OEM 1030 nm Femtosecond Lasers

  • Menlo Systems' figure 9® Technology
  • Highly Stable and Easy to Use
  • Ideal for OEM Integration
  • All-in-One Solution, No Control Unit Required


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Simon Kocur
Simon Kocur
Menlo Systems
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Please note that these femtosecond fiber lasers are available directly from Menlo Systems, Inc. within the United States and from Menlo Systems GmbH outside the United States.
United States
Phone: +1-973-300-4490
Email: ussales@menlosystems.com
Outside United States
Phone: +49-89-189166-0
Email: sales@menlosystems.com


YLMO and
  • Amplifier Seeding
  • High Harmonic Generation
  • Ultrafast Spectroscopy
  • Attosecond Science
  • Material Processing
  • Opthalmology
  • 2-Photon Polymerization and 3D Printing
  • 2-Photon and Multiphoton Excitation
  • Photoactivation
  • Cell Engineering

Optional Packages

  • VARIO User-Defined Repetition Rate
    Factory-Set Value Selectable in the 50 - 100 MHz Range
  • MULTIBRANCH Additional Seed Ports
    Seeding of Multiple Amplifiers with Optional Subsequent Frequency Conversion to Cover Multiple Wavelengths


  • High Stability
  • Low Amplitude and Phase Noise
  • All Polarization Maintaining
  • Single Mode-Lock State
  • figure 9® Technology
  • Laser Output in Less Than 60 Seconds
  • Repetition Rate 50 - 100 MHz
  • Compact Footprint

Menlo Systems' fiber-based femtosecond laser sources integrate the latest achievements in fiber technology into easy-to-use products. Menlo Systems' figure 9 mode-locking technology results in reproducible and long-term stable operation. With its all-polarization-maintaining design guarantees excellent stability and low-noise operation. The oscillator is maintenance free, user installed, and ready to use at the press of a single button. In short, this is an OEM laser engineered for 24/7 operation. See the Specs Tab for more information.

Central Wavelength 1030 ± 10 nm
Average Power >5 mW >200 mW >2 W
Pulse Energy >100 pJ >4 nJ >20 nJ
Bandwidth (3 dB) 10 nma -
Pulse Width
Chirpedb <150 fs
Repetition Ratec
50 MHz
(50 - 100 MHz with VARIO)
100 MHz
(50 - 100 MHz with VARIO)
Output Port Fiber-Coupled SC/APC Free Space
Monitor Ports (Optical, RF)
Polarization Linear, PM Fiber Linear
  • Other Bandwidths Available on Request
  • Bandwidth-Limited Pulses with <150 fs Pulse Width Available on Request
  • Please inquire for your specific combinations of average power, pulse duration, repetition rate, and external fiber length.

Pulsed Laser Emission: Power and Energy Calculations

Determining whether emission from a pulsed laser is compatible with a device or application can require referencing parameters that are not supplied by the laser's manufacturer. When this is the case, the necessary parameters can typically be calculated from the available information. Calculating peak pulse power, average power, pulse energy, and related parameters can be necessary to achieve desired outcomes including:

  • Protecting biological samples from harm.
  • Measuring the pulsed laser emission without damaging photodetectors and other sensors.
  • Exciting fluorescence and non-linear effects in materials.

Pulsed laser radiation parameters are illustrated in Figure 1 and described in the table. For quick reference, a list of equations are provided below. The document available for download provides this information, as well as an introduction to pulsed laser emission, an overview of relationships among the different parameters, and guidance for applying the calculations. 



Period and repetition rate are reciprocal:    and 
Pulse energy calculated from average power:       
Average power calculated from pulse energy:        
Peak pulse power estimated from pulse energy:            

Peak power and average power calculated from each other:
Peak power calculated from average power and duty cycle*:
*Duty cycle () is the fraction of time during which there is laser pulse emission.
Pulsed Laser Emission Parameters
Click to Enlarge

Figure 1: Parameters used to describe pulsed laser emission are indicated in the plot (above) and described in the table (below). Pulse energy (E) is the shaded area under the pulse curve. Pulse energy is, equivalently, the area of the diagonally hashed region. 

Parameter Symbol Units Description
Pulse Energy E Joules [J] A measure of one pulse's total emission, which is the only light emitted by the laser over the entire period. The pulse energy equals the shaded area, which is equivalent to the area covered by diagonal hash marks.
Period Δt  Seconds [s]  The amount of time between the start of one pulse and the start of the next.
Average Power Pavg Watts [W] The height on the optical power axis, if the energy emitted by the pulse were uniformly spread over the entire period.
Instantaneous Power P Watts [W] The optical power at a single, specific point in time.
Peak Power Ppeak Watts [W] The maximum instantaneous optical power output by the laser.
Pulse Width Seconds [s] A measure of the time between the beginning and end of the pulse, typically based on the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the pulse shape. Also called pulse duration.
Repetition Rate frep Hertz [Hz] The frequency with which pulses are emitted. Equal to the reciprocal of the period.

Example Calculation:

Is it safe to use a detector with a specified maximum peak optical input power of 75 mW to measure the following pulsed laser emission?

  • Average Power: 1 mW
  • Repetition Rate: 85 MHz
  • Pulse Width: 10 fs

The energy per pulse:

seems low, but the peak pulse power is:

It is not safe to use the detector to measure this pulsed laser emission, since the peak power of the pulses is >5 orders of magnitude higher than the detector's maximum peak optical input power.

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