Chirped Mirrors

  • Corrects Dispersion Caused by Optical Elements
  • Low AOI Allows Multiple Reflections Between Mirrors
  • R > 99% for Either 650 - 1050 nm or 700 - 1000 nm


53.0 mm x 12.0 mm, Designed for Multiphoton Microscopy


Ø1", Compensates for
1.5 mm of Fused Silica


Ø1/2", Compensates for
1.5 mm of Fused Silica

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Dispersion-Compensating Mirror Setup
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An example setup consisting of two UMC10-15FS chirped mirrors in POLARIS-C1G mirror mounts. These mirrors are designed with >99.5% reflectance and a low 10° AOI to support multiple reflections.


  • Chirped Mirrors Designed for Dispersion Compensation:
    • UMCx-15FS: Each Reflection Compensates for Group Delay (GD) of 1.5 mm of Fused Silica
    • DCMP175: Large GD Compensates for Long Path Lengths in Multiphoton Microscopy
  • High Reflectance and Low AOI Allow Multiple Reflections (See Drawing to the Right)
  • Fused Silica Substrates

Thorlabs' Dispersion-Compensating Mirrors correct for the pulse broadening that occurs when ultrashort pulses propagate through an optical system. Ideal for use as dispersion management tools (e.g., precompensation), we offer them in two types: round mirrors that compensate for transmission through fused silica, the most common substrate for ultrafast optics; and rectangular mirrors designed for the long path lengths and optical substrates used in multiphoton microscopes.

Since a femtosecond laser pulse consists of many different wavelengths, pulse broadening (a lengthening of the temporal intensity profile) will occur when the pulse passes through a dielectric medium, like glass. This broadening is caused by the wavelength dependence of the refractive index of the optical components through which the light travels. In typical glass, shorter wavelengths have higher indices of refraction than longer wavelengths, causing shorter wavelengths to travel slower. These mirrors are specifically designed so that longer wavelengths experience larger group delay dispersion than shorter wavelengths, allowing the shorter wavelengths to "catch up" to the longer wavelengths.

The coatings on these mirrors are deposited onto the surface using ion beam sputtering (IBS). This highly repeatable and controllable technique results in durable thin film coatings with high damage thresholds.

For Thorlabs' full selection of optics for ultrafast applications, please see the Ultrafast Optics tab.

Item # UMC05-15FS UMC10-15FS DCMP175
Wavelength Range 650 - 1050 nm 700 - 1000 nm
Reflectance over Wavelength Rangea Rabs > 99.5% over Wavelength Range Ravg > 99% over Wavelength Range
Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) per Reflection -54 fs2 at 800 nm -175 fs2 at 800 nm
Size Ø1/2" Ø1" 53.0 mm x 12.0 mm
(2.09" x 0.47")
Diameter Tolerance +0.00 / -0.10 mm N/A
Thickness 6.35 mm (0.25") 9.5 mm (0.37") 12.0 mm (2.09")
Thickness Tolerance ±0.10 mm ±0.20 mm -
Clear Aperture >80% of Diameter At Least 8 mm x 50 mm
Angle of Incidence (AOI) 10°
Surface Flatnessb λ/4 at 632.8 nm Over Clear Aperture λ/10 Over Any Ø8 mm in the Clear Aperture
Surface Quality 15-5 Scratch-Dig 10-5 Scratch-Dig
Back Surface Polished -
Laser-Induced Damage Threshold 0.07 J/cm2 (800 nm, 43.2 fs FWHM, S-Pol, 10 000 Pulses)c 0.10 J/cm2 (800 nm, 100 fs)
Substrate Fused Silica
Parallelism ≤3 arcmin -
  • See the Graphs tab for reflectance curves.
  • Peak to Valley
  • For ultrafast optics, the laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) is defined as the fluence (per pulse) that produces visible damage after a given number of pulses. LIDT values are not guaranteed in the ultrashort pulse regime. As such, they are provided as a service to customers. See the Graphs tab for a plot of LIDT as a function of the number of incident pulses.

The plots below give the theoretically calculated reflectance and group delay (GD) of these mirrors and represent the designed performance. The actual performance will vary from lot to lot within the specifications given in the Specs tab. The highlighted regions represent the specified wavelength range of the mirrors.

Click to Enlarge

The laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) value of an ultrafast optic is defined as the fluence (per pulse) that produces visible damage after a given number of pulses. These LIDT values were measured with 43.2 fs FWHM pulses at 800 nm that were s-polarized. LIDT values are not guaranteed in the ultrashort pulse regime. As such, they are provided as a service to customers.

Posted Comments:
Audrius z  (posted 2020-09-30 08:28:56.68)
Hello, could please send me the GDD curve for these chirped mirrors? Best
YLohia  (posted 2020-10-01 03:57:11.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Which specific mirror are you referring to? One can calculate this from the raw group delay data (found on the Graphs tab) by taking the derivative. I have reached out to you directly to discuss this further.
Ondrej Novak  (posted 2019-10-11 17:48:54.953)
Dear colleagues, could you please provide us with a graph of DCMP175 GDD compensation performance over different wavelength? Such curve would be extremely helpful. I am especially interested in wavelengths from 920nm to 1040nm. How much fs2 can be compensate per single bounce? Thank you. Ondrej
YLohia  (posted 2019-10-22 10:12:15.0)
Hello Ondrej, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. The GDD for the DCMP175 is nominally -175 fs^2 at 800 nm but it changes a little with wavelength and has fairly large oscillations. I have reached out to you directly with some GDD data that we have up to 1000 nm. The oscillations become very large outside the design range. That's typical for all dielectric coatings, not just these chirped mirrors. We do not recommend using these at >1000 nm.
yuezhu  (posted 2017-12-18 12:46:27.343)
Can I use chirped mirrors in optical coherence tomography system? How about ? Which one is better?
tfrisch  (posted 2018-03-22 12:16:19.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. Chirped mirrors and dispersion compensating prisms are both used to adjust for chromatic dispersion. Which one is better suited for your application will depend on how you intend to use these. I will contact you directly about your application.
dtorchin  (posted 2017-12-06 18:32:00.957)
Individual chirped mirrors have GD oscillations as a function of wavelength. Is DCMP175 sold as a pair whose oscillations cancel?
llamb  (posted 2018-03-01 08:12:47.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. DCMP175 is indeed sold as a pair of mirrors. The oscillations will not cancel, but each reflection will add to the Group Delay Dispersion. The mirrors can be adjusted to increase/decrease the number of reflections, thus increasing/decreasing the GDD as needed for the application.
pedro.oliveira  (posted 2017-10-24 18:52:36.55)
Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to have the data for the reflectance and the GD for DCMP175? Many thanks, Pedro Oliveira
tfrisch  (posted 2017-10-30 01:55:22.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. We will reach out to you directly with theoretical data in tabular form that can be used for your calculations.
t.wills  (posted 2017-01-27 05:41:00.78)
Dear Thorlabs, Do you have a number available for the GDD per reflection at 940nm? This would be the wavelength I need to use. I am confused by the graph showing 'GD' versus wavelength - 'GD' appears to go positive at wavelengths >850nm, which means the mirror wouldn't work for pre-compensation (but I suspect I haven't understood the graph). Many thanks, Tom
tfrisch  (posted 2017-02-17 02:34:05.0)
Hello, thank you for contacting Thorlabs. GD and GDD are related by a derivative. I will contact you directly with more details, but the zero of GD is chosen only as a reference.
user  (posted 2013-08-23 10:41:42.49)
Is there a recommended maximum distance between the mirrors, a maximum incidence angle or a maximum number of reflexions to consider? Is there an app note or recommendations on using these? Thank you.
jlow  (posted 2013-08-29 13:18:00.0)
Response from Jeremy at Thorlabs: The recommended maximum angle of incidence (AOI) is about 7°. The correct mirror distance depends on the number of bounces needed. Depending on the wavelength of the laser used, the tolerable AOI can be different as well. We have some plots (for s- and p-polarization) showing the evolution of the calculated GDD in the specified wavelength range as a function of AOI. As a general rule of thumb, the maximum AOI is smaller if the laser wavelength is longer. For example, around 20° AOI might be useable for 750-800nm light but around 10° AOI might be useable for 900-950nm light. However, it should be noted that the performance is not guaranteed for large AOIs. Since you did not leave your e-mail address, can you contact please? We can discuss about this further via e-mail.
tcohen  (posted 2012-05-16 13:45:00.0)
Response from Tim at Thorlabs: Thank you for contacting us Jan Metje! Our baseline LIDT for the DCMP is 0.1J/cm^2 for 100fs pulses at 100Hz. Please note that for shorter pulses and higher repetition rates the damage threshold will be smaller.
jan.metje  (posted 2012-05-15 07:57:14.0)
Dear Sir or Madam, do you know the damage threshold of this dispersion comensating mirror set? Kind regards, Jan Metje
bdada  (posted 2011-10-12 19:22:00.0)
Response from Buki at Thorlabs: The DCMP175 Dispersion-Compensating Mirrors can be mounted in the KM100C Kinematic Cylindrical Lens Mount. The mount accepts any cylindrical or rectangular optic up to 65 mm tall. The mount can be attached to any of Thorlabs' Ø1/2" TR Series posts, which feature an #8-32 (M4) tapped hole. Alternatively, the KM100C mount can also be attached to an RS1.5P Ø1" Pedestal Pillar Post, which has a height of 1.5", and can be secured to the breadboard using a CF125 Clamping Fork. Alternatively, these mirrors can be mounted in the Kinematic Grating Mount Adapter,KGM20, KGM40, or KGM60 which is compatible with Ø1", front-loading, unthreaded mirror mounts. Please contact if you have further questions.
zacarias.garcia  (posted 2011-10-12 08:52:58.0)
Could you please tell us how and where to install these mirrors ?

Thorlabs offers a wide selection of optics optimized for use with femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses. Please see below for more information.

Chirped Mirrors for Fused Silica Compensation, Ø1/2" or Ø1"

  • >99.5% Absolute Reflectance from 650 to 1050 nm
  • Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) per Reflection: -1.5 mm of Fused Silica (-54 fs2 at 800 nm)
  • Clear Aperture: >80% of Diameter
  • 10° AOI

Thorlabs' UMC05-15FS and UMC10-15FS chirped mirrors feature >99.5% absolute reflectance over the 650 - 1050 nm wavelength range. The coating is engineered such that each reflection compensates for the dispersion introduced by 1.5 mm of fused silica over the entire range. The 10° AOI allows these mirrors to perform similarly for both s- and p-polarized light, and is ideal for a compact setup where multiple reflections are needed.

Mounting Options
The Ø1/2” mirror is 6.35 mm thick, while the Ø1” mirror is 9.5 mm thick. These mirrors can be mounted by any mirror mount that accepts these optic thicknesses. To maximize the clear edge, we recommend mounting the UMC105-15FS in a POLARIS-C05G glue-in mirror mount, which features a 180° clear edge, and the UMC10-15FS in a POLARIS-C1G glue-in mirror mount, which features a 252° clear edge.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
UMC05-15FS Support Documentation
UMC05-15FSØ1/2" Dispersion-Compensating Mirror, 650 nm - 1050 nm, 10° AOI, Qty. 1
UMC10-15FS Support Documentation
UMC10-15FSØ1" Dispersion-Compensating Mirror, 650 nm - 1050 nm, 10° AOI, Qty. 1

Chirped Mirror Set for Multiphoton Microscopy, 53.0 mm x 12.0 mm x 12.0 mm

DCMP175 Mounting Options
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View Imperial Product List
Item #QtyDescription
Imperial Product List
DCMP1751Dispersion-Compensating Mirror Set, 700 nm - 1000 nm, 8° AOI, Qty. 2
RS2.5P8E1Ø1" Pedestal Pillar Post, 8-32 Taps, L = 2.5"
POLARIS-K11Polaris® Ø1" Mirror Mount, 3 Adjusters, Flexure Spring Retention
KGM201Kinematic Grating Mount Adapter (Grating Height <20 mm)
CF125C1Clamping Fork, 1.24" Counterbored Slot, 1/4"-20 Captive Screw
View Metric Product List
Item #QtyDescription
Metric Product List
DCMP1751Dispersion-Compensating Mirror Set, 700 nm - 1000 nm, 8° AOI, Qty. 2
RS2.5P4M1Ø25.0 mm Pedestal Pillar Post, M4 Taps, L = 65 mm
POLARIS-K11Polaris® Ø1" Mirror Mount, 3 Adjusters, Flexure Spring Retention
KGM201Kinematic Grating Mount Adapter (Grating Height <20 mm)
CF125C1Clamping Fork, 1.24" Counterbored Slot, 1/4"-20 Captive Screw
Single DCMP175 Mirror Mounted Using a Mount Adapter
  • >99% Average Reflectance from 700 to 1000 nm
  • Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) per Reflection: -175 fs2 at 800 nm
  • Coated Surface Dimensions: 50 mm x 8 mm
  • 8° AOI
  • Designed for Pulses with Spectral Bandwidth >50 nm FWHM
  • Sold in Packs of 2

The DCMP175 consists of a pair of rectangular optics with >99% average reflectance over the 700 - 1000 nm wavelength range. These mirrors are designed to integrate with multiphoton microscopy setups, which typically include long path lengths through highly dispersive glass. The 8° AOI allows these mirrors to perform similarly for both s- and p-polarized light, and is ideal for a compact setup where multiple reflections are needed. 

Mounting Option
As shown in the figure to the right, these mirrors can be mounted in the Kinematic Grating Mount Adapter, which is compatible with Ø1", front-loading, unthreaded mirror mounts, such as our Polaris Ultrastable Kinematic Mirror Mount.

Based on your currency / country selection, your order will ship from Newton, New Jersey  
+1 Qty Docs Part Number - Universal Price Available
DCMP175 Support Documentation
DCMP175Dispersion-Compensating Mirror Set, 700 nm - 1000 nm, 8° AOI, Qty. 2