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Fiber Alignment Stages and Solutions

Fiber alignment stages are multi-axis positioning stages featuring smooth, continuous motion with micron or sub-micron resolution and long-term stability, which are the mechanical properties required to couple light from optical fibers to waveguides or other fiber optic components. Thorlabs offers several fiber alignment stages, including MicroBlock™ and NanoMax™ multi-axis stages. Our MicroBlock stages use thumbscrews or differential adjustors for manual positioning with micron resolution. For submicron positioning, our NanoMax stages are available with differential micrometer or stepper motor actuators, as well as with either open- or closed-loop piezos for auto-alignment. Fiber launch solutions, which include a fiber alignment stage and basic fiber-coupling stage accessories, are available for customers looking to couple light from a free-space laser into a single mode, multimode, or polarization-maintaining fiber.