replacement for a white light source). Can you suggest a mounting solution? Thank you.
apalmentieri  (posted 2010-03-04 10:03:37.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlabs to jrguest: The size of the LED on this device is 1x1mm^2. We will contact you directly so we can clarification on the optical invariant that you are looking for.
jrguest  (posted 2010-03-03 19:52:14.0)
What is the size of the LED or LEDs on the device? I would like to know the optical invariant of this source.
apalmentieri  (posted 2010-02-17 08:48:10.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlabs to Michael: It is possible to get an LED that outputs 385nm with a higher output power. I will contact you directly to get more information about your application.
michael.spurr  (posted 2010-02-16 06:25:57.0)
Would it be possible to get an M385L1 that outputs a similar power (or as close as possible) to the M405L1? Thanks.
apalmentieri  (posted 2010-01-29 11:07:15.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlabs to Michael: Thanks for the clarification. Just to clarify my previous statement, if you over drive the current beyond 1A, you will damage the LED beyond repair.
michael.spurr  (posted 2010-01-29 06:53:11.0)
A response to Adam at Thorlabs: Sorry, I actually meant 1A (silly typo). The LED is currently being run at a constant voltage of just under 5V, so it is the current that I am concerned with. Thanks for the reply.
apalmentieri  (posted 2010-01-27 09:18:16.0)
A response from Adam at Thorlabs to Michael: Typically LEDs are run at 5V or 12V. Using a voltage higher than 1V will not damage the LED if you can limit the amount of current reaching the device. LEDs are current run devices and will be damaged beyond repair if drive them with too much current. The M405L1 cannot be driven above 1000mA.
michael.spurr  (posted 2010-01-27 03:50:48.0)
Can you tell me the risks associated with over-driving the M405L1 LED above 1V? What are the likely consequences in terms of output power and potential damage and how far above 1V would you have to go? Thanks.
klee  (posted 2009-10-05 16:14:12.0)
A response from Ken at Thorlabs: Yes, these mounted LEDs are also plug and play compatible with the new DC2100.
acable  (posted 2009-10-03 15:43:41.0)
Is this series of mounted LEDs plug and play compatible with the DC2100 driver.
javier  (posted 2009-05-06 12:56:23.0)
Response from Javier at Thorlabs to booth: we currently do not offer a mounted LED with EEPROM in the 900-1500 nm range, but we can quote a special operating at 940 nm
booth  (posted 2009-05-05 16:27:53.0)
I would like a product like the M850L1 LED source, but with longer wavelength. Something >900 and <1500nm.
Laurie  (posted 2008-10-31 09:50:24.0)
Response from Laurie at Thorlabs to atashtoush: To modulate the MBLED you will need the LEDD1 T-Cube LED driver and a TPS001 15 V power supply. You will need to provide your own signal generator with the following requirements: Minimum Strobe Pulse Width: 50 µs Strobe Turn-On / Turn-Off Time: <25 µs. The maximum flash rate obtainable with the LEDD1 with full 100% modulation will be around 3 kHz with a maximum strobe effect up to 10 kHz. If you need to modulate at higher rates you would need to consider a laser driver. Depending on the driver, you can indirectly modulate to about 250 kHz. Above that value you need to RF modulation directly into the LED anode.
atashtoush  (posted 2008-10-30 15:13:41.0)
Hi, can you tell me how can we modulate this led using square wave because. what voltage and offset ..... thanks
Light Emitting Diode (LED) Selection Guide
Photo to Enlarge;
Not to Scale)
Wavelength Unmounted
Pigtailed LEDs LEDs in
SMT Packages
Mounted LEDs
Mounted LEDs
Collimated LEDs for Microscopy
(Item # Prefixa)
Coupled LEDs
High-Power LEDs for Microsocopy Multi-Wavelength
LED Source
LED Arrays
Single Color LEDs
250 nm LED250J
(1 mW Min)
- - - - - - - - -
255 nm LED255W
(0.4 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(1 mW Min)
260 nm LED260W
(1 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(1 mW Min)
265 nm LED265W2
(1.6 mW)
- - M265D2
(10 mW Min)
(10 mW Min)
- - - - -
(24 mW Min)
(24 mW Min)
275 nm LED275W
(1.6 mW)
- - M275D2
(45 mW Min)
(45 mW Min)
- - - - -
(1 mW Min)
280 nm LED280J
(1 mW Min)
- - - - - - - - -
(2.3 mW)
285 nm LED285W
(1.6 mW)
- - M285D3
(50 mW Min)
(50 mW Min)
- M285F4
(420 µW)
- - -
290 nm LED290W
(1.6 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
295 nm LED295W
(1.2 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
300 nm LED300W
(1.2 mW)
- - M300D3
(26 mW Min)
(26 mW Min)
- M300F2
(320 µW)
- - -
310 nm LED310W
(1.5 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(1 mW)
325 nm LED325W2
(1.7 mW)
- - M325D3
(25 mW Min)
(25 mW Min)
- M325F4
(260 µW)
- - -
340 nm LED340W
(1.7 mW)
- - M340D3
(53 mW Min)
(53 mW Min)
- M340F3
(1.06 mW)
- - -
(0.33 mW)
365 nm - - - M365D1
(190 mW Min)
(190 mW Min)
(60 mW)d
(4.1 mW)
(3.0 W)e
(1130 mW)
(31 mW)
(880 mW Min)
(1150 mW Min)
(1350 mW Min)
(350 mW)d
(15.5 mW)
(85 mW)
375 nm LED375L
(1 mW)
- - M375D4
(1270 mW Min)
(1270 mW Min)
- M375F2
(4.23 mW)
- - -
(2.5 mW)
385 nm LED385L
(5 mW)
- - M385D1
(270 mW Min)
(270 mW Min)
(90 mW)d
(10.7 mW)
(5.8 W)e
(1250 mW)
(1240 mW Min)
(450 mW)d
(1650 mW Min)
(1650 mW Min)
(520 mW)d
(23.2 mW)
(95 mW)
395 nm LED395L
(6 mW)
- - M395D3
(400 mW Min)
(400 mW Min)
- M395F3
(6.8 mW)
- - -
(1420 mW Min)
(1130 mW Min)
(20.1 mW)
(1420 mW Min)
Wavelength Unmounted
Pigtailed LEDs LEDs in
SMT Packages
Mounted LEDs
Mounted LEDs
Collimated LEDs
for Microscopy

(Item # Prefixa)
Coupled LEDs
High-Power LEDs
for Microsocopy
LED Source
LED Arrays
Single Color LEDs
405 nm LED405L
(6 mW)
- - M405D2
(1500 mW Min)
(1000 mW Min)
(440 mW)d
(3.7 mW)
(3.9 W)e
(900 mW)
(510 mW)f

(290 mW)
(10 mW)
(1200 mW Min)
(450 mW)d
(24.3 mW)
415 nm - - - M415D2
(1640 mW Min)
(1310 mW Min)
- M415F3
(21.3 mW)
(5.8 W)e
- -
(1640 mW Min)
420 nm - - - - - - - - Chrolis
(710 mW)
(95 mW)
430 nm LED430L
(8 mW)
- - M430D2
(490 mW Min)
(490 mW Min)
- - - - -
445 nm - - - - - - - SOLIS-445C
(5.4 W)e
- -
450 nm LED450L
(7 mW)
- LEDS450
(250 mW)
(1850 mW Min)
(1850 mW Min)
- - - - -
455 nm - - - M455D3
(1150 mW Min)
(1150 mW Min)
(400 mW)g
(24.5 mW)
- 4-Wavelength
(310 mW)
(490 mW)d
465 nm LED465E
(20 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
470 nm LED470L
(170 mW)
(18 mW Min)
- M470D2
(650 mW Min)
(760 mW Min)
(330 mW)d
(17.2 mW)
(3.0 W)e
(250 mW)
(253 mW)
(100 mW Min)
(760 mW Min)
475 nm - - - - - - - - Chrolis
(630 mW)
490 nm LED490L(3 mW) - - M490D3
(205 mW Min)
(205 mW Min)
- M490F3
(2.3 mW)
- Chrolis
(120 mW)
(50 mW)
505 nm LED505L
(4 mW)
- - M505D2
(400 mW Min)
(400 mW Min)
(150 mW)g
(11.7 mW)
(1.0 W)e
(170 mW)
(400 mW Min)
(170 mW)d
525 nm LED525E
(2.6 mW Max)
- - - - - - SOLIS-525C
(2.4 W)e
(180 mW)
(111 mW)
(4 mW)
(7 mW)
530 nm - - - M530D3
(370 mW Min)
(370 mW Min)
(150 mW)g
(6.8 mW)
- 4-Wavelength
(100 mW)
(160 mW)d
554 nm - - - MINTD3
(650 mW Min)
(650 mW Min)
(21 mW Min)
- - -
565 nm - - - M565D2
(880 mW Min)
(880 mW Min)
- M565F3
(13.5 mW)
(3.2 W)e
(350 mW)
(106 mW)
570 nm LED570L
(0.3 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
590 nm LED590L
(2 mW)
(3.5 mW Min)
- M590D3
(230 mW Min)
(230 mW Min)
(60 mW)d
(4.6 mW)
(350 mW)e
(140 mW)
(109 mW)
(2 mW)
(18 mW Min)
(100 mW)d
(65 mW)
595 nm - - - M595D3
(820 mW Min)
(820 mW Min)
- M595F2
(8.7 mW)
(700 mW)e
- -
Wavelength Unmounted
Pigtailed LEDs LEDs in
SMT Packages
Mounted LEDs
Mounted LEDs
Collimated LEDs
for Microscopy

(Item # Prefixa)
Coupled LEDs
High-Power LEDs
for Microsocopy
LED Source
LED Arrays
Single Color LEDs
600 nm LED600L
(3 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
610 nm LED610L
(8 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
617 nm - - - M617D2
(600 mW Min)
(600 mW Min)
(230 mW)d
(10.2 mW)
(1.5 mW)e
(210 mW)
(660 mW Min)
(660 mW Min)
(280 mW)d
623 nm - - - - - - - SOLIS-623C
(3.8 W)e
- -
625 nm LED625L
(12 mW)
- - M625D3
(700 mW Min)
(700 mW Min)
(270 mW)d
(13.2 mW)
- Chrolis
(490 mW)
(490 mW)d
(240 mW)
630 nm LED630L
(16 mW)
- - - - - - - - LIU630A
(208 mW)
635 nm LED631E
(4 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(170 mW)
639 nm LED630E
(7.2 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
645 nm LED645L
(16 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
660 nm LED660L
(13 mW)
- - M660D2
(940 mW Min)
(940 mW Min)
(400 mW)d
(14.5 mW)
(2.0 W)e
(210 mW)
670 nm LED670L
(12 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
680 nm LED680L
(8 mW)
- - M680D2
(180 mW Min)
(180 mW Min)
- M680F3
(2.7 mW)
- - -
700 nm - EP700S04
(5 mW Min)
- M700D2
(80 mW Min)
(80 mW Min)
- M700F3
(1.7 mW)
- - -
(30 mW Min)
730 nm - - - M730D3
(540 mW Min)
(540 mW Min)
(165 mW)d
- - - -
740 nm - - - - - - M740F2
(6.0 mW)
(2.0 W)e
- -
750 nm LED750L
(18 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
760 nm LED760L
(24 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
770 nm LED770L
(22 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
780 nm LED780E
(18 mW)
- - M780D2
(200 mW Min)
(200 mW Min)
(130 mW)d
(7.5 mW)
- Chrolis
(40 mW)
(315 mW)
(22 mW)
(800 mW Min)
(800 mW Min)
800 nm LED800L
(20 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
810 nm LED810L
(22 mW)
(16 mW Min)
- M810D2
(325 mW Min)
(325 mW Min)
(210 mW)d
(6.5 mW)
- - -
(90 mW Min)
(363 mW Min)
(363 mW Min)
830 nm LED830L
(22 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
840 nm LED840L
(22 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
850 nm LED851L
(13 mW)
- - M850D2
(900 mW Min)
(900 mW Min)
(330 mW)d
(13.4 mW)
(2.7 W)e
- LIU850A
(322 mW)
(1400 mW)
(1400 mW Min)
870 nm LED870E
(22 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(24 mW)
880 nm - - - M880D2
(300 mW Min)
(300 mW Min)
- M880F2
(3.4 mW)
- - -
890 nm LED890L
(12 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
910 nm LED910L
(10 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(12 mW)
930 nm LED930L
(15 mW)
- - - - - - - -
940 nm LED940E
(18 mW)
- - M940D2
(800 mW Min)
(800 mW Min)
(320 mW)d
(14.2 mW)
(2.5 W)e
- -
970 nm LED970L
(5 mW)
- - M970D3
(600 mW Min)
(600 mW Min)
- M970F3
(8.1 mW)
- - -
Wavelength Unmounted
Pigtailed LEDs LEDs in
SMT Packages
Mounted LEDs
Mounted LEDs
Collimated LEDs
for Microscopy

(Item # Prefixa)
Coupled LEDs
High-Power LEDs
for Microsocopy
LED Source
LED Arrays
Single Color LEDs
1050 nm LED1050E
(2.5 mW)
- - M1050D1
(50 mW Min)
(50 mW Min)
- - - - -
(4 mW)
(160 mW Min)
(160 mW Min)
(3 mW)
1070 nm LED1070L
(4 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(7.5 mW)
1085 nm LED1085L
(5 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
1200 nm LED1200E
(2.5 mW)
- - M1200D2
(30 mW Min)
(30 mW Min)
- - - - -
(5 mW)
1300 nm LED1300E
(2 mW)
- - M1300D2
(25 mW Min)
(25 mW Min)
- - - - -
(3.5 mW)
1450 nm LED1450E
(2 mW)
- - M1450D2
(31 mW Min)
(31 mW Min)
- - - - -
(5 mW)
1550 nm LED1550E
(2 mW)
- - M1550D2
(31 mW Min)
(31 mW Min)
- - - - -
(4 mW)
1600 nm LED1600L
(2 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
1650 nm LED1600P
(1.2 mW)
- - M1650D2
(13 mW)
(13 mW)
- - - - -
1750 nm LED1700P
(1.2 mW
30 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
1850 nm LED1800P
(0.9 mW
20 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
1950 nm LED1900P
(1.0 mW
25 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
2050 nm LED2050P
(1.1 mW
28 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
2350 nm LED2350P
(0.8 mW
16 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
2700 nm LED2700W
(0.15 mW
1.0 mW
- - - - - - - - -
2800 nm LED2800W
(0.3 mW
2.0 mW
- - - - - - - - -
3400 nm LED3400W
(0.3 mW
2.0 mW
- - - - - - - - -
3800 nm LED3800W
(0.18 mW
1.5 mW
- - - - - - - - -
4200 nm LED4300P
(0.03 mW
0.2 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
4300 nm LED4300W
(0.18 mW
1.5 mW
- - - - - - - - -
4500 nm LED4600P
(0.006 mW
0.12 mW Pulsed)
- - - - - - - - -
Wavelength Unmounted
Pigtailed LEDs LEDs in
SMT Packages
Mounted LEDs
Mounted LEDs
Collimated LEDs
for Microscopy

(Item # Prefixa)
Coupled LEDs
High-Power LEDs
for Microsocopy
LED Source
LED Arrays
Multi-Color, Broadband, and White LEDs
455 nm (12.5%h) and 640 nm - - - MPRP1D2
(275 mW Min)
(275 mW Min)
- - - - -
572 nm
and 625 nm
(0.09 mW
and 0.19 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
588 nm and 617 nm LEDRY
(0.09 mW
and 0.19 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
467.5 nm,
525 nm,
and 627.5 nm
(5.8 mW,
6.2 mW,
and 3.1 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
430 - 660 nm
(13 mW)
- - - - - - - - -
(15.0 mW)
(15.0 mW)
470 - 850 nm
- - - MBB1D1
(70 mW Min)
(70 mW Min)
- MBB1F1
(1.2 mW)
- - -
6500 K
(Cold White)
- - - MCWHD5
(930 mW Min)
(930 mW Min)
- - SOLIS-1C
(3.3 W)e
- -
(990 mW Min)
(990 mW Min)
(440 mW)f
(2350 mW Min)
(2350 mW Min)
(354 mW)d
6200 K
(Cold White)
- - - - - - MCWHF2
(21.5 mW)
- - -
5000 K
(Cold White)
- - LEDSW50
(110 mW)
- - - - - - -
4600 - 9000 K
(Cold White)
- - - - - - - - - LIUCWHA
(250 mW)
4000 K
(Warm White)
- - LEDSW40
(115 mW)
- - - MWWHF2
(16.3 mW)
- - -
3000 K
(Warm White)
- - LEDSW30
(100 mW)
(2000 mW Min)
(570 mW Min)
- - SOLIS-2C
(3.2 W)e
- -
(2000 mW Min)
5700 K
(Day Light White)
- - - - - - - SOLIS-3C
(3.5 W)
- -
  • These Collimated LEDs are compatible with the standard and epi-illumination ports on the following microscopes: Olympus BX/IX (Item # Suffix: -C1), Leica DMI (Item # Suffix: -C2), Zeiss Axioskop (Item # Suffix: -C4), and Nikon Eclipse (Bayonet Mount, Item # Suffix: -C5).
  • Typical power when used with MM Fiber with Ø400 µm core, 0.39 NA.
  • Our Multi-Wavelength LED Sources are available with select combinations of the LEDs at these wavelengths.
  • Typical power for LEDs with the Leica DMI collimation package (Item # Suffix: -C2).
  • Minimum power for the collimated output of these LEDs. The collimation lens is installed with each LED.
  • Typical power for LEDs with the Olympus BX and IX collimation package (Item # Suffix: -C1).
  • Typical power for LEDs with the Nikon Eclipse collimation package (Item # Suffix: -C5).
  • Percentage of LED intensity that emits in the blue portion of the spectrum, from 400 nm to 525 nm.

Deep UV Mounted LEDs (265 - 340 nm)

Please note that our deep UV LEDs radiate intense UV light during operation. Precautions must be taken to prevent looking directly at the UV light, and UV light protective glasses must be worn to avoid eye damage. Exposure of the skin and other body parts to UV light should be avoided.

Item # Infoa Nominal
LED Output Power
(Min / Typ.)b,d
Irradiancee Max Current
Voltage (Typ.)
Viewing Angle
(Full Angle
at Half Max)
M265L3 265 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 10 mW / 12 mW 11 nm - 350 mA 6.8 V 130° DC2200 or LEDD1B
M265L4 265 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 24 mW / 35 mW 6.8 nm 0.47 µW/mm2 350 mA 6.0 V 120º
M275L4 275 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 45 mW / 80 mW 11 nm 0.8 µW/mm2 700 mA 7.3 V 118°
M285L5 285 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 50 mW / 70 mW 13 nm 0.7 µW/mm2 500 mA 5.9 V 120°
M300L4 300 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 26 mW / 32 mW 20 nm 0.3 µW/mm2 350 mA 8.0 V 130°
M325L5 info 325 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 25 mW / 35 mW 12 nm 0.44 µW/mm2 (Max) 600 mA 5.2 V 120°
M340L4 340 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 53 mW / 60 mW 11 nm 2.22 µW/mm2 700 mA 4.6 V 110° DC2200, LEDD1B,
DC4100f, or DC4104f
  • Click on the blue info icon for complete specifications and LED spectrum.
  • Due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters such as temperature and current, the actual spectral output of any given LED will vary. Output plots and nominal wavelength specs are only intended to be used as a guideline.
  • Click for LED Product Photo
  • When Driven at the Max Current
  • Irradiance is measured at a distance of 200 mm from the LED. Typical value unless otherwise noted
  • This is a four-channel driver and requires the DC4100-HUB connector hub to drive mounted LEDs.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
M265L5 Support Documentation
M265L5265 nm, 38.4 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 440 mA
Lead Time
M275L4 Support Documentation
M275L4275 nm, 45 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 700 mA
3 weeks
M280L6 Support Documentation
M280L6280 nm, 78 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 500 mA
Lead Time
M300L4 Support Documentation
M300L4300 nm, 26 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 350 mA
M310L1 Support Documentation
M310L1308 nm, 38.5 mW (Min), Mounted LED, 600 mA
Lead Time
M325L5 Support Documentation
M325L5325 nm, 25 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 600 mA
M340L5 Support Documentation
M340L5340 nm, 45.5 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 600 mA
Lead Time

UV Mounted LEDs (365 - 405 nm)

Please note that our UV LEDs radiate intense UV light during operation. Precautions must be taken to prevent looking directly at the UV light, and UV light protective glasses must be worn to avoid eye damage. Exposure of the skin and other body parts to the UV light should be avoided.

Item # Infoa Nominal
LED Output Power
(Min / Typ.)b,d
Max Current
Voltage (Typ.)
Viewing Angle
(Full Angle at Half Max)
M365L2 365 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 190 mW / 360 mW 7.5 nm 8.9 µW/mm2 700 mA 4.4 V 120° DC2200, LEDD1B, 
DC4100f, or DC4104f
M365L3 info 365 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 880 mW / 1290 mW 9 nm 14.4 µW/mm2 1000 mA 3.85 V 120°
M365LP1 365 nm Ø57.0 mm Housing 1350 mW / 2000 mW 9 nm 21.0 µW/mm2 1700 mA 4.0 V 120° DC2200
M375L4 375 mm Ø30.5 mm Housing 1270 mW / 1540 mW 9 nm 19.2 µW/mm2 1400 mA 3.6 V 130°
M385L2 385 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 270 mW / 430 mW 10 nm 11.8 µW/mm2 700 mA 4.3 V 120° DC2200, LEDD1B, 
DC4100f, or DC4104f
M385L3 info 385 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 1240 mW / 1780 mW 11 nm 19.9 µW/mm2 1000 mA 3.7 V 120°
M385LP1 385 nm Ø57.0 mm Housing 1650 mW / 1830 mW 12 nm 23.3 µW/mm2 1700 mA 3.9 V 120° DC2200
M395L4 395 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 400 mW / 535 mW 16 nm 6.7 µW/mm2 500 mA 4.5 V 126° DC2200, LEDD1B, 
DC4100f, or DC4104f
M395L5 info 395 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 1130 mW / 1630 mW 11 nm 16.9 µW/mm2 1000 mA 3.7 V 120°
M395LP1 info 395 nm Ø57.0 mm Housing 1420 mW / 2050 mW 11 nm 22.8 µW/mm2 1400 mA 4.0 V 120° DC2200
M405L4 405 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 1000 mW / 1300 mW 12.5 nm 14.53 µW/mm2 1000 mA 3.4 V 140° DC2200, LEDD1B,
DC4100f, or DC4104f
M405LP1 405 nm Ø57.0 mm Housing 1200 mW / 1700 mW 12 nm 24.6 µW/mm2 1400 mA 3.45 V 120° DC2200
  • Click on the blue info icon for complete specifications and LED spectrum.
  • Due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters such as temperature and current, the actual spectral output of any given LED will vary. Output plots and nominal wavelength specs are only intended to be used as a guideline.
  • Click for LED Product Photo
  • When Driven at the Max Current
  • Irradiance is measured at a distance of 200 mm from the LED.
  • This is a four-channel driver and requires the DC4100-HUB connector hub to drive mounted LEDs.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
M365L3 Support Documentation
M365L3365 nm, 880 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
M365LP1 Support Documentation
M365LP1365 nm, 1350 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1700 mA
M375L4 Support Documentation
M375L4375 nm, 1270 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1400 mA
M385L3 Support Documentation
M385L3385 nm, 1240 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
M385LP1 Support Documentation
M385LP1385 nm, 1650 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1700 mA
M395L4 Support Documentation
M395L4395 nm, 400 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 500 mA
M395L5 Support Documentation
M395L5395 nm, 1130 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
M395LP1 Support Documentation
M395LP1395 nm, 1420 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1400 mA
M405L4 Support Documentation
M405L4405 nm, 1000 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
M405LP1 Support Documentation
M405LP1405 nm, 1200 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1400 mA
3 weeks

Single-Color Cold Visible Mounted LEDs (415 - 565 nm)

Please note that the 415 nm (violet) LEDs radiate intense UV light during operation. Precautions must be taken to prevent looking directly at the UV light, and UV light protective glasses must be worn to avoid eye damage. Exposure of the skin and other body parts to the UV light should be avoided.

Item # Infoa Nominal
LED Output Power
(Min / Typ.)b,e
Max Current
Viewing Angle
(Full Angle at Half Max)
M415L4h 415 nm (Violet) Ø30.5 mm Housing 1310 mW / 1550 mW 14 nm 15.6 µW/mm2 1500 mA 3.1 V 138° DC2200
M415LP1h 415 nm (Violet) Ø57.0 mm Housing 1640 mW / 1940 mW 14 nm 19.5 µW/mm2 2000 mA 3.15 V 138°
M430L4 430 nm (Violet) Ø30.5 mm Housing 490 mW / 600 mW 15 nm 35.3 µW/mm2 500 mA 3.8 V 22° DC2200, LEDD1B, DC4100i, or DC4104i
M450LP1 450 nm
(Royal Blue)
Ø57.0 mm Housing 1850 mW / 2100 mW 18 nm 35.6 µW/mm2 2000 mA 3.5 V 120° DC2200
M455L4 455 nm
(Royal Blue)
Ø30.5 mm Housing 1150 mW / 1445 mW 18 nm 32 µW/mm2 1000 mA 3.25 V 80° DC2200, LEDD1B, DC4100i, or DC4104i
M470L4 470 nm (Blue) Ø30.5 mm Housing 760 mW / 965 mW 26 nm 19.9 µW/mm2 1000 mA 3.2 V 80°
M490L4 490 nm (Blue) Ø30.5 mm Housing 205 mW / 240 mW 26 nm 2.5 µW/mm2 350 mA 3.8 V 128°
M505L4 505 nm (Cyan) Ø30.5 mm Housing 400 mW / 520 mW 37 nm 5.94 µW/mm2 1000 mA 3.5 V 130°
M530L4 530 nm (Green) Ø30.5 mm Housing 370 mW / 480 mW 35 nm 9.46 µW/mm2 1000 mA 3.6 V 80°
MINTL5 554 nm (Mint) Ø30.5 mm Housing 650 mW / 1850 mW - 12.4 µW/mm2 1225 mA 3.5 V 120° DC2200 or LEDD1Bj
M565L3k 565 nm (Lime) Ø30.5 mm Housing 880 mW / 979 mW 104 nm 11.7 µW/mm2 1000 mA 3.1 V (Max) 125° DC2200, LEDD1B,
DC4100i, or DC4104i
  • Click on the blue info icon for complete specifications and LED spectrum.
  • Due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters such as temperature and current, the actual spectral output of any given LED will vary. Output plots and nominal wavelength specs are only intended to be used as a guideline.
  • The nominal wavelength indicates the wavelength at which the LED appears brightest to the human eye. The nominal wavelength for visible LEDs may not correspond to the peak wavelength as measured by a spectrometer.
  • Click for LED Product Photo
  • When Driven at the Max Current
  • Irradiance is measured at a distance of 200 mm from the LED.
  • Values are typical unless otherwise stated.
  • This LED radiates intense UV light during operation. Precautions must be taken to prevent looking directly at the UV light and UV light protective glasses must be worn to avoid eye damage. Exposure of the skin and other body parts to the UV light should be avoided.
  • This is a four-channel driver and requires the DC4100-HUB connector hub to drive mounted LEDs.
  • Due to the maximum current that can be provided by this driver, while this mounted LED can be driven, it will not reach full power.
  • This LED is phosphor-converted and may not turn off completely when modulated above 10 kHz at duty cycles below 50%.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
M415L4 Support Documentation
M415L4415 nm, 1310 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1500 mA
M415LP1 Support Documentation
M415LP1415 nm, 1640 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 2000 mA
3 weeks
M430L5 Support Documentation
M430L5430 nm, 529.2 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 500 mA
Lead Time
M450LP2 Support Documentation
M450LP2450 nm, 2118.1 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 2000 mA
Lead Time
M455L4 Support Documentation
M455L4455 nm, 1150 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
M470L5 Support Documentation
M470L5470 nm, 809 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
Lead Time
M490L4 Support Documentation
M490L4490 nm, 205 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 350 mA
M505L4 Support Documentation
M505L4505 nm, 520 mW (Typ.) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
M530L4 Support Documentation
M530L4530 nm, 370 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
MINTL5 Support Documentation
MINTL5554 nm, 650 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1225 mA
M565L3 Support Documentation
M565L3565 nm, 880 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA

Single-Color Warm Visible Mounted LEDs (590 - 730 nm)

Item # Infoa Nominal
LED Output Power
(Min / Typ.)b,e
Irradiance (Typ.)f Max Current
Voltage (Typ.)
Viewing Angle
(Full Angle at Half Max)
M590L4 590 nm (Amber) Ø30.5 mm Housing 230 mW / 300 mW 15 nm 6.0 µW/mm2 1000 mA 2.5 V 80° DC2200, LEDD1B, DC4100h, or DC4104h
M595L4g info 595 nm (Amber) Ø30.5 mm Housing 820 mW / 1217 mW 64 nm 13.5 µW/mm2 1500 mA 3.0 V 120° DC2200
M617L3 617 nm (Orange) Ø30.5 mm Housing 600 mW / 650 mW 18 nm 15.7 µW/mm2 1000 mA 2.2 V 80° DC2200, LEDD1B, DC4100h, or DC4104h
M617L4 617 nm (Orange) Ø30.5 mm Housing 660 mW / 860 mW 16 nm 19.86 µW/mm2 1000 mA 2.6 V 80°
M625L4 625 nm (Red) Ø30.5 mm Housing 700 mW / 920 mW 17 nm 21.9 µW/mm2 1000 mA 2.5 V 80°
M660L4 660 nm
(Deep Red)
Ø30.5 mm Housing 940 mW / 1050 mW 20 nm 20.88 µW/mm2 1200 mA 2.6 V 120° DC2200 or LEDD1B
M680L4 680 nm
(Deep Red)
Ø30.5 mm Housing 180 mW / 210 mW 22 nm 14.5 µW/mm2 600 mA 2.5 V 18° DC2200, LEDD1B, DC4100h, or DC4104h
M700L4 700 nm
(Deep Red)
Ø30.5 mm Housing 80 mW / 125 mW 20 nm 1.0 µW/mm2 500 mA 2.7 V 128°
M730L5 730 nm
(Far Red)
Ø30.5 mm Housing 540 mW / 680 mW 40 nm 13.1 µW/mm2 1000 mA 2.25 V 80°
  • Click on the blue info icon for complete specifications and LED spectrum.
  • Due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters such as temperature and current, the actual spectral output of any given LED will vary. Output plots and nominal wavelength specs are only intended to be used as a guideline.
  • The nominal wavelength indicates the wavelength at which the LED appears brightest to the human eye. The nominal wavelength for visible LEDs may not correspond to the peak wavelength as measured by a spectrometer.
  • Click for LED Product Photo
  • When Driven at the Max Current
  • Irradiance is measured at a distance of 200 mm from the LED.
  • This LED is phosphor-converted and may not turn off completely when modulated above 10 kHz at duty cycles below 50%.
  • This is a four-channel driver and requires the DC4100-HUB connector hub to drive mounted LEDs.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
M590L4 Support Documentation
M590L4590 nm, 230 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
3 weeks
M595L4 Support Documentation
M595L4595 nm, 820 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1500 mA
M617L5 Support Documentation
M617L5617 nm, 737.4 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
Lead Time
M625L4 Support Documentation
M625L4625 nm, 700 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
M660L4 Support Documentation
M660L4660 nm, 940 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1200 mA
M680L4 Support Documentation
M680L4Customer Inspired! 680 nm, 180 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 600 mA
M700L4 Support Documentation
M700L4700 nm, 80 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 500 mA
M730L5 Support Documentation
M730L5730 nm, 540 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
3 weeks

IR Mounted LEDs (780 - 1650 nm)

Item # Infoa Nominal
LED Output Power
(Min / Typ.)b,d
Max Current
Voltage (Typ.)
Viewing Angle
(Full Angle at Half Max)
M780L3 780 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 200 mW / 300 mW 28 nm 47.3 µW/mm2 800 mA 2.0 V 20° DC2200, LEDD1B,
DC4100f, or DC4104f
M780LP1 780 nm Ø57.0 mm Housing 800 mW / 950 mW 30 nm 13.3 µW/mm2 800 mA 6.6 V 120° DC2200 or LEDD1B
M810L3 810 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 325 mW / 375 mW 25 nm 61.8 µW/mm2 500 mA 3.6 V 20° DC2200, LEDD1B,
DC4100f, or DC4104f
M810L4 info 810 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 363 mW / 542 mW 32 nm 23.7 µW/mm2 1000 mA 3.55 V 80°
M850L3 850 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 900 mW / 1100 mW 30 nm 22.9 µW/mm2 1200 mA 2.95 V 90° DC2200 or LEDD1B
M850LP1 850 nm Ø57.0 mm Housing 1400 mW / 1600 mW 30 nm 19.4 µW/mm2 1500 mA 3.85 V 150° DC2200
M880L3 880 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 300 mW / 350 mW 50 nm 5.6 µW/mm2 1000 mA 1.7 V 132° DC2200, LEDD1B,
DC4100f, or DC4104f
M940L3 940 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 800 mW / 1000 mW 37 nm 19.1 µW/mm2 1000 mA 2.75 V 90°
M970L4 970 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 600 mW / 720 mW 60 nm 7.4 µW/mm2 1000 mA 1.9 V 130°
M1050L2 1050 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 50 mW / 70 mW 60 nm 1.9 µW/mm2 700 mA 1.5 V 120°
M1050L4 1050 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 160 mW / 210 mW 37 nm 3.7 µW/mm2 600 mA 1.4 V 128°
M1200L3 1200 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 30 mW / 35 mW 80 nm 0.7 µW/mm2 700 mA 1.4 V 134°
M1300L3 1300 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 25 mW / 30 mW 80 nm 0.6 µW/mm2 500 mA 1.4 V 134°
M1450L3 1450 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 31 mW / 36 mW 80 nm 0.4 µW/mm2 700 mA 1.15 V 136°
M1550L3 1550 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 31 mW / 36 mW 102 nm 0.5 µW/mm2 1000 mA 1.35 V 136°
M1650L4 1650 nm Ø30.5 mm Housing 13 mW / 16 mW 120 nm 1.2 µW/mm2 600 mA 1.1 V 20°
  • Click on the blue info icon for complete specifications and LED spectrum.
  • Due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters such as temperature and current, the actual spectral output of any given LED will vary. Output plots and nominal wavelength specs are only intended to be used as a guideline.
  • Click for LED Product Photo
  • When Driven at the Max Current
  • Irradiance is measured at a distance of 200 mm from the LED.
  • This is a four-channel driver and requires the DC4100-HUB connector hub to drive mounted LEDs.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
M780L3 Support Documentation
M780L3780 nm, 200 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 800 mA
3 weeks
M780LP1 Support Documentation
M780LP1780 nm, 800 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 800 mA
M810L3 Support Documentation
M810L3810 nm, 325 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 500 mA
M810L5 Support Documentation
M810L5810 nm, 810 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
Lead Time
M850L3 Support Documentation
M850L3850 nm, 900 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1200 mA
3 weeks
M850LP1 Support Documentation
M850LP1850 nm, 1400 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1500 mA
M880L3 Support Documentation
M880L3880 nm, 300 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
M940L3 Support Documentation
M940L3940 nm, 800 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
M970L4 Support Documentation
M970L4970 nm, 600 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
M1050L2 Support Documentation
M1050L2Customer Inspired! 1050 nm, 50 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 700 mA
M1050L4 Support Documentation
M1050L41050 nm, 160 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 600 mA
M1100L1 Support Documentation
M1100L11100 nm, 168 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
Lead Time
M1200L4 Support Documentation
M1200L41200 nm, 136 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
Lead Time
M1300L3 Support Documentation
M1300L3Customer Inspired! 1300 nm, 25 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 500 mA
M1300L4 Support Documentation
M1300L41300 nm, 122.8 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
Lead Time
M1450L4 Support Documentation
M1450L41450 nm, 81.8 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
Lead Time
M1550L3 Support Documentation
M1550L3Customer Inspired! 1550 nm, 31 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
M1650L4 Support Documentation
M1650L41650 nm, 13 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 600 mA

Purple Mounted LED (455 nm / 640 nm)

Our dual-peak LED was designed for applications requiring illumination in both red and blue portions of the spectrum, such as horticulture. This purple LED features dual peaks at 455 nm and 640 nm, respectively, to stimulate photosynthesis (see graph to compare the absorption peaks of photosynthesis pigments with the LED spectrum). The LED was designed to maintain the red/blue ratio of the emission spectrum over its lifetime to provide high uniformity of plant growth.

Item # Infoa Nominal
LED Output Power
(Min / Typ.)b,d
Max Current
Voltage (Typ.)
Viewing Angle
(Full Angle
at Half Max)
MPRP1L4f 455 nm (12.5%g) /
640 nm
Ø30.5 mm Housing 275 mW / 325 mW N/A 3.7 µW/mm2 300 mA 3.1 V 115° DC2200, LEDD1B,
DC4100h, or DC4104h
  • Click on the blue info icon for complete specifications and LED spectrum.
  • Due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters such as temperature and current, the actual spectral output of any given LED will vary. Output plots and nominal wavelength specs are only intended to be used as a guideline.
  • Click for LED Product Photo
  • When Driven at the Max Current
  • Irradiance is measured at a distance of 200 mm from the LED.
  • This LED is phosphor-converted and may not turn off completely when modulated above 10 kHz at duty cycles below 50%.
  • Percentage of LED intensity that emits in the blue portion of the spectrum, from 400 nm to 525 nm. Click on the info icon for details.
  • This is a four-channel driver and requires the DC4100-HUB connector hub to drive mounted LEDs.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
MPRP1L4 Support Documentation
MPRP1L4455 nm (12.5%) / 640 nm, 275 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 300 mA

White Mounted LEDs (400 - 700 nm Wavelength Range)

Our warm, neutral, and cold white LEDs feature broad spectra that span several hundred nanometers. The difference in appearance among these LEDs can be described using the correlated color temperature, which indicates that the LEDs color appearance is similar to a black body radiator at that temperature. In general, warm white LEDs offer a spectrum similar to a tungsten source, while cold white LEDs have a stronger blue component to the spectrum; neutral white LEDs provide a more even illumination spectrum over the visible range than warm white or cold white LEDs. Cold white LEDs are more suited for fluorescence microscopy applications or cameras with white balancing, because of a higher intensity at most wavelengths compared to warm white LEDs. Neutral white LEDs are ideal for horticultural applications.

Item # Infoa Color
LED Output Power
(Min / Typ.)b,d
Max Current
Voltage (Typ.)
Viewing Angle
(Full Angle
at Half Max)
MWWHL4f 3000 K
(Warm White)
Ø30.5 mm Housing 570 mW / 640 mW N/A 9.4 µW/mm2 1000 mA 3.0 V 120° DC2200, LEDD1B,
DC4100g, or DC4104g
MWWHLP1f 3000 K
(Warm White)
Ø57.0 mm Housing 2000 mW / 2300 mW N/A 37.0 µW/mm2 700 mA 11.7 V 125° DC2200 or LEDD1B
MNWHL4f 4900 K
(Neutral White)
Ø30.5 mm Housing 740 mW / 880 mW N/A 7.7 µW/mm2 1225 mA 2.9 V 150° DC2200, LEDD1Bh,
DC4100g,h, or DC4104g,h
MCWHL7f info 6500 K
(Cold White)
Ø30.5 mm Housing 930 mW / 1370 mW N/A 25.9 µW/mm2 1300 mA 3.3 V 80°
MCWHL6f info 6500 K
(Cold White)
Ø30.5 mm Housing 990 mW / 1430 mW N/A 25.0 µW/mm2 1200 mA 2.8 V 120° DC2200, LEDD1B,
DC4100g,h, or DC4104g,h
MCWHLP1f 6500 K
(Cold White)
Ø57.0 mm Housing 2350 mW / 2700 mW N/A 41.3 µW/mm2 700 mA 11.7 V 125° DC2200 or LEDD1B
  • Click on the blue info icon for complete specifications and LED spectrum.
  • Due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters such as temperature and current, the actual spectral output of any given LED will vary. Output plots and nominal wavelength specs are only intended to be used as a guideline.
  • Click for LED Product Photo
  • When Driven at the Max Current
  • Irradiance is measured at a distance of 200 mm from the LED.
  • These LEDs are phosphor-converted and may not turn off completely when modulated above 10 kHz at duty cycles below 50%.
  • This is a four-channel driver and requires the DC4100-HUB connector hub to drive mounted LEDs.
  • Due to the maximum current that can be provided by this driver, while this mounted LED can be driven, it will not reach full power.
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
MWWHL4 Support Documentation
MWWHL43000 K, 570 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
MWWHLP2 Support Documentation
MWWHLP23000 K, 1713 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 700 mA
Lead Time
MWUVL1 Support Documentation
MWUVL14000 K, 235 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 125 mA
Lead Time
MNWHL4 Support Documentation
MNWHL44900 K, 740 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1225 mA
3 weeks
MCWHL7 Support Documentation
MCWHL76500 K, 930 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1300 mA
MCWHLP2 Support Documentation
MCWHLP26500 K, 942 mW (Min), Mounted LED, 1300 mA
Lead Time
MCWHL8 Support Documentation
MCWHL86500 K, 1300.9 mW (Min), Mounted LED, 1400 mA
Lead Time
MCWHLP3 Support Documentation
MCWHLP36500 K, 2064.8 mW (Min), Mounted LED, 700 mA
Lead Time

Broadband Mounted LED (470 - 850 nm)

The MBB1L3 mounted broadband LED has been designed to have a relatively flat spectral emission over a wide wavelength range. Its FWHM bandwidth ranges from 500 nm to 780 nm, while the 10 dB bandwidth ranges between 470 nm and 850 nm.

Item # Infoa Nominal
LED Output Power
(Min / Typ.)b,d
Max Current
Voltage (Typ.)
Viewing Angle
(Full Angle at Half Max)
MBB1L3f 470 - 850 nm 
(10 dB Bandwidth)
Ø30.5 mm Housing 70 mW 280 nm 12.5 µW/mm2 500 mA 3.6 V 120° DC2200, LEDD1B,
DC4100g, or DC4104g
  • Click on the blue info icon for complete specifications and LED spectrum.
  • Due to variations in the manufacturing process and operating parameters such as temperature and current, the actual spectral output of any given LED will vary. Output plots and nominal wavelength specs are only intended to be used as a guideline.
  • Click for LED Product Photo
  • When Driven at the Max Current
  • Irradiance is measured at a distance of 200 mm from the LED.
  • The LED may not turn off completely when modulated at frequencies above 1 kHz with a duty cycle of 50%, as the broadband emission is produced by optically stimulating emission from phosphor. For modulation at frequencies above 1 kHz, the duty cycle may be reduced. For example, 10 kHz modulation is attainable with a duty cycle of 5%.
  • This is a four-channel driver and requires the DC4100-HUB connector hub to drive mounted LEDs. 
Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
MBB1L3 Support Documentation
MBB1L3470 - 850 nm Mounted Broadband LED, 70 mW (Min), 500 mA
MBB2L1 Support Documentation
MBB2L1IR Mounted Broadband LED (770 nm, 860 nm & 940 nm), 650 mW (Min), 800 mA
Lead Time
MBB2LP1 Support Documentation
MBB2LP1IR Mounted Broadband LED (770 nm, 860 nm & 940 nm), 740 mW (Min), 1000 mA
Lead Time

Adjustable Collimation Adapters for Ø1" (Ø25 mm) or Ø2" (Ø50 mm) Optics

LED Quick Links
Mounted LEDs
Deep UV (265 - 340 nm)
UV (365 - 405 nm)
Cold Visible (420 - 565 nm)
Warm Visible (590 - 730 nm)
IR (780 - 1550 nm)
White (400 - 700 nm)
Broadband (470 - 850 nm)
LED Collimationa
Adjustable Collimation Adapters
Microscope Collimation Adapters
LED Mating Connector
LED Drivers
  • We offer suggestions for how to collimate most of our LEDs. Click on the info icons ( info icon ) above for details.
LED Collimation Adapter
Click to Enlarge

SM2F Adapter Installed on a M365LP1 Mounted LED
  • Integrate a Ø1" (Ø25 mm) or Ø2" (Ø50 mm) Collimation Optic with Thorlabs' Mounted LEDs
  • Adjust and Set Lens Position via Rotating Ring with Locking Setscrew
  • Available with or without AR-Coated Lens (See Table Below for Details)
  • Compatible with Thorlabs' SM2-Threaded Microscope Port Adapters

These adapters allow Ø1" (Ø25 mm) or Ø2" (Ø50 mm) collimation optics to be integrated with the mounted LEDs sold above. The adapters can translate a Ø1" or Ø2" lens by up to 11 mm or 20 mm, respectively. They are offered in versions without a collimation optic or with a removable AR-coated aspheric condenser lens for 350 - 700 nm or 650 - 1050 nm. All of these adapters attach to the LED housing via external SM1 threads, allowing them to be used with both the Ø30.5 mm and Ø57.0 mm housings.

The collimation lens is mounted in an inner carriage that provides non-telescoping, rotating translation along the Z-axis by turning the knurled adjustment ring (engraved with the item # in the photos to the left) and is locked into position by turning the locking screw on the side of the adjustment ring with a 2 mm (5/64") hex key. Lines, spaced 2 mm apart, are engraved on the housing as a rough guide for how far the carriage has been translated. These collimation adapters use an extra-thick SM1-threaded or SM2-threaded retaining ring designed for holding aspheric condenser lenses. The retaining rings can be tightened or loosened using either an SPW602 (Ø1" versions) or SPW604 (Ø2" versions) spanner wrench.

The threading on the input and output apertures remain fixed during translation, allowing these adapters to be mounted between fixed lens tubes. These apertures are threaded for compatibility with various components; please see the table below for details.

Inserting or Removing Optics
To insert or remove an optic in these collimation adapters, use the adjustment ring to translate the inner carriage to the output end of the housing. Remove the included retaining ring using the spanner wrench. If there is a lens installed already, remove it from the carriage. Insert another Ø1" (Ø25 mm) or Ø2" (Ø50 mm) optic into the carriage, and use the retaining ring to secure it.

Using a lens with a substrate or AR coating that does not transmit the wavelength of your LED is not recommended. Deep UV LEDs (wavelengths ≤ 340 nm) require a lens fabricated from UV Fused Silica, since many standard varieties of glass do not transmit below 350 nm. IR LEDs that emit at wavelengths ≥ 1050 nm can be collimated using an uncoated condenser lens, such as the Ø50 mm ACL50832U which has a wavelength range of 380 - 2100 nm.

Item # Compatible
Travel Range
Input Threading Output Threading Included
AR Coating
Lens Focal
SM1Ua Ø1" (Ø25 mm) 11 mm (0.43") External SM1 (1.035"-40) Internal SM2 (2.035"-40)b N/A N/A N/A 15 - 60 °C
1 Inch Adjustable Collimation Adapter Diagram
SM1U25-A ACL2520U-A 350 - 700 nm 20.1 mm
SM1U25-B ACL2520U-B 650 - 1050 nm 20.1 mm
SM2Fa Ø2" (Ø50 mm) 20 mm (0.79") External SM1 (1.035"-40)c Internal SM2 (2.035"-40)d N/A N/A N/A 2 Inch Adjustable Collimation Adapter Diagram
SM2F32-A ACL50832U-A 350 - 700 nm 32.0 mm
SM2F32-B ACL50832U-B 650 - 1050 nm 32.0 mm
  • The SM1U and SM2F do not include a collimation optic, allowing user-supplied optics, such as our apsheric condenser lenses, to be integrated with Thorlabs' mounted LEDs.
  • This thread is part of a removable adapter; removing the adapter reveals internal M34 x 0.5 threading. The SM1A38 thread adapter can be used in place of this adapter for SM1 compatibility
  • This thread is part of a removable adapter; removing the adapter reveals external SM2 (2.035"-40) threading.
  • This thread is part of a removable adapter; removing the adapter reveals internal M62 x 0.75 threading.
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+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
SM1U Support Documentation
SM1UAdjustable Collimation Adapter for Ø1" or Ø25 mm Optic
SM1U25-A Support Documentation
SM1U25-AAdjustable Collimation Adapter with Ø1" Lens, AR Coating: 350 - 700 nm
3 weeks
SM1U25-B Support Documentation
SM1U25-BAdjustable Collimation Adapter with Ø1" Lens, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm
3 weeks
SM2F Support Documentation
SM2FAdjustable Collimation Adapter for Ø2" or Ø50 mm Optic
SM2F32-A Support Documentation
SM2F32-AAdjustable Collimation Adapter with Ø2" Lens, AR Coating: 350 - 700 nm
SM2F32-B Support Documentation
SM2F32-BAdjustable Collimation Adapter with Ø2" Lens, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm

Microscope Collimation Adapters with Ø50 mm Lens

LED Quick Links
Mounted LEDs
Deep UV (265 - 340 nm)
UV (365 - 405 nm)
Cold Visible (420 - 565 nm)
Warm Visible (590 - 730 nm)
IR (780 - 1550 nm)
White (400 - 700 nm)
Broadband (470 - 850 nm)
LED Collimationa
Adjustable Collimation Adapters
Microscope Collimation Adapters
LED Mating Connector
LED Drivers
  • We offer suggestions for how to collimate most of our LEDs. Click on the info icons ( info icon ) above for details.
Olympus Collimation Adapter
Click for Details

Installation of a collimation adapter to a mounted LED using the SM2T2 and SM1A2 thread adapters. The same setup can be used to attach the collimation adapter to the LEDs above that use a Ø57.0 mm housing.
  • AR-Coated Aspheric Lens with Low f/# (Approximately 0.8)
  • Compatible with Select Leica, Nikon, Olympus, or Zeiss Microscopes
  • Easily Adjust Beam Collimation / Focus
  • Requires SM2T2 Coupler and SM1A2 Adapter (Each Sold Separately) when Used with the LEDs Above

Thorlabs offers collimation adapters with Ø50 mm AR-coated aspheric condenser lenses (EFL: 40 mm) for collimating the output from the mounted LEDs sold above. Two AR coating ranges (350 - 700 nm and 650 - 1050 nm) and four different collimator housings are available. Each housing is designed with a dovetail or bayonet mount to mate to the illumination port on selected Olympus*, Leica, Nikon, or Zeiss microscopes. Compatible microscopes are listed in the Collimation Adapter Selection Guide table below.

Using an adapter with a substrate or AR coating that does not transmit the wavelength of your LED is not recommended. Deep UV LEDs (M265L3, M280L3, and M340L3) require a lens fabricated from UV Fused Silica, since many standard varieties of glass do not transmit below 350 nm. IR LEDs that emit beyond 1050 nm (M1200L3, M1300L3, M1450L3, and M1550L3) can be collimated using an uncoated condenser lens; the ACL5040U is an uncoated version of the Ø50 mm lenses used in the collimation packages below that has a wavelength range of 380 - 2100 nm. See the Collimation Adapter tab in the info icons above for additional collimation options.

The LED sources described above can be fitted to the collimators by using an SM2T2 Coupler and SM1A2 Adapter (not included) as shown in the image at right. This assembly can be easily adapted to different LED sources by unscrewing the LED housing.

*Please note that due to the optical design of the transmitted lamphouse port of the BX and IX microscopes, it may be necessary to purchase a separate adapter, which is available from Olympus.

Collimation Adapter Selection Guide
Compatible Microscopes Olympus BX & IXa Leica DMI Zeiss Axioskop & Examinerb Nikon Eclipse Ti
AR Coating
Range of
Condenser Lens
Lens Item # Collimating Adapters for Olympus BX \<br /\>& IX Microscopes
Click to Enlarge
Collimating Adapters for Leica DMI Microscopes
Click to Enlarge
Collimating Adapters for Zeiss Axioskop Microscopes
Click to Enlarge
Collimating Adapters for Nikon Eclipse Ti and Ni-E Microscopes
Click to Enlarge
350 - 700 nm 40.0 mm ACL5040U-A COP1-A COP2-A COP4-A COP5-A
650 - 1050 nm 40.0 mm ACL5040U-B COP1-B COP2-B COP4-B COP5-B
  • Please note that due to the optical design of the transmitted lamphouse port of the BX and IX microscopes it may be necessary to purchase a separate adapter which is available from Olympus.
  • These adapters are compatible with any Zeiss microscopes that use the same dovetail as the Zeiss Axioskop or Examiner microscopes.
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+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
COP1-A Support Documentation
COP1-ACollimation Adapter for Olympus BX & IX, AR Coating: 350 - 700 nm
COP1-B Support Documentation
COP1-BCollimation Adapter for Olympus BX & IX, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm
COP2-A Support Documentation
COP2-ACollimation Adapter for Leica DMI, AR Coating: 350 - 700 nm
3 weeks
COP2-B Support Documentation
COP2-BCollimation Adapter for Leica DMI, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm
3 weeks
COP4-A Support Documentation
COP4-ACollimation Adapter for Zeiss Axioskop & Examiner, AR Coating: 350 - 700 nm
COP4-B Support Documentation
COP4-BCollimation Adapter for Zeiss Axioskop & Examiner, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm
COP5-A Support Documentation
COP5-ACollimation Adapter for Nikon Eclipse Ti, AR Coating: 350 - 700 nm
3 weeks
COP5-B Support Documentation
COP5-BCollimation Adapter for Nikon Eclipse Ti, AR Coating: 650 - 1050 nm
3 weeks
SM1A2 Support Documentation
SM1A2Adapter with External SM1 Threads and Internal SM2 Threads
SM2T2 Support Documentation
SM2T2SM2 (2.035"-40) Coupler, External Threads, 1/2" Long

Mounted LED Mating Connector

  • Pico (M8) Receptacle
  • Female 4-Pin for Front Mounting
  • 0.5 m Long, 24 AWG Wires
  • M8 x 0.5 Panel Mount Thread
  • IP 67 and NEMA 6P Rated

The CON8ML-4 connector can be used to mate mounted LEDs featured on this page to user-supplied power supplies. We also offer a male 4-Pin M8 connector cable (item # CAB-LEDD1).

Pin Color Specification Pin Assignment
1 Brown LED Anode
2 White LED Cathode
CON8ML-4 Shown Connected to the 4-Pin M8 Plug of Mounted LED
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+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
CON8ML-4 Support Documentation
CON8ML-44-Pin Female Mating Connector for Mounted LEDs